rotronic CL11 CO2 Temperature Humidity Display Logger Instruction Manual

CL11Short Instruction Manual


The CL11 is a precise, portable instrument that can measure and save relative humidity, temperature, and CO2 content and the temperature of the external probe.


Most settings, such as clearing the memory, CO2 alarm, alarm tone ON/OFF, CO2 display, units (°C/°F), sampling rate, pressure equalization and real-time clock can be changed with the func­tion keys.


The CL11 is charged with a 5 VDC AC adapter (standard accessory).


Connect the CL11 to a PC or laptop using a mini USB cable. The stored data can then be downloaded easily with the HW4 software. The software can be downloaded free of charge from


SET Press and hold the key in normal mode to enter setting mode
START/ESC • “START”, starts automatic logging mode• “ESC”, ends logging• “ESC”, exits the settings and calibration mode
MODE/UP • Press the key to switch between external probe and internal temperature• Press the key to select the unit or increase the set value
RESET/DOWN • Press the key to restart the instrument and to recalculate the MIN/MAX/STEL/TWA records• Press the key to select the unit or decrease the set value
MIN/MAX/AVG/ENTER • Press the key to view the MIN, MAX, STEL, TWA value whenswitching on


Top LCD line: CO2 measurement
Bottom LCD line: Temperature/Humidity/Real time clock
CO2: Carbon dioxide measurement
MIN/MAX: Minimum and maximum measurements
TWA: Weighted average: 8 hours
STEL: Operating time: up to 15 minutes
GOOD: CO2 values are in a safe range
NORMAL: CO2 values are in a normal range
POOR: CO2values are in a critical range
TEMP: Temperature
IPROBE: Temperature of the probe
%: Unit of relative humidity
°C/°F: Celsius/Fahrenheit (temperature)
REC: In automatic recording mode



The instrument is switched on automatically when it is connected to the 5 VDC AC adapter. It takes 28 seconds to boot. The time is shown as countdown. Thereafter you are in normal mode.The real time clock is shown.To switch off, disconnect the instrument from the AC adapter.


When the instrument is on, press “SET” for more than 2 seconds to enter setting mode. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“ to select the program (P60, is shown in the bottom right corner) and press “ENTER“ to start the program. First select the time format by pressing “UP“ or “DOWN“. You can select between 12h and 24h mode and confirm this by pressing “ENTER“. Then set the year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds of the real time clock. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“ to set the values and press “ENTER“ to confirm them. When you have set the date and time, the memory must be cleared. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“ to select P 10 and press “ENTER“ to confirm your selection. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“. Press “YES“ to confirm deletion of records and press “ENTER“ to confirm your selection. Press “ESC“ to return to normal mode.


Press and hold “SET“ for more than 2 seconds to enter setting mode. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“ to select the program (P30, is shown in the bottom right corner) and press “ENTER“ to start the program. Press “UP“ or “DOWN“ to select °C or °F and press “ENTER“ to confirm your selection. Press “ESC“ to return to normal mode.


The instrument starts measuring when it is on and refreshes the measurements every second.  If the environment changes, it takes 30 seconds before the CO sensor reacts.NOTE: Keep the instrument away from faces as exhalation can change the CO2 value (carbon dioxide).


You can find the CO2 reading in ppm in the top part of the display.


The humidity value is shown a little lower.


Press “MODE“ to change the temperature parameter shown at the bottom left. You can choose between the temperature and the temperature of the probe. If the external probe is not on, “—.-“ is shown on the display.


The backlight is activated by pressing any key for 10 seconds.


This instrument enables you to check the minimum, maximum, STEL & TWA values as soon as you switch it on. Press “MIN/MAX/AVG” in normal mode to scroll between the minimum value, the maximum value, the 15-minute (STEL) and the 8-hour average value (TWA). STEL & TWA re­fer to the CO2 value. The MIN/MAX functions refer to all parameters. If the instrument has been on for less than 15 minutes or 8 hours, the STEL and TWA values are shown as “—-” to indicate that the time interval for measurement is too short.


The instrument has an audible alarm and an alarm light to warn you when the CO2 limit is ex­ceeded. (You can set the respective limit values in the instrument’s settings.) It beeps (approx. 80 dB) and the red LED lights up when the CO2 content exceeds the set limit, and only stops again when the measurements drop below the set value or you switch off the alarm manually. It beeps again when the value exceeds the limit again.

Note: When the alarm is switched off, only the LED lights up; it does not beep.

To switch off the audible alarm manually, press “SET” for more than 2 seconds to enter setting mode. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select P20 and press “ENTER” to confirm your selection. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select P22 (alarm on/off) and press “ENTER” to confirm your selection. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select “OFF”; the alarm is switched off.


The instrument can record the values for CO2 /TEMP./RH/PROBE automatically and monitor the environment over the long term. The memory has a capacity of 10000 points for every param­eter. You can set the sampling rate from 1 second to 4 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. The factory default is 30 seconds.

To set the sampling rate, press and hold “SET” for more than 2 seconds to enter setting mode. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select the program P 40 (shown in the bottom right corner) and press “ENTER” to start the program. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select the hours, minutes and seconds of the sampling rate and press “ENTER” to confirm your selection. Press “ESC” to return to normal mode. When you have set the sampling rate, press and hold “START” for 2 seconds in normal mode to start the logging program. The REC symbol and green LED light up to indicate that the instrument is recording. The LCD display continues to show the real time value.

