insportline Childrens Bike Kawaski User Manual

insportline Childrens Bike Kawaski User Manual


This manual contains important safety, performance and maintenance information. Please read this manual before taking your first ride on your new bicycle, and keep this manual handy for future reference.

CHOOSING THE CORRECT SIZE:The bicycle must be chosen to fit the rider. Straddle the assembled bicycle with feet shoulder width apart and flat on the ground. There must be at least one inch of clearance between the highest part of the top tube and the crotch of the rider.


Once you’re in the saddle, make sure you can reach the bottom of the pedal stroke with a slightly bent knee and flat foot.


Read and follow assembly instructions in this manual and make sure all nuts and bolts are tightened properly.


  • 14/16 Kids Bikes: 50 KG
  • 20/24 Junior Bikes: 100 KG

Like any sport, bicycling involves risk of injury and damage. By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility for that risk. Not the people who sold you the bike. Not the people who made it. Not the people who distribute it. Not the people who manage or maintain the roads or trails you ride on. You. So you need to know ­ and to practice ­ the rules of safe and responsible riding.


WARNING: Many states require specific safety devices. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the laws of the state where you ride and to comply with all applicable laws, including properly equipping yourself and your bike as the law requires.

  1. HELMETWhile not all states require bicyclists to wear approved protective headgear, common sense dictates that you should wear an ANSI or Snelll approved helmet whether the requires it or not. Most serious bicycle injuries involve head injuries which might have been avoided if the rider had worn a helmet. Your dealer has a variety of attractive helmets, and can recommend one to suit your needs. Your helmet must fit correctly, be worn correctly and be properly secured to do its real job. Ask your dealer to help you with the fit and adjustment of your helmet..

    WARNING: Always wear a helmet when riding your bike. Always keep the chin strap securely buckled. Failure to wear an approved helmet may result in serious injury or death.

  2. REFLECTORSReflectors are important safety devices which are designed as an integral part of your bicycle. Federal regulations require every bicycle to be equipped with front, rear, wheel and pedal reflectors. The size, performance and location of each reflector is specified by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. The reflectors are designed to pick up and reflect car lights in a way that helps you to be seen and recognized as a moving bicyclist. CAUTION: Check reflectors and their mounting brackets regularly to make sure that they are clean, straight, unbroken and securely mounted. Have your dealer replace damaged reflectors and straighten or tighten any that are bent or loose.WARNING: Do not remove the reflectors or reflector mounting brackets from your bicycle. They are an integral part of the bicycles safety system. Being struck by other vehicles often results in serious injury or death. Remember: reflectors are not a substitute for lights. Always equip your bicycle with all state and locally mandated lights.
  3. LIGHTSWe strongly recommend that children not ride after dusk or before daylight. If you must ride your bike after dusk or before full daylight, your bicycle must be equipped with lights so that you can see the road and avoid road hazards; and so that others can see you. Vehicle laws treat bicycles like any other vehicle. That means you must have a white front and a red rear light operating if you are riding after dusk or before full daylight. Your bike dealer can recommend a battery or generator powered lighting system appropriate to your needs.WARNING: Reflectors are not a substitute for proper lights. It is your responsibility to equip your bicycle with all state and locally mandated lights. Riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility without a bicycle lightning system which meets local and state laws and without reflectors is dangerous and may result in serious injury or death.
  4. PEDALSSome higher performance model bicycles come equipped with pedals that have sharp and potentially dangerous surfaces. These surfaces are designed to add safety by increasing adhesion between the rider’s shoe and the bicycle pedal. If your bicycle has this type of high-performance pedal, you must take extra care to avoid serious injury from the pedals sharp surfaces.Based on your riding style or skill level, you may prefer a less aggressive pedal design. Your dealer can show you a number of options and make suitable recommendations.


Here is a simple, sixty-second mechanical safety check which you should get in the habit of making every time you’re about to get on the bike.

