Quick Start Guide Chroma-Q ®Spreader Lens Accessory Kit for Inspire TM MD, XTP/N CQINSLK (Model: 632-9110)
For use withPart Number: CQINHLMD, CQINHLMDW, CQINHLRGBWXT, CQINHLRGBWXTW,Model: 632-8200, 632-8205, 632-3020, 632-3030
QSG Spreader Lens Installation Kit Inspire TM MD, XT V2.1 QSG P/Nl: 632-0715
The spreader lens accessory kit has two volumetric light shaping diffusers (VLSD), which can be attached to the fixture to achieve wider beam angles at a given distance.What’s in the kit
Items Model Quantity
Instruction Spreader Lens Inspire MD, XT 632-0715 1 Holographic Film 20 Deg. 900-9116 1 Holographic Film 40 Deg. 900-9118 1 - Safety
Caution1. This product is for professional use only. It is NOT intended for domestic or outdoor use.2. The bright flash of light during power-up and continuous strobe effect may cause epileptic seizures.3. This product must be used with a safety cable/bond
Tools Required
Screwdriver with PH#1 for the 2 X M3 FH screw (Minimum Torque: 0.61 Nm / 5.5 inlb.
Note: Micro-lens side (dull side) should face on the inside and shiny side should face toward the outside at all times to achieve the above beam spread
- Procedurei. Remove the Bezel by taking out 2 M3 FH screws using PH#1 screwdriver, saving them for later.ii. Keeping the permanent lens in place, the spreader lens has two clearance holes diametrically opposite to match the position of the mounting holes for the Bezeliii. Add the spreader lens – the dull side facing inwards – on top of the permanent lens making sure that the mounting underneath can be reached. Tighten the 2 X M3 FH screws removed from the bezel.iv. The two provided lenses in the kit are side specific and are markeda. Medium Lens (900-9116) for approx. 42 ◦ beam angleb. Wide Lens (900-9118) for approx. 65 ◦ beam angleNote: During installation keeps the shiny side of the lens to the outside. It has been marked with the specified degree sticker on it.Further InformationPlease refer to the Chroma-Q Inspire TM MD or Chroma-Q Inspire TM XT manual for more detailed information. A copy of the manual can be found at the Chroma-Q website – http://www.chroma-q.com/support/downloads.asp
Approvals & Disclaimer
The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Chroma-Q products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end-use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Chroma-Q sole warranty is that the product will meet the ChromaQ sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted.
Chroma-Q reserves the right to change or make alterations to devices and their functionality without notice due to ongoing research and development.
The Chroma-Q Inspire has been designed specifically for the lighting industry. Regular maintenance should be performed to ensure that the products perform well in the entertainment environment.
If you experience any difficulties with any Chroma-Q products please contact your selling dealer. If your selling dealer is unable to help please contact [email protected]. If the selling dealer is unable to satisfy your servicing needs, please contact the following for full factory service:
Outside North America: North America:Tel: +44 (0)1494 446000 Tel: +1 416-255-9494Fax: +44 (0)1494 461024 Fax: +1 416-255-3514[email protected] [email protected]
For further information please visit the Chroma-Q website at www.chroma-com.
Chroma-Q is a trademark, for more information on this visit www.chroma-q.com/trademarks.The rights and ownership of all trademarks are recognized.
QSG Spreader Lens Installation Kit Inspire TM MD, XT V2.1 Model: 632-0715
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