1866650-MIN i-Pilot Link Wireless Remote
Compatible with all Bluetooth® enabled i-Pilot® LinkTM Systems
Screen Navigation
Speed Up
Steer LeftProp On/Off
OkSteer Right
Spot-LockSpeed Down
Home Header Talon
DashboardInfo BoxesTouch Screen ActiveArea
Display ScreenContent Area
GPS Signal StrengthDisplays the level of GPS signal strength. If no bars appear, or if the bars are flashing, the system has not yet acquired a GPS fix.Humminbird ConnectionDisplays white arrows to show when the i-Pilot Link controller is communicating with the Humminbird. Grey arrows indicate that there is no communication.TalonDisplays the connection with one or two Talons and indicates if the Talon(s) are deployed. One Icon will display in the event that one Talon is paired, and two will display if two Talons are paired. The icons will turn grey to indicate that the Talon(s) is not connected.i-PILOT LINK DASHBOARD
SOG mph
CONTROL BUTTONSHomePress to bring up the Home Screen Buttons.Screen NavigationPress to navigate the menu without touching the screen. Press and hold to lock and unlock the remote.OkPress to accept menu selections. Press to power remote on. Press and hold for 3 seconds to power remote off.Speed Up & Speed DownPress to increase or decrease motor speed.Steer Left & Steer RightPress to steer the motor to the left or to the right.Prop On/OffPress to turn the Prop on and off.Spot-LockPress to enable and disable Spot-Lock.HEADER
Humminbird Talon
Battery GPS Signal Connection Motor Time
Motor Battery t nDisplays motor battery level when prop is disengaged.TimeDisplays the current time.Remote BatteryDisplays the battery level of the remote.
High Speed Bypass
Prop Speed
On/Off Speed Control
Over Ground
SOG Speed Over Ground Displays the current speed over ground.High Speed BypassDisplays when High Speed Bypass is engaged.Prop On/OffDisplays when the Prop is enabled. Rotates when the Prop is on and the Prop Speed is greater than zero. Blinks when a mode of navigation is used that requires the prop to be enabled.Cruise ControlDisplays when Cruise Control is engaged along with the Target Speed.PROP Prop Speed Displays the current Prop Speed. Can be adjusted in 1/2 speed increments between 0 and 10.
TEMP 72 °F BRG 359° DPTH 1 ft TEMP 72 °F BRG 359° DPTH 1 ft
TEMP 65 °F HDG 255° DPTH 5 ft
BearingBearing is the direction from the boat’s current location to the target destination during navigation.HeadingHeading is the direction that the motor is pointing.
TEMP Temperature The current water temperature based on communication with the Humminbird.DPTH Depth The current water depth based on communication with the Humminbird.
Legacy AutoPilot
The AutoPilot button is used to engage
and disengage Legacy AutoPilot.
Advanced AutoPilot
The AutoPilot button is used to engage
and disengage Advanced AutoPilot.
The Record button is used to start and
stop recording an iTrack.
Select the HSB (High Speed Bypass)
button to engage High Speed Bypass.
High Speed Bypass automatically sets
the Prop speed to 10. Double press to
engage. Single press to disengage.
Lock Keys
Select the Lock button to lock the
buttons and touch screen. Pressing and
holding the Screen Navigation button
also locks and unlocks the remote.
Cruise Control
Press the Cruise Control button to
enable or disable Cruise Control. Once
Cruise Control is enabled, pressing the
Speed Up
or Speed Down
buttons will change the Target Speed
rather than the Prop Speed.
Mark Waypoint
Press to mark a Waypoint.
Press the Settings button to open the
Settings menu and adjust settings
within the i-Pilot Link system.
Press the Options button to open the
Options menu and adjust options
within the i-Pilot Link system.
Go To Spot-Lock
The Go To Spot-Lock button is used
to open a menu used to navigate to a
Spot-Lock location. The i-Pilot Link
system will only bring up Spot-Locks
within a quarter mile range.
Go To iTrack
The Go To iTrack button is used to open
a menu used to navigate to an iTrack.
The i-Pilot Link system will only bring
up iTracks within a quarter mile range.
Go To Waypoint
The Go To Waypoint button is used
to open a menu used to navigate to
a Waypoint location. The i-Pilot Link
system will only bring up Waypoints
within a quarter mile range.Ulterra t
The Ulterra button is used to access
functions specific to controlling the
©2018 Johnson Outdoors Marine Electronics, Inc.
t Only available with Ulterra.
n Only available with Ultrex.
Engaging Cruise Control1. Scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Cruise Control button.Cruise Control2. Select the Cruise Control button using Cruise Control your finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. The Cruise Control target speed will appear in the Dashboard. The Target Speed can be increased and decreased using the Speed Up and Speed Down buttons.
Disengaging Cruise Control1. When Cruise Control is engaged, scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Cruise Control button.Cruise Control2. Select the Cruise Control CruiseControl button using your finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. The Cruise Control Target Speed will disappear from the Dashboard.AUTOPILOT
Engaging AutoPilot1. Scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the AutoPilot button.Autopilot2. Select the AutoPilot button using your Autopilot finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. The AutoPilot Active Band will appear in the Content Area. Either Legacy AutoPilot or Advanced AutoPilot will be engaged depending on the AutoPilot Mode selected.
