Amazon Fashion Selling Partner Style Guide

Selling Partner Style Guide EU:Clothing & Accessories


Alexa, what is….?

ASIN–  Amazon Standard Item NumberChild -Used to show a view of the product in the specific color for the given child SKU. The MAIN image for the child SKU shows in the image pop-up window and on the Browse page; when customers click the smaller picture, the full-size picture appears in a pop-up window. Each child SKU has just one MAIN image, representing the child product in the specified color. You must supply a child MAIN image that matches the color for every item that you sell.Lay-down – or Flat Lay is the photograph from above, giving a top-down view. Items are laid flat on the surface and facing the camera.MAIN -First image displayed for the customers. Also the image which populates the searching page. All the products have to have a MAIN image. Including Parent and Child SKUs. All color variations must include a “child SKU main image” representative of that specificOff-figure – Image or group of images without modelOn-figure – Image or group of images featuring modelParent MAIN – Only one MAIN image is used per parent product. You must supply a parent MAIN image.PT0…  – File Name of the alternate images PT01, PT02…SKU – Stock Keeping Unit. Amazon’s version of the SKU is the ASIN


How images are displayed on Amazon

The MAIN image displays in search results.X

The exclusive page where all the sellable details and information are displayed for the customers.

Types of Images

Amazon displays several images for each product in the catalog. As a seller, it is in your interest to provide several high-resolution images for your products so that customers can make informed buying decisions. Listings with missing MAIN images or MAIN images that fail to meet requirements as outlined on the following pages may result in your ASIN being deprioritized in, or suppressed from search.

Number of Images X Types of Shots

Based on tests we have conducted with customers, we recommend using a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 images per product listing to provide the customer with all the necessary information they need to make an informed buying decision. At the very least, these should include a clear front and back image of the item, as well as additional details showing all angles of your product. You could also add a ‘styled’ shot to inspire the customer and give them ideas on how they could wear the product.


Main Image

Do’s MAIN images must be a SINGLE PRODUCT, not stacks of images containing multiple products (exception for multi-packs) Models MUST WEAR SHOES on the MAIN (except for swimwear and sleepwear) Images uploaded must be at least 1,000px on the longest side and no larger than 3,900px on the longest side, to enable zoom functionality. Image aspect ratio  must be at least 190 pixels by 246 pixels

Your product images must meet certain requirements. Failure to meet these requirements may result in the suppression of your ASIN from search.

Alternate Image

Do’sAlternate images are used to show different views of the product to help clarify use, detail, fabric, cut, etc. You can supply up to eight alternate images for each parent or child SKU. The images can be different angles or views, swatches, etc., but must adhere to the same image quality/size guidelines as all images.


Dont’sAlternate images are used to show different views of the product to help clarify use, detail, fabric, cut, etc. You can supply up to eight alternate images for each parent or child SKU. Alternate images can be different angles or views, swatches, etc., but must adhere to the same image quality/size guidelines as all images.

Image uses promotional text such as “sale” or “freeship” (use the Manage Promotions tool instead) or image uses placeholders (such as “temporary image” or “no image available”)

General restriction when imaging in Amazon

If your product is listed under Kids’ Undergarments or Kids’ Swimwear, you must submit both MAIN and alternate images only as off figure flat. Shooting underwear/swimwear products on kids is strictly prohibited and subject to removal.

Imaging Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height Image aspect ratio must be at least:190 x 246px10:13 aspect ratio

Zoom Functionality

When you submit a high-resolution image, customers can zoom in on your product image on the detail page. The minimum size requirement enables the zoom function. Zoom has been proved to enhance sales. When you submit Apparel product images, they must be:

  • At least 1,000 pixels in height
  • No larger than 3.900 pixels in height
  • High Resolution at 72 dpi (dots per inch)


Rectangular or Square?How to decide the best crop for your product. Choose the crop that will display the product bigger but respect the aspect ratio of the website. (10:13)

Keep crop consistentIf the MAIN is rectangular, keep it rectangular for all the other images (PT01, PT02, PT03…). In the same way, If the crop is square, all the others images should be cropped square.

