Coopers H479i Electronlized Water Sanitiser Instructions

Coopers H479i Electronlized Water Sanitiser Instructions

Product Overview

Product Functions:

  1. Uses water and salt to make a toxic-free and environmentally conscious disinfectant that doesn’t leave chemical residue
  2. kills up 99.99% of bacteria
  3. Works on a range of surfaces to disinfect and remove stains


Please read all the warnings and instructions carefully before use

  1. Twist off the nozzle and fill the spray bottle with 200ML of water and 6 to10g of saltNote:Always ensure your hands are dry before handling USB cable
  2. Replace the nozzle but do not tighten Water
  3. Connect the USB cable, then press and hold the power button until the LED light activates, starting the electrolysis process. The LED Light will turn off after approx. 3 to 5 minutes, once the process is complete
  4. Once finished, immediately disconnect the power supply. Tighten the spray nozzle and your disinfectant is ready to use


  1. Once finished, please ensure power cable is disconnected. Never leave the product plugged in for any extended period of time
  2. Always ensure your hands are dry before handling the bottle or power cable
  3. The bottle should be emptied regularly and allowed to dry before being put into storage The solution should not be left in the bottle for an extended period of time
  4. Disinfectant can have a bleaching effect, avoid coloured and dark materials and always test a small, inconspicuous section of the material first
  5. Not suitable for use on silk or leather
  6. The solution should never be inhaled, consumed or used directly on foods

Batch No: 4568899

Product Code: P202250

Made in China for S and S enterprises Ltd 26 Perivale Park Middlesex UB6 7RL


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