You no longer have to journey for arelaxing natural experience. A Mirrasoothing fountain from HoMedics lets youconnect to that same elemental calm bybringing the sounds of the outdoors intoyour personal setting.
Natural water soundsSoothing sounds create a relaxing ambience.Unique lightingWarm glow enhances any environment.Convenient tabletop size8″ x 8″ x 7″ for an easy fit on most surfaces.Adapter voltage120 VAC, 60Hz
A – Fountain topB – Fountain bottomC – PumpD – AdapterE – Rocks
www.homedics.com US: 1-800-466-3342 CAN: 1-888-225-7378
Instructions1. Familiarize yourself with the pump. The switch located atthe front of the pump controls the pump speed. The speedis indicated by a plus (+) and minus (-) sign. To increase thespeed, move the switch slowly to the left in the directionof the plus sign. At its highest speed level, the switch willcease to move any farther. To decrease the pump speedfor less water flow, move the switch to the right towardthe minus sign. Similarly, at its lowest speed, the switch willcease to move any farther.2. Connect the male and female parts of the LED lightconnector and twist cap tightly.3. Insert the tube into the pump.4. Fill base with water up to the fill line. Keep the water filled tothe suggested level at all times for optimum performance.5. Set the fountain top onto the base.6. Rinse the rocks with water. Arrange the rocks onthe platform.7. Attach the AC adapter jack to the base power cord.DO NOT plug into an outlet at this time.8. Set the fountain on a level, waterproof surface.9. Plug the cord into a 120V household outlet. The switchlocated on the power cord controls the fountain. If thepump doesn’t operate, click the power button once toturn the fountain on and once more to turn off.NOTE: Ensure that the electrical cord loops below theelectrical outlet to form a “drip loop.” This will prevent waterfrom running down the cord into the electrical outlet.10. For the best results, operate with the pump completelysubmerged. Keep the water level at the fill line at all times.
1. To clean the pump: Unplug from electrical outlet. Use asmall brush or stream of water to remove any debris.2. To keep water clean: Periodically change the water andclean the product according to the water condition. Overtime, fountain water and the fountain itself become dirty.We suggest cleaning and exchanging water weekly toincrease the longevity of the fountain.3. To clean off hard water deposits on the base: Soak thebase in a mixture of vinegar and water to clean andremove any mineral buildup.4. Keep water at an optimum level: Add water periodicallyto keep it at an optimum level to avoid shortening the lifeof the pump. Never let the pump run dry.5. Fountain storage: Unplug the fountain from the electricaloutlet, empty the water, dry the fountain, and store rocksand fountain in a cool, dry place.
READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING.• Always place fountain on a firm, flat surface. Due tothe imperfect edges that are inherent to our naturalstone fountains, water may splash outside the baseof the unit. Therefore, we strongly recommend thatyou place your fountain and fountain parts on awaterproof surface or that you cover the surfacewith a waterproof barrier.• DO NOT place on any surface that can be damagedby water.• DO NOT reach for a unit that has fallen into water.Unplug it immediately.• DO NOT place or drop into water or other liquids.• DO NOT use water above 86°F.• Use this unit only for its intended purpose as describedin this document, the Quick–Start Guide and UserGuide.• DO NOT use attachments not recommended byMIRRA or HoMedics; specifically, any attachmentsnot provided with this unit.• NEVER drop or insert any object into any opening.• DO NOT place the fountain near heat sources, suchas a stove.• Always keep the cord away from high temperatureand fire.• To disconnect, turn all controls to the off position,then remove the plug from the outlet.• DO NOT use outdoors. For indoor use only.• Never cover the unit while it is operating.• Perform regular maintenance on the fountain.• Never use detergent to clean the fountain.• Never clean the fountain by scraping with a hardobject.• DO NOT attempt to adjust or repair the unit. Servicingmust be performed by professional, qualifiedpersonnel.• Stop using this unit if there is an unusual noise or smell.• Unplug this unit when not in use for a long period oftime.• DO NOT clean, adjust, or move the fountain, orplace hands into the water of the fountain withoutfirst unplugging it from the electrical outlet.• Keep this unit out of reach of children.• Never let the pump run dry, as this will shorten the lifeof the pump.• Operate pump completely submerged for propercooling.• To ensure quiet operation of pump, you must rinseoff all surfaces of your fountain, including the rocks(if provided with your model) before using the firsttime. Any dirt or residue that remains on the fountainsurface may obstruct the water flow through yourpump, thereby causing unnecessary noise.• DO NOT carry this appliance by the power cord oruse the cord as a handle.• Operate with tap or distilled water.• The pump must be completely submerged in water.If the pump is making noises, most likely it is notcompletely submerged in water.• The electric cord of this product cannot be replaced.If it sustains damages, you must stop using theproduct immediately and contact MIRRA ConsumerRelations (see Warranty section for ConsumerRelations contact information).
CONTACT USQuestions or concerns? We’re here to help. Contact aConsumer Relations representative by phone or emailto help answer any questions. Please be sure to havethe model number of your product available.
For service in the USAemail: phone: 1-800-466-33428:30am–7:00pm EST Monday–Friday
For service in Canadaemail: phone: 1-888-225-73788:30am–5:00pm EST Monday–Friday
For detailed warranty instructions,visit www.homedics.com.To obtain warranty service on your Mirra product,contact a Consumer Relations representative by thetelephone number or email address for your countryof residence. Please make sure to have the modelnumber of the product available.
For service in the USAemail: phone: 1-800-466-33428:30am–7:00pm EST Monday–Friday
For service in Canadaemail: phone: 1-888-225-73788:30am–5:00pm EST Monday–Friday
IB-WFL530 | ©2018 HoMedics, LLC.All rights reserved. | Tous droits réservés. | Todo derechos reservados.Mirra is a trademark of HoMedics, LLC. | HoMedics is a registered trademark of HoMedics, LLC.To register your product, visit us online.
Homedics WFL-530 Murra Tide Relaxation Fountain Instruction Manual and Warranty Information – Homedics WFL-530 Murra Tide Relaxation Fountain Instruction Manual and Warranty Information –
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