Before using it for the first time

Products made of wood are easier to keep clean and free from grease marks if they are treated with oil before using for the first time. This will also improve the wood’s natural resistance to moisture. Use an oil that is suitable for contact with food, for instance, vegetable oil. Oil the chopping board once, on both sides, and wipe off any surplus. Repeat the treatment 24 hours later. This should be repeated regularly, at least 5-6 times per year.

Cleaning and maintenance

  • Clean the chopping board by wiping with a damp cloth or scrubbing with a brush, warm water, and mild soap. Do not soak the board or leave it in water for a prolonged period of time. This can cause cracks in the wood. To avoid warping, use both sides of the board.
  • Dry the chopping board or allow it to dry naturally, standing on end. Do not expose the product to high temperatures to speed up the drying process.
  • To recondition the product, simply sand down the surface with fine sandpaper and re-oil it.

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