Legacy Autopilot
Advanced Autopilot
Disengaging AutoPilot1. When AutoPilot is engaged, scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the AutoPilotAutopilotbutton.2. Select the AutoPilot Autopilot button using your finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. The AutoPilot Active Band will disappear from the Content Area.
Engaging Spot-Lock
1. Press the Spot-Lock button.
2. The Spot-Lock Active Band will appear in the
Content Area.
3. To save the Spot-Lock,
select the Spot-Lock
Active Band using your
finger or by pressing
the Ok button.
4. Scroll through the 0 ft
Spot-Lock Control Screen using your finger or
by pressing the Screen Navigation button
to find the Save button. Save
5. Select the Save button using your finger Saveor by pressing the Ok button to save the Spot-Lock. The Save icon will disappear from the Active Band.
Spot-Lock Jog(Heading Sensor required.)1. To engage Spot-Lock Jog, first engage Spot-Lock. Use the Speed Down (jog
Part #2397107
backward), Speed Up (jog forward), Steer Left (jog left), and Steer Right (jog right) buttons to jog the Spot-Lock location 5 feet in the selected direction from the current SpotLock location.
2. To Jog the Spot-Lock location with the Screen
Navigation button, select the Spot-Lock
Active Band to open the Spot-Lock Control
Screen. Select the Back
Back ,Forward
Left Left , or Right Right buttons using your finger or
by scrolling to one with the Screen Navigation
button and pressing the Ok button.
Disengaging Spot-Lock1. With Spot-Lock engaged, press the Spot-Lock button on the remote to disengage Spot-Lock.2. The Spot-Lock Active Band will disappear from the Content Area.
Go To a Saved Spot-Lock
1. Scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Go To Spot-Lock button.GoTo Spot-Lock2. Select the Go To Spot-Lock GoTo button using Spot-Lock your finger or by pressing the Ok button. A list of Spot-Locks that are within a quarter mile will appear.
3. Scroll through the list of Spot-Locks using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find a Spot-Lock.
4. Select the Spot-Lock using your finger or
pressing the Ok button.
5. The Spot-Lock
Active Band will
appear in the Content Area. The appearance of the
100 ftSL0000000163
Active Band will vary
depending on the
distance between
the current location
and the selected
100 ft
Mark a Waypoint
1. Scroll through the Content Area using your
finger or the Screen Navigation button to
find the Mark Waypoint Mark button. Waypoint
2. Select the Mark Waypoint
Mark Waypoint
button using
your finger or by pressing the Ok button.
Go To a Saved Waypoint
1. Scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Go To Waypoint button.GoTo Waypoint2. Select the Go To Waypoint GoTo button using Waypoint your finger or by pressing the Ok button. A list of Waypoints that are within a quarter mile will appear.
3. Scroll through the list of Waypoints using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find a Waypoint to navigate to.
4. Select the Waypoint using your finger or by
pressing the Ok button.
5. The Waypoint Active WP1210
Band will appear in
the Content Area.
146 ft
Disengage Go To Waypoint1. When Go To Waypoint is engaged, scroll through the Content Area using either your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Waypoint Active Band.
ECN 39363
2. Select the Waypoint Active Band using your finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. Select the Cancel Cancel button from the Waypoint Control Screen using your finger or by scrolling to it with the Screen Navigation button and pressing the Ok button to select it.
Recording an iTrack
1. Scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the Record button.Record
2. Select the Record Record button using your finger or by pressing the Ok button. The iTrack Active Band will appear in the Content Area.
3. Engage the Prop and manually navigate the desired course.
4. To Save the recording, select the iTrack Active
Band using your finger or by scrolling to it with
the Screen Navigation button and pressing
the Ok button. IT0000200163
5. Select the Stop and
Stop and Save iTrack
from the iTrack
163 ft
Control Screen using your finger or by scrolling
to it with the Screen Navigation button and
pressing the Ok button.
Go To a Saved iTrack
1. Scroll through the Content Area using your
finger or the Screen Navigation button to
find the Go To iTrack GoTo button. iTrack
2. Select the Go To iTrack
GoTo iTrack
button using your
finger or by pressing the Ok button. A list
of iTracks that are within a quarter mile will
3. Scroll through the list of iTracks using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find an iTrack.
4. Select the iTrack using your finger or by pressing the Ok button.
5. Decide to navigate To Start or To End and select the appropriate button using your finger or by scrolling to it with the Screen Navigation button and pressing the Ok button.
6. The iTrack Active IT0000000006
Band will appear in S
the Content Area.
0 ft
Disengage Go To iTrack1. When Go To iTrack is engaged, scroll through the Content Area using your finger or the Screen Navigation button to find the iTrack Active Band.2. Select the iTrack Active Band using your finger or by pressing the Ok button.3. Select the Cancel Cancel button from the iTrack Control Screen using your finger or by scrolling to it with the Screen Navigation button and pressing the Ok button to select it.
NOTICE: For i-Pilot Link features that can be activated from the Humminbird, please refer to your Humminbird manual.
Scan to view the complete i-Pilot Link Owner’s Manual online.
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