Fischer Coating Thickness Measurement Instruments User Manual
State of the Art Coating Thickness Measurement
The Fischer proven portable instruments with exchange-able probes allows for non-destructive and highly precise measurements of coatings. Whether for quality control in a manufacturing process or incoming inspection of random samples or complete batches, these user-friendly and flexible instruments will meet your requirements. Select the appropriate instrument from the FMP family and combine it with one of our high-precision measurement probes.
Special features
- Fast and non-destructive measurement on steel or iron (F) and non-ferrous metals (NF)
- Automatic probe and base material recognition
- Large colour display
- Supports measurements according to IMO PSPC, SSPC-PA2, QUALANOD and QUALICOAT
- USB interface, Bluetooth or COM interface as option
- Over 70 various high-precision probes for even the most sophisticated measurement applications.
Quality monitoring on engine pistons immediately after the manufacturing process using the FTA3.3H probe.
Measurements using the internal probe FAI 3.3.150
Point coating thickness measurement using the dual probe FD13H
FMP10,FMP20,FMP30 and FMP40 Instrument Overview
Probes | DELTASCOPE | DUALSCOPE | ISOSCOPE0 | Storable meas. applications | Statistics, evaluation | Measurement strategies |
exchangeable | ![]() Deltascope FMP10 |
![]() Deltascope FMP20 |
![]() Isoscope FMP10 |
1 |
· Display of the most significant statistical values (number of measurements, mean value, standard deviation, min, max, range) | · Single readingacquisition
-r · Free-running display |
![]() Deltascope FMP30 |
![]() Deltascope FMP40 |
![]() Isoscope FMP30 |
up to100 |
Display of the most significant statistical values (number of measurements, mean value, standard deviation, min, max, range) and specific valuesTolerance monitoringGraphical evaluation | Single readingacquisitionfre running displayArea measurementMultiple measurementAutomatic measure-mentMatrix modeIMO PSPCSSPC-PAQUALANODQUALICOAT | |
Measurementmethod | Magnetic induction method(DIN EN ISO 2178,ASTM D7091 | Eddy current method andmagnetic induction method(DIN EN ISO 2360 and 2178) | Eddy current method(DIN EN ISO 2360,ASTM D7091) |
DELTASCOPE° FMPI 0 and FMP30 For the measurement on ferrous base materials (F), e.g. paint, lacquer, powder coating, chrome, copper, zinc, as well as enamel or plastic coatings on steel and iron.
ISOSCOPE° FMPI 0 and FMP30 For the measurement of point, powder coating, lacquer or plastic coatings on non-ferromagnetic metal base materials (NF) or anodic coatings or aluminum and electrically conducting coatings on nonconducting car-rier materials.
DUALSCOPE° FMP20 and FMP40 Due to automatic base material recognition and the integration of both measurement methods, these uni-versal instruments are capable of measuring coatings on steel and iron (F) and on non-ferromagnetic metals (NF). Duplex coatings (lacquer/zinc) on steel can be measured simultaneously with the values of the lacquer and zinc coatings displayed individually.
DUALSCOPE FMP40 using the duplex probe FDX13H
Features of the FMPI 0 and FMP20
Instrument features
- For magnetic induction and eddy current probes
- Automatic base material and probe recognition
- Easy-to-use with intuitive menu
- large controst-rich colour display
- Memory for up to 1,000 readings
- USB interface
- Instant measurement upon probe placement
- Audible signal with measurement acquisition
- Easy adaptation to the shape of the specimen through a zero-point correction (normalization)
- Easy to perform corrective calibration (verification of accuracy’
- Sliding cover to protect keys against unintentional operation
- Various language settings
- Units of measurement can be switched between pm and mils
Measurement strategies and evaluation
- Single reading acquisition
- Measurements with the “free-running display” mode for continuous scanning of surfaces
- Statistical display of significant values such os mean volue, standard deviation, min, mox, range
The portable FMP I 0 and FMP20 represent precise measurement technology and are ideal for samples and control measurement. These user-friendly and stur-dy instruments can be adapted to all requirements of coating thickness measurement using exchangeable measuring probes. The most significant statistical val-ues are displayed and can be stored together with the calibration in the instrument, ensuring quick and reli-able operation.
DUALSCOPE FMP20 using the probe FID3.3
ISOSCOPE FMP10 using the probe FTA3.3Cv
Additional Feature of the FMP30 and FMP40
Instrumental feature
- External key-triggered measurement acquisition, e.g. in hollow cylinders with small diameters
- Audible and vowl warning when toleronce limits ore exceeded
- Option Bluetooth or COM additional evalloble to rho default USB interface
Measurement application memory
- Application memory for up to 100 measuring applications incl. calibration ladjussment seeing,)
- Memory for up to 20,000 readings
- Allocation of readings into up to 4.000 blocks
- Date and time stamp lee blocks
- Application linking mode: Common normalization/ calibration of measuring applications
- Validation of the corrective calibration by lest moos-wanting on ssondards
Measurement strategies and evaluation
- Stored sexilicotions for measurements according to IMO PSPC, 55PC-PA2, OU/UANOD and CtUAUCOM
- Capability to enable matrix measurement mode for correlated multi-point measurements
- Averaging of measurement dote: Only the moan ✓alue of seisesl leading, will be stored
- Measurement acquisition through area measure-men: Single readings are captured until probe liftoff and averaged
- Outlier rejection settings for automatic elimination of erroneous measurements
- Pico-running display with additional presentation of the reading os on analog bar between the Seance limits
- 5.011ACS display of the most significant values in the Nock and final resuhs. Output of vorionce-ono lyticol values
- Graphical measurement display os o histogram
- Capability of entering pecan tolerance limits and computation of the associated process cocobility indices Cp and Cpk,
The FMP30 and FMP40 instruments feature additional more memory for numerous customer specific measuring applications as well as extensive graphical and statistical evaluations. Tolerance limits can be entered into the calibratable measuring applications and the production process can be analyzed statistically.