  1. NUTS, BOLTSLift the front wheel off the ground by two or three inches, then let it bounce on the ground. Anything sound, feel or look loose? Do a quick visual and tactile inspection of the whole bike. Any loose parts or accessories? If so, secure them. If you’re not sure, ask someone with experience to check.
  2. TIRES & WHEELSTires correctly inflated? Check by putting one hand on the saddle, one on the intersection of the handlebars and stem, then bouncing your weight on the bike while looking at tire deflection. Compare what you see with how it looks when you know the tires are correctly inflated; and adjust if necessary.Tires in good shape? Spin each wheel slowly and look for cuts in the tread and sidewall. Replace damaged tires before riding the bike. Wheels true? Spin each wheel and check for brake clearance and side-to-side wobble. If a wheel wobbles side to side or hits the brake pads, take the bike to a qualified bike shop to have the wheel trued.CAUTION: Wheels must be true for hand brakes to work effectively. Wheel truing is a skill which requires special tools and experience. Do not attempt to true a wheel unless you have the knowledge and tools needed to do the job correctly.
  3. BRAKESIf your bicycle has hand-operated brakes, squeeze the brake levers. Are the brake shoes contacting the wheel rim within an inch of brake lever movement? Can you apply full braking force at the levers without having them touch the handlebar? If not, your brakes need adjustment. Do not ride the bike until the brakes are properly adjusted. If your bicycle has a coaster brake, check to make sure that the coaster brake arm is securely clamped to the bicycle frame. If the arm or its mounting bracket are loose, do not ride the bike until the brake arm is properly secured.WARNING: Riding with improperly adjusted and secured brakes or worn brake shoes is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death.
  4. WHEEL NUTSAre the front and rear wheels straight and secure in the dropouts? Are the wheel nuts properly tightened?WARNING: Riding with an improperly installed or insufficiently tightened wheel can cause the wheel to wobble or disengage from the bicycle, which can cause damage to the bicycle and serious injury or death.
  5. HANDLEBAR AND SADDLE ALIGNMENTAre the saddle and handlebar stem correctly parallel to the bikes top tube and tight enough so that you can twist them out of alignment?
  6. HANDLEBAR ENDSAre the handlebar grips secure and in good condition? If not, replace them. Are the handlebar ends plugged? If not, plug them before you ride.WARNING: Loose or damaged handlebar grips can cause you to lose control and fall. Unplugged handlebars can act like a cookie cutter on your body, and cause serious injury in an otherwise minor accident.


NOTE: Like any sport, bicycling involves risk of injury and damage. By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility for that risk. Not the people who sold you the bike. Not the people who made it. Not the people who distribute it. Not the people who manage or maintain the roads or trails you ride on. You. So you need to know ­ and to practice ­ the rules of safe and responsible riding.

THE OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITYWARNING: This bicycle is made to be ridden by one rider at a time for general transportation and recreational use. It is not made to withstand the abuse of stunting and jumping. If the bicycle was purchased unassembled, it is the owner’s responsibility to follow all assembly and adjustment instructions exactly as written in this manual and any “Special Instructions” supplied with the bicycle. The owner must make sure all components are securely attached. If the bicycle was purchased assembled, it’s the owner’s responsibility, before riding the bicycle for the first time, to make sure the bicycle is assembled and adjusted exactly as written in this manual and any “Special Instructions” supplied with the bicycle. The owner must make sure all components are securely attached.


To determine the correct size of bicycle for the rider: Straddle the assembled bicycle with feet shoulder width apart and flat on the ground. There must be at least one inch of clearance

  1. Between the highest part of the top tube
  2. And the crotch of the rider. The minimum leg-length for the rider is the highest part of the top tube plus one-inch
  3. The rider must be able to easily reach and operate the brake levers (if so equipped).


In addition to The Basics, the Rules of the Road, the Rules of the Trail, Wet Weather Riding, Night Riding and Bicycling in Traffic, kids need to be taught … and to have frequently reinforced … the following rules and lessons which adults are already expected to know. We urge you to take the time to familiarize yourself with these rules and to teach them to your child before you let your child ride unsupervised.

