Intelligent Smoke AlarmProduct reference: frientnumber1
Product description
The Intelligent Smoke Alarm will warn you about smoke using a loud siren. While away, you will get an instant notification in case of fire.The Intelligent Smoke Alarm will report the status and temperature every two minutes. The Intelligent Smoke Alarm is designed for private homes, camping trailers, mobile homes, and caravans. It is not recommended for boats.
- Do not remove the product label as it contains important information.
- Do not paint the alarm.
- Avoid placing the Intelligent Smoke Alarm in dusty rooms.
- Do not place the alarm in a kitchen, garage, or in other places where damp, gases and smoke naturally occur.
Getting started
- Pull out the battery isolation strip as shown.
- The Intelligent Smoke Alarm will now start searching (up to 15 minutes) for a Zigbee network to join.
- Make sure that the Zigbee network is open for joining devices and will accept the Intelligent Smoke Alarm.
- While the Intelligent Smoke Alarm is searching for a Zigbee network to join, the LED button flashes red.
- When the LED button stops flashing, the Intelligent Smoke Alarm has successfully joined the Zigbee network.
- Place the Intelligent Smoke Alarm indoors at a temperature between 0-50*C.
- It is important to place Intelligent SmokeAlarms in bedrooms and on exit routes.
- The distance between the IntelligenSmoke Alarm and walls, ventilation, or other obstacles, should be at least 50 cm.
- The distance between the alarm and a fireplace or stove should be at least 4 meters.
- Rooms larger than 80 m2 require several intelligent Smoke Alarms in order to sustain full fire safety.
- The alarm should be placed within reach for battery testing and maintenance.
- The alarm should not be placed at the top of high pointed ceilings or in-ceiling corners or within 50 cm of a wall.
CEILING PLACEMENTThe Intelligent Smoke Alarm should be a minimum of 50 cm from the wall.
WALL PLACEMENTThe Intelligent Smoke Alarm should be between 30 and 50 cm from the ceiling.
There should be at least one Intelligent Smoke Alarm per floor and a maximum distance between Intelligent Smoke Alarms of 10 meters.
- Detach the alarm from the mounting base by twisting counterclockwise.
- Use the mounting base ring to mark the screw holes on the ceiling or on the wall.
- Use enclosed screws and plugs to install the mounting base in the marked position
- If the battery is missing or inserted incorrectly, it will be impossible to attach the alarm to the mounting base.
- Attach the alarm by twisting clockwise until it clicks.
- Always test the working order of the Intelligent Smoke Alarm after installation or a battery change.
- When pressing the alarm button, the alarm sound should be heard.
- A network alarm test can be performed by holding down the alarm button for at least 6.5 seconds (count 2 sets of 3 sound sweeps).
- A test message will be sent over the Zigbee network.
- Test all of your alarms once a week to ensure they are functioning correctly.
Resetting is needed if you want to connect your Intelligent Smoke Alarm to another gateway or if you need to perform a factory reset to eliminate abnormal behavior.STEPS FOR RESETTING
- Detach the alarm from the mounting base by twisting it counter-clockwise.
- Press and hold the LED button.
- While you are holding the button down, the LED first flashes once, then two times in a row, and finally numerous times in a row.
- Release the button while the LED is flashing numerous times in a row.
- After you release the button, the LED shows one long flash, and the reset is completed.
SEARCHING GATEWAY MODERed LED light in the back of the device is flashing every second (up to 15 minutes)NORMAL MODEThe front LED is flashing every 45 seconds.ALARM MODEWhen smoke is detected, the LED will speed up flashes, and simultaneously, the device will emit a loud alarm sound. Press the button/top of the alarm to acknowledge and stop the siren. The following 10 minutes, it will block alarms, allowing time to ventilate the smoke.LOW BATTERY MODESimultaneous audible signals and front LED flashes every 45 seconds to mean that the battery should be replaced.REPLACE DEVICE MODEWhen audible signals and front LED flashes are not simultaneous, the device should be replaced. The life expectancy of Intelligent Smoke Alarms is generally 10 years, after which their sensors begin to lose sensitivity.
Fault finding & cleaning
- Dust particles in the smoke chamber can be removed by vacuuming the mesh.
- High humidity condensing can be resolved by drying the Intelligent Smoke Alarm.
- If the Intelligent Smoke Alarm does not work when the test button is pushed, the probable cause is a faulty battery. Replace the battery if it is worn out.
- In case of a bad or weak signal, change the location of the Intelligent Smoke Alarm.Otherwise, you can relocate your gateway or strengthen the signal with a smart plug.
- If the search for a gateway has timed out, a short press on the LED button will restart it.
Battery replacement
CAUTION: RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERIES ARE REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF THE BATTERIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS.CAUTION: When removing cover for battery change – Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can harm electronic components inside.
- To replace the battery, detach the Intelligent Smoke Alarm from the mounting base by twisting counter-clockwise.
- Replace the battery respecting the polarities. The Intelligent Smoke Alarm uses a 1xCR123 battery.
- Attach the alarm in the mounting base by twisting clockwise until it clicks, and test the alarm.
Dispose of the product and battery properly at the end of life. This is electronic waste, which should be recycled.Other information
- Note local country regulations regarding installation of mains-powered alarms in new buildings.
- Note local regulations about information to your insurance company regarding installed Intelligent Smoke Alarms.
CE certification
The CE mark affixed to this product confirms its compliance with the European Directives which apply to the product and, in particular, its compliance with the harmonized specifications of standard EN14604:2005/ AC:2008 relating to Construction Products Regulation 305/2011.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIRECTIVES
- Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU
- RoHS Directive 2015/863/EU amending 2011/65/EU
Other certifications
Zigbee 3.0 certified.
All rights reserved.friend A/S assumes no responsibility for any errors, which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, frient A/S reserves the right to alter the hardware, software, and/or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and friend A/S does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. All the trademarks listed herein are owned by their respective owners.
Copyright © frient A/SDistributed by frient A/STangen 68200 Aarhus NDenmarkwww.frient.comIntelligent Smoke Alarm manufactured byCAVIUS ApsJulsøvej 168660 SilkeborgDenmark.Manufactured in P.R.C.
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