Repeat the above to create another log. When the log memory is full, the message “FULL” ap­pears on the screen. Press and hold “ESC” for 2 seconds to close the data log. The REC symbol and green LED go out.


When the instrument is on, press “SET” for more than 2 seconds to enter setting mode. Press “ESC” to return to normal mode. Press “UP” or”DOWN” to select the program and press “EN­TER” to start it. The programmable settings light up on the display.

Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select the settings and press “ENTER” to confirm your selection. If you wish to return to the main menu without saving your selection, press “ESC”.

P 10 Clear data log Note:·  donE is shown while the memory is deleted
P 11, select yes or no
P 20 CO2 coefficient settings Note:· The factory default is 1400 ppm· The value can be adjusted in 100 ppm steps· The alarm signal is on· The “NORMAL” value can be set from 400 to 1000 ppm· The factory default for “NORMAL” is 800 ppm· The “POOR” value can be set from 1000 to 1400 ppm· The factory default for “POOR” is 1400 ppm· The ABC function is on· Green LED preset to ON
P 21 Alarm settings
P 22 Alarm signal on/off
P 23 Lower limit of the “NORMAL” symbol
P 24 Lower limit of the “POOR” symbol
P 25 ABC function on/off
P26 Green LED on/off
P30 Temperature unit setting Note· The factory default is °C
P 31 Select °C or °F
P 40 Sampling rate log Note· The factory default is 30 seconds· The format is HH:MM:SS
Select from 00:00:01 to 04:59:59
P 50 Pressure equalization Note· The factory default is 1013 hpa· The value can be adjusted in I hpa steps
Select from 700 to 1990 hpa
P 60 Real time clock settings Note· Factory default: 12-hour format· Factory default: 2012.01.01
P 61 Select between 12 or 24 hour format
12:00:00 Enter the year/month/date
Enter the hours/minutes/seconds


The instrument can be calibrated either with a 35 % or 80 % salt solution. It is recommended that the ambient conditions are at 25 °C.

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WARNING: Do not calibrate the humidity without the standard calibration salt because otherwise serious damage could result. For calibration salt or other services, contact Rotronic. The one-point adjustment can cause the error code Ell or an inaccurate measu­rement. Always perform a two-point adjustment to end the procedure. First calibrate a low humidity.


Placetheprobeina 35%saltsolutionwiththeinstrumenton.Pressand hold “SET” +”START” +”DOWN” simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter calibration mode. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select a 35.0% calibration and press “ENTER” to start the calibration. “Calibration value” (35.2 % at 25 °C) lights up on the LCD display. Wait 60 minutes until the 35 %calibration is finished. For immediate saving, press “ENTER” at any time. The 80 % calibration is carried out as soon as the 35 % calibration has been finished. Press “ENTER” within 20 minutes to start the 80 % calibration. “Calibration value” lights up on the LCD display. Wait 60 minutes until the 80 % calibration is finished. For quick sav­ing, press “ENTER” at any time. The instrument is now correctly calibrated. Press “ESC” to cancel calibration without saving.


The factory defaults of the instrument are calibrated at a CO2 content of 400 ppm. We recommend that you carry out manual calibration regularly to ensure accuracy. The instrument can be calibrat­ed at a CO2  content of 400 ppm. Calibration should be performed in the open air on a sunny day. Press and hold “SET”+”START”+”DOWN” simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter calibration mode. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to select a 400 ppm CO2 calibration. Press “ENTER” to start the calibration. The CO2 value flashes on the LCD display. Wait about 10 minutes until the values stop flashing. Calibration is then finished. Press “ESC” to cancel calibration without saving.

WARNING: Do not calibrate the instrument in an environment with unknown CO2 content because otherwise calibration will be performed at 400 ppm, which can lead to inaccurate measurements.


Error Message


E01 The CO2 sensor is not working Switch the instrument off and back on again
E33 The CO2 sensor is not working Repeat the CO2 calibration
E02 The measured value is too low Place the device in a normal environment
E03 The measured value is too high Place the device in a normal environment
Ell RH calibration error Repeat the humidity calibration
E31 Temperature sensor or AD damaged Send the instrument in for repair
E32 Memory IC damaged Send the instrument in for repair
E33 RH sensor or circuit damaged Send the instrument in for repair


Humidity/Accuracy 0.1∼99.9 % / 3 %(10∼95 % @ 25°C). 5% (others)
Temperature / Accuracy -20…60 °C / 0.3 °∼40 °C
CO2 measurement range / accuracy 0…9999 ppm / (30 ppm+5 % of the measurements) @0-5000 ppm
Measurement range –20…60 °C / 10…90 %RH
Operating limit of the electronics 0…50 °C for CO2, -20…60 °C for the other parameters, non-condensing
Memory 40000 automatic recordings
Size, mm 157 a) x 120 (W)x 45 (H)
Weight Approx. 190 g
Direct current adapter type 5 VDC, at least 400 mA
PC connection Mini USB port


Order code
 AC1214 5 VDC universal adapter


  • CL11
  • Mini USB cable
  • 5 V adapter
  • Software CD


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