  1. RULES
    • No playing in the road or in the street,
    • No riding on busy streets.
    • No riding at night.
    • Stop for all STOP signs.
    • Ride on the right of traffic.

The lessons that follow relate to some of the most common real situations that children encounter when riding their bikes. Go over these situations with your child and make sure the lesson objective is accomplished.Driveway Rideout:When a youngster rides out of the driveway and is struck by a car, that is called a rideout accident.What can you do?First, realize the danger of your own driveway. If there are obstructions to the view of passing motorists (like bushes or trees), trim them back. You might park your car in front of the driveway, if local ordinance permits. This way, your child can’t use the driveway as a launching pad. But the most important thing you can do is teach your child about driveway safety. Take your child outside to the driveway and have him/her practice the following steps.

    • Stop before entering the street.
    • Look left, right and left again for traffic.
    • If there is no traffic, proceed into the roadway.

Running the Stop Sign:Car/bike crashes can happen when a cyclist runs a stop sign. Most cyclists who get hit riding through stop signs know that they were supposed to stop. They just thought it would be OK this time; or they may have been distracted.The thing to impress upon your child is that while he/she may not get hit every time, running stop signs will eventually result in an accident.What can you do?Take your child to a stop sign near home. Explain what it means by emphasizing the following points:

  1. Stop at all stop signs, regardless of what is happening.
  2. Look in all directions for traffic.
  3. Watch for oncoming cars making left turns.
  4. Watch for cars behind you making right turns.
  5. Wait for any cross traffic to clear.
  6. Proceed when safe.

In order to make this lesson stick, you may have to change your own driving habits. If you creep through intersections controlled by stop signs, you are showing your child that you don’t really believe what you preach. For your child’s sake, stop at stop signs.Turning Without Warning: Another major accident type involves cyclists who make unexpected left turns. They neither look behind for traffic, nor do they signal. The key factor here is neglecting to look to the rear: If the cyclist had looked, he/she would have seen the danger coming up from behind.

What can you do?Of course, you ought to teach your child not to ride across busy streets ­ at least until the child has had some advanced training and is old enough to understand traffic. But in the meantime, for residential street riding, you can teach your child to always look and signal before turning left. A big part of this lesson is teaching the child how to look to the rear without swerving.Take your child to a playground to practice riding along a straight line while looking behind. Stand alongside and hold up a different number of fingers on your hand after the child rides by. Call his/her name. After 15 minutes of practice, a ten-year-old should be able to look behind his/herself and identify how many fingers you are holding up ­ without swerving.

Night Time Riding:Most car/bicycle accidents happen at night where an overtaking car hits a bike. (An overtaking car is one that comes up from behind and passes the cyclist on the left.) These overtaking accidents can be very serious.

What can you do?First, you should keep your youngster from riding at night. It requires special skills and equipment. Few children have either. Secondly, make sure your child understands that if he/she gets caught out after dark on a bike, the thing to do is to call you for a ride home. One suggestion is to tape phone money to the bike so that, in an emergency, the child will be able to call home.

Following the Leader:There is increased risk of car/bike collision if children are following each other, because if the first one does something dangerous, those following may do it too.

What can you do?Teach your child to always assess the traffic situation for him/herself. When a group is riding around, each cyclist should stop for stop signs; each cyclist should look to the rear before making left turns; and so on. One way to get the message across is to play a game with the child similar to Simon Says. In this game, however, the emphasis should not be on doing what Simon Says, but rather have the child make a decision based on the situation. The child should learn to ignore what Simon Says. Children need to learn to think for themselves to ride safely.

SUMMARY:Teach your child early ­ the earlier the better. Learning skills such as looking and avoiding hazards takes time. Be prepared to repeat lessons until your child understands what you’re trying to get across. Be patient. Your efforts will be rewarded, knowing that your child is aware of safe riding skills.


