USB Storage Setup GuideNF18MESHDoc No. FA01257
Copyright© 2021 Casa Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained herein is proprietary to Casa Systems, Inc. No part of this document may translate, transcribed, reproduced, in any form, or by any means without the prior written consent of CSystems, Inc.Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of Casa Systems, Inc or their respective subsidiary specifications are subject to change without notice. Images shown may vary slightly from the actual proud Previous versions of this document may have been issued by NetComm Wireless Limited. NetComm WirelLimited was acquired by Casa Systems Inc on 1 July 2019.Note – This document is subject to change without notice.
Document history
This document relates to the following product:
Casa Systems NF18MESH
Ver. | Document description | Date |
v1.0 | First document release | 23 June 2020 |
v1.1 | Added option to enable SAMBA | 1 April 2021 |
v1.2 | Added note about SAMBA version support | 6 April 2021 |
Storage Service
The Storage Service options enable you to manage attached USB Storage devices and create accounts to access the data stored on the attached USB device.
Storage Device Info
The storage device info page displays information about the attached USB Storage device.
Log in to the web interface
- Open a web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox), type the following addressinto the address bar, and press enter. or the following credentials:Username: adminPassword: <The password printed on the back of the modem>then click the Login button.NOTE – Some Internet Service Providers use a custom password. If login fails, contact your Internet Service Provider. Use your own password if it is changed.
- Click on the Content Sharing menu at the left of the page.
- Enable Samba (SMB) Share and provide user account details.Click the Apply/Save button to create a user account.
- Adding an account allows the creation of specific user accounts with a password to further control access permissions.
- Navigate to ADVANCED-> Access Control-> SAMBA(LAN). Ensure that the SAMBA Service is Enabled and click Apply/Save. Note that the NF18MESH only supports SAMBA version 1.
Accessing USB hard drive Connected to NF18MESH using a Windows PC
- Exit out from the NetComm router’s WEB Interface page and open up the “Windows Explorer” and type \\ on the top address bar.
Note – Windows Explorer is different from Internet Explorer. You can open a Windows Explorer by opening a Computer or Documents.
Important – Turn off firewall/ antivirus firewall if it has no connection to USB storage through Wireless.
- When prompted for login details, type the Storage User Account Username and Password. The example below uses “user1” as the username.
- Once you have logged in, you will be able to view and edit the contents of the USB storage device.
Accessing USB hard drive Connected to NF18MESH using a Mac PC
- On your, Mac click on Go >Connect to a Server.
- Enter the path to the network drive you want to map, i.e.: smb:// then click Connect.
- Enter your Storage User Account Username and Password as shown below and click the Connect button to mount the network drive.
- The drive will now appear on your finder window sidebar.
NF18MESH – USB Storage Setup GuideFA01257 v1.2 6 April 2021
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