Secure Com V-4408D Eight Channel NVR User Guide



OverviewThe SecureCom™ Video V-4408D Eight-Channel NVR gives users a more powerful security tool to monitor cameras connected to their systems.

StorageThe V-4408D provides 2 TB of storage for continuous local recording.

CompatibilityThe NVR supports all ONVIF 2.4-compatible cameras and can be used with the Virtual Keypad™ App or V-4408D can also be monitored from any display with an HDMI input or with an Apple TV (Virtual Keypad™ App required).

QUICK SETTINGS TOOLBARThe availability of the following options depends on the compatibility of the camera connected to the NVR.The Quick Settings Toolbar displays in Live View when you select a channel.

Manual Record Toggle recording on or off manually. Instant Playback Play video from a specific channel that was recorded in the past five minutes. Toggle Audio Press the icon to toggle audio on or off. PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom) Control Set the pan, tilt, and zoom of compatible cameras. Digital Zoom Select an area and zoom it to full screen. Image Settings Adjust the camera’s image settings like brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue. Live View Strategy Choose the video quality and performance when viewing a live video stream.

  • Real-time: Video quality and performance are determined by individual camera settings.
  • Balance: Chooses video quality balanced with performance (medium file size).
  • Fluency: Chooses the best performance by streaming with the lowest video quality (smallest file size).

Close Exit the current channel and return to the Live View.

PLAYBACK CONTROL TOOLBARThe Playback Control Toolbar displays when you open a channel.

Scale Timeline Scale the timeline up or down.Clip Set a starting or ending clip point.Add Default Tag Add a tag with a preset name to the video.Add Custom Tag Add a tag with a custom name to the video.Settings Open file management settings.Digital Zoom Select an area and zoom it to full screen.Reverse Play/Play Start playback in reverse or forward.Stop Completely stop playback.Pause Temporarily pause playback.Back/Forward 30 Seconds Skip back or forward in the timeline.Slow Down Slow down playback.Speed Up Speed up playback.Go to Previous Day Go to the previous day of recording.Go to Next Day Go to the next day of recording.

PLAYBACKInstantPlay video recorded in the past five minutes. Channel switch is supported. Select a channel, then go to the Quick Settings Toolbar and select Instant Playback.

NormalBy ChannelIn Live View, right-click a channel and select Playback. In multi-camera view, the video from the uppermost left camera plays first.By TimePlay video files recorded during a specified timeframe. Multi-channel simultaneous playback and channel switch are supported.

  1. Right-click a channel and select Playback.
  2. Select a camera from the device list.
  3.  Double-click dates on the calendar to select them.
  4. Use the playback controls to watch the video.

EXPORT VIDEOManage Backup Storage DevicesWhen exporting videos, the current device is shown in Device Name. To create a new folder on the device, select New Folder. To format the storage device and delete all the data it contains, select Format.

Quick Export

  1. Right-click the screen and select Menu.
  2. Select Export.
  3. Select the videos that you want to export, then press Quick Export.
  4. Select the format of the videos to be exported, then select the device where you want to save them.
  5. Press Export. When the videos have been exported, the dialog displays Export finished. Press OK to return to the export window.

Back-Up with Search

  1.  Right-click the screen and select Menu.
  2. Select Export.
  3. Open either the Normal or Event tab.
  4. Choose your parameters, then press Search.
  5.  Select the storage device where you want to save the videos.
  6.  Select the videos that you want to back up, then press Export.

Back-Up Video Clips or Snapshots

  1. Right-click a channel and select Playback.
  2. Create a video clip or capture a snapshot.• Create a Clip: Press Clip, play the video, then press Clip again to finish• Create a Snapshot: Press Snapshot.
  3. Click Settings.
  4.  In Video Clips, select the clips that you want to export, then press Export.

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