  1. Always do the Mechanical Safety Check before you get on a bike.
  2. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls of your bicycle.
  3. Be careful to keep body parts and other objects away from the sharp teeth of chainrings; the moving chain; the turning pedals and cranks; and the spinning wheels of your bicycle.
  4. Always wear a cycling helmet which meets the latest Snell or ANSI standard.
  5. Always wear shoes that will stay on your feet and will grip the pedals. Never ride barefoot or wearing sandals.
  6. Wear bright, visible clothing that is not so loose that it can catch on moving parts of the bicycle or be snagged by objects at the side of the road or trail.
  7. Don’t jump with your bike. Jumping a bike, particularly a BMX bike, can be fun; but it puts incredible stress on everything from your spokes to your pedals. Perhaps most vulnerable to jumping ­ on jumping their bikes risk serious damage, to their bicycles as well as to themselves.


  1. Learn the local bicycle laws and regulations. Many communities have special regulations about licensing of bicycles, riding on sidewalks, law regulating bike path and trail use, and so on. Many states have helmet laws, child carrier laws and special bicycle traffic laws. In the U.S. and in most foreign countries, a bicyclist is required to obey the same traffic laws as the driver of a car or motorcycle. It’s your responsibility to know and obey the laws.
  2. You are sharing the road or the path with others ­ motorists, pedestrians and other cyclists. Respect their rights, and be tolerant if they infringe on yours.
  3. Ride defensively. Assume that the people with whom you are sharing the road are so absorbed with wat they are doing and where they are going that they are oblivious to you.
  4. Look ahead of where you’re going, and be ready to avoid:
    • Vehicles slowing or turning in front of you, entering the road or your lane ahead of you, or coming up behind.
    • Parked car doors opening in front of you.
    • Pedestrians stepping out in front of you.
    • Children playing near the road.
    • Pot holes, sewer grating, railroad tracks, expansions joints, road or sidewalk construction, debris and other obstructions that could cause you to swerve into traffic, catch your wheel or otherwise cause you to lose control and have an accident.
  5. Ride in designated bike lanes, on designated bike paths or on the right side of the road, in the same direction as car traffic and as close to the edge of the road as possible.
  6. Stop at stop signs and traffic lights; slow down and look both ways at street intersections. Remember that a bicycle always loses in collision with a motor vehicle, so be prepared to yield even if you have the right of way.
  7. Use hand signals for turning and stopping. Learn the local vehicle code for the correct signals.
  8. Never ride with headphones. They mask traffic sounds and emergency vehicle sirens, distract you from concentrating on what going on around you, and their wires can tangle in the moving parts of the bicycle, causing you to lose control.
  9. Never carry a passenger.
  10. Never carry anything which obstructs your vision or your complete control of the bicycle, or which could become entangled in the moving parts of the bicycle.
  11. Never hitch a ride by holding on to another vehicle.
  12. Don’t do stunts, wheelies or jumps. They can cause you injury and damage your bike.
  13. Don’t weave through traffic or make any moves that may surprise people with whom you are sharing the road.
  14. Observe and yield the right of way.
  15. Never ride your bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  16. If possible, avoid riding in bad weather, when visibility is obscured, at dusk or in the dark, or when extremely tired. Each of these conditions increases the risk of accident.


  1. We recommend that children not ride off-road without the accompaniment of an adult. In any event, never ride alone in remote areas. Even when riding with others, make sure that someone knows where you’re going and when you expect to be back. Always take along some kind of identification, so that people know who you are in case of an accident; and take a couple of dollars in cash for a candy bar, a cool drink or an emergency phone call.
  2. Surface hazards make off-road riding much more difficult and therefore more dangerous than riding on paved roads. Start slowly and build up your skills on easier terrain before tackling the more difficult.
  3. Learn and obey the local laws regulating where and how you can ride off-road, and respect private property. Don’t ride where you are not welcome or where you are not allowed.
  4. You are sharing the trail with others – hikers, equestrians, other cyclists. Respect their rights, and be tolerant if they inconvenience you.
  5. Yield right of way to pedestrians and animals. Ride in a way that does not frighten or endanger them, and stay far enough away so that their unexpected moves don’t endanger you.
  6. You may be riding in sensitive habitat, so stay on the designated trail. Don’t contribute to erosion by riding in mud or with unnecessary sliding. Don’t disturb wildlife or livestock; and don’t disturb the ecosystem by cutting your own trail through vegetation or streams.
  7. It is your responsibility to minimize your impact on the environment. Ride accordingly. Leave things as you found them; and always take out everything you brought in.
  8. If you crash: First, check yourself for injuries, and take care of them as best you can. Next, check your bike for damage, and fix what you can. Then, when you get home, carefully perform the maintenance procedure described this manual and check for any other damaged parts. All bent, scored or discolored parts are suspect and should be replaced.

