handicare AP-450 Portable Ceiling Lift User Guide

handicare AP-450 Portable Ceiling Lift

Charge the LiftBefore initial use, the lift unit must be charged for 5 hours.Attach the hand control to the back of the lift then charge the lift through the hand controls IV port barrel as shown.

Get Lift ReadyMake sure the Emergency On/Off , switch on the back of the lift is positioned to the “ON” position.

Turn On the LiftPress any button on the hand control to turn the lift on.

Turn Off the LiftThe lift automatically shuts off after approximately 5 minutes of non-use.

In an emergency, the lift can also be shut off by positioning the Emergency On/Off switch to the “OFF” position.

Hand Control Operation

Toe AP-450 lift hand control:

  • Controls lift motion
  • Presents active lift status display
  • Provides usage data and diagnostics.

Alternatively, you can also push the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons on the front membrane of the AP-450 to lift and lower the patient.

Transfer an Individual

  • Never drag the lift along the track by pulling with the hand control.
  • Avoid any obstructions that may cause injury to the individual in the sling or damage to the lift.

The hand control can also be attached to the lift when not in use. Simply slide the hand control downwards onto the clip located on the top cover to secure it and slide upwards to release it.

Emergency Stop

Toe lift unit has an Emergency Shut-off feature so that in an emergency the operator can completely cut power to the lift.

AP-450 Ceiling LiftToe AP-450 is a lifting aid used by health care professionals and caregivers in homes, institutions, and long term care facilities to lift, position and transfer clients or a disabled family member. Functions such as lifting up or down are controlled by pressing buttons on the digital hand control attached to the lift.


  • Before using the AP-450 lift system, check the lift, track, and sling for any unusual wear or damage.Refer to the owner’s manual for each piece of additional equipment to determine what should be checked. If anything looks unusual, contact your local Handicare dealer before use. Failure to check the lift could result in damage to the lift or serious
  • Injury to the operator or the Individual being lifted. Failure to comply with warnings In this Quick Start Guide may result In Injury to the operator or the individual being lifted or transferred, as well as damage to the lift and related components. If you have any questions after reviewing this guide, contact your local authorized Handicare dealer.
  • Prior to attempting these steps, review the Instructions for all parts and accessories; Contact your local authorized Handicare dealer If you have any questions or concerns.

Handicare USA Is quality certified in accordance with ISO 13485

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