DUALSCOPF FMP40 using the probe FGAB 1.3 and support stand V12 BASE – measuring ports with position accuracy
ISOSCOPE FMP30 using probe FTA3.3H
DELTASCOPE FMP30 using dual-tip probe V7FKB4
DUALSCOPE FMP40 using probe FD13H
Versatile Probes Program and Ordering Information
Probe program The extensive selection of FISCHER probes is as versatile as the measurement applications of our customers. A probe needs specific properties for each field of appli-cation for achieving best results with a high accuracy. Over 70 probes can be connected to the instrument family FMP I 0 to FMP40. Thus, you can solve even the most sophisticated measurement tasks.
Probe selection based on several criteria
- Material combination of coating and base material
- Thickness of coating and base material
- Dimension of the measurement area
- Shape of the specimen
- Surface condition of the measurement area
Call us
We are happy to consult you on the matter of choosing the right probe for your individual application.
Ordering information | Order no. |
DELTASCOPE® FMP10 | 605-021 |
ISOSCOPE® FMP10 | 605-027 |
DUALSCOPE® FMP20 | 605-023 |
DELTASCOPE® FMP30 | 605-022 |
ISOSCOPE® FMP30 | 605-028 |
DUALSCOPE® FMP40 | 605-024 |
Standard content of instrument shipment
- Instrument
- Short form operator’s manual, print version
- Support CD with evaluation and archiving software DataCenter, USB drivers and operator’s manual
- Carrying strap FMP
- USB interface cable FMP/ PC
- Battery set FMP (Alkaline)
- Carrying case FMP only for FMP30 and FMP40 instruments
Optional accessories | Order no. |
Carrying case FMP | 604-148 |
Adapter E-probe/F-socket | 604-214
AC adapter FMP30 and FMP40 | 604-290 |
Rechargeable battery set FMP (NiMH) | 604-295 |
Charger AA/Mignon | 604-335 |
Measurement stand V12 BASE | 604-420 |
Measurement stand V12 MOT (motor-driven) | 604-374
Bluetooth Module for wireless
data transfer |
604-480 |
COM Module FMP30/FMP40,
RS232 interface |
604-500 |
Interface connection set for COM Module Protective cover for instrument | 602-341
604-149 |
FISCHER Services
Service worldwide
FISCHER has established a tightly-linked global network of service partners with highly qualified staff. Offering Fast help, repairing and the availability of leasing and rental units, FISCHER supports you in every respect concerning your instruments and their use.
Calibration and certification
On your request Fischer issues a Quality Inspection Certificate for your probe and instrument according to DIN 55350-18. A broad assortment of calibration foils is available from FISCHER. On your request FISCHER issues a Factory Certificate for your calibration Foil.
Application laboratories
More and more, demanding applications require highly qualified application advice. FISCHER addresses this need with its application laboratories located around the world (Germany, Switzerland, China, USA, India, Japan and Singapore).
Measuring on a customer speciman in a FISCHER application laboratory.
User on-site training
With our training program we make your employees fit on-site for your measuring task. Our trainer takes account of your individual requirements and wishes.
User training fa the DUMSCOPEP FMP100 on-sire or the customer’s
Because we want you to receive maximum benefit from our products, FISCHER’s experts are happy to share their application know-how. The seminars not only teach metrological basics but also hand-on experience in small groups to put the theory into practice.
A FISCHER seminar teaches metrological basics and practical knowledge in small groups.
FISCHER Worldwide
Helmut Fischer GmbHInstitut fiir Elektronik and Messtechnik 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany
IfG-Institute for Scientific Instruments GmbH 12489 Berlin, Germany
Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd Lymington, Hampshire 5041 8JD, England
Fischer Technology, Inc. Windsor, CT 06095, USA
Helmut Fischer S. de R.L. de C.V. 76230 Queretaro, QRO, Mexico
Helmut Fischer AG and Helmut Fischer Technologie AG CH-6331 Hiinenberg, Switzerland
Fischer Instrumentation Electronique 78180 Montigny le Bretonneux, France
Helmut Fischer S.R.L. 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (Milano), Italy Fischer Instruments, S.A. 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Helmut Fischer Meettechniek B.V. 5627 GB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Fischer do Brasil 04561.001 sao Paulo, Brazil
Fischer Instrumentation (Taiwan) Ltd Taipei City 11493, Taiwan
Fischer Instruments K.K. Saitama-ken 340-0012, Japan
Nantong Fischer Instrumentation Ltd Shanghai 200333, P.R. China
Fischer Instrumentation (Far East) Ltd Kwoi Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Fischer Measurement Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd Pune 411036, India
Fischer Instrumentation (5) Pte Ltd Singapore 658065, Singapore
Helmut Fischer Korea Co., Ltd Seoul City, Republic of Korea Fischer Technology (M) SDN Bhd 47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Helmut Fischer Thailand Co., Ltd Bangkok 10250, Thailand
Fischer Instruments Middle East FZE P.O.Box Dubai 371100, United Arab Emirates
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