File Naming

Each image that you intend to upload needs to have specific file requirements and name assigned to it in order to ensure that the images map to our site properly.IMAGE FILE REQUIREMENTS

  • File format should be JPG or PNG (JPG preferred)
  • Color profile should be RGB or CMYK (RGB is preferred because CMYK color sometimes shows color tonal
  • Variations when displayed on the website)
  • Resolution should be at least 72 dpi
  • Videos must be in a MOV or MP4 file format (MP4 is preferred)

The file name is composed of the PRODUCT IDENTIFIER, the VARIANT CODE, and the image type.

Example of file name: B00SAMPLE.PT02.jpg

Valid variant codes

MAIN -The primary image of an ASIN is called the ‘MAIN’. This image is required and represents an item in the search results and browse pages. It is the first  image the customer will see when they click on the detail page

PT-- – ALTERNATE IMAGES You are allowed to upload additional product images beyond the MAIN. These variant images are called ‘PT’ images and must adhere to the following naming convention: PT(zero)1, PT02, PT03, PT04, etc. PT images may feature additional angles, configurations, product details or environmental shots. These images are optional.

FL-- – For products imaged on figure, we recommend producing an off figure alternate with the naming convention:

Variant CodeB00SAMPLE. FL01 .jpgB00SAMPLE.FL01.jpg


Diversity and InclusionAmazon values all forms of diversity including size, gender, race/ethnicity, and age. Models representing products should be as diverse as Amazon’s customer base

Model Pose

Posing should be natural, illustrating your product at its best. Avoid stiff and awkward body posture and un-natural forced facial expressions


Styling your outfit helps to put it in context for the customer. The outfit you style your product with should complement rather than detract from it; keep colors neutral, avoid distracting prints. Accessories can help make an outfit pop, but remember, less is often more!

Hair & Make-up

HAIR is viewed as an extension of the outfit to elevate, adding personality to the half-face crop. Hairstyling enhances the model’s natural texture, waves are loose & textured, not over-styled. Relaxed tucks into jackets/collars encouraged.MAKE-UP is natural and fresh with a healthy glow.

Hair & Make-up – Sports

HAIR for sports requires a comfortable hairstyle for physical activities. Use ponytail for models with long hair and make it visible for the front and back shot. The ponytails should complement the look and not be distracting or covering product’s details.MAKE-UP is natural and fresh with a healthy glow. (avoid shinning chin)

Lighting and Retouch

Studio-style photography is encouraged as it helps ensure an accurate representation of your product. To showcase your product accurately, photograph garments in natural or soft continuous light and avoid black and white photography as your images will be more informative in color. Avoid heavily retouched images and also do not add filters, borders, collages, and watermarks to your product shots as these are distracting for the customer.

MAIN Image Crop Guide

On-FigureFull-Length CropMaxi Dresses • Jumpsuit • Tracksuit • Pajamas trousers sets • Dungaree & Romper • Suits & TuxedoThe top of the image must be cropped between nose and upper lip, avoid showing nostrils or cropping into upper lip. Bottom of image must be cropped below the feet. A full-length on-figure crop for the MAIN will be required for products or product sets that fall at or below the fingertips when worn on a body, or dresses (of any length).

MAIN Crop Guide

Full-Length CropSuit & Tuxedo

Maxi Dress

Pajamas set with trousers

Upper body CropTops • Jumpers • Short Dresses • Outerwears • Underwear Two Pieces • Short Skirts & Shorts


Underwear Two Pieces

Short Skirts & Shorts

Waist Down CropTrousers • Jeans • Long Shorts/Skirts

Long Skirts & Shorts

Trousers and Jeans

MAIN Crop GuideOff-FigureLay DownAll Kids & Baby • Women’s & Men’s Accessories: including scarves, belts, hats, ties & cold-weather accessoriesThe garment should be shot flat using pins and liner or stuffing of your choosing, using seams as a guideline, symmetrical from left to right. Garments should be properly steamed and free of loose threads and fabric imperfections.

Off-figure Lay down can be cropped square

Multipacks and Kids & Baby SetsWomen’s and Men’s Multipack Shirts • Women’s and Men’s Multipack Intimate Apparel • Kids & Baby SetsThe products should be shot flat using pins and liner or stuffing of your choosing, using seams as a guideline, symmetrical from left to right. products should be properly steamed and free of loose threads and fabric imperfections. The products should be laid on top of one another cascading diagonally from, left to right.  The darkest product should be top left to lightest for lighting purposes, or with the print featured at the front.Multipack products MAIN should be shot off-figure

Amazon Fashion Selling Partner Style Guide – Amazon Fashion Selling Partner Style Guide –

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