WARNING: A crash can put extraordinary stress on bicycle components, causing them to fatigue prematurely. Components suffering from stress fatigue can fail suddenly and catastrophically, causing loss of control, serious injury or death.CAUTION: If you have any doubt about the condition of the bicycle or any of its parts, take it to your dealer for a thorough check.

WET WEATHER RIDINGWARNING: Wet weather impairs traction, braking and visibility, both for the bicyclist and for other vehicles sharing the road. The risk of accident is dramatically increased in wet conditions.Under wet conditions, the stopping power of your brakes (as well as the brakes of other vehicles sharing the road) is dramatically reduced and your tires don’t grip nearly as well. This makes it harder to control speed and easier to lose control. To make sure that you can slow down and stop safely in wet conditions, ride more slowly and apply your brakes earlier and more gradually than you would under normal, dry conditions.

NIGHT RIDINGRiding a bicycle at night is many times more dangerous than riding during the day. Therefore, children should never ride at dawn, at dusk or in the dark. Adults should not ride at dawn, at dusk or at night unless it is absolutely necessary.WARNING: Riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility without a bicycle lighting system which meets local and State laws and without reflectors is dangerous and can result in serious injury or death.Even if you have excellent night vision, many of the people with whom you’re sharing the road don’t. A bicyclist is very difficult for motorists and pedestrians to see at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility. If you must ride under these conditions, check and be sure you comply with all local laws about night riding: follow the Rules of the Road and of the Trail even more carefully; and make sure to take the following additional precautions:Before riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility, take the following steps to make yourself more visible:

  • Make sure that your bicycle is equipped with correctly positioned and securely mounted reflectors.
  • Purchase and install an adequate battery or generator powered head and tail light.
  • Wear light colored, reflective clothing and accessories, such as a reflective vest, reflective arm and leg bands, reflective stripes on your helmet, flashing lights…any reflective device or light source that moves will help you get the attention of approaching motorists, pedestrians and other traffic.
  • Make sure your clothing or anything you may be carrying on the bicycle does not obstruct a reflector or light.

While riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times of poor visibility:

  • Ride slowly.
  • Avoid areas of heavy traffic, dark areas, and roads with speed limits over 35mph.
  • Avoid road hazards.


Obey traffic signs and signals – bicycles must drive like any other vehicles if they are to be taken seriously by the motorists. Never ride against traffic – motorists aren’t looking for bicyclists on the wrong side of the road. Choose best way to turn left – there are two ways to make left turn.

1. Like a car – signal, move into the left lane and turn left.

2. Like a pedestrian – ride straight to the far side crosswalk. Walks your bike across.

Don’t pass on the right – motorists may not look for o see a bicycle passing on the right. Go slow on sidewalks – pedestrians have the right of way. By law, you must give pedestrians audible warning when you pass. Don’t cross driveways or intersections without slowing to a walker’s pace and looking very carefully for traffic (especially traffic turning right on a green light).
Use hand signals – hand signals, using your left arm, tell motorists what you intend to do. Signal as a matter of law, courtesy and safety. Ride in a straight line – whenever possible, ride in a straight line, to the right of traffic, but about a car doors width away from parked cars. Don’t weave between parked cars – don’t ride out to the curb between parked cars unless they are far apart. Motorists may not see you when you try to move back into traffic. Ride in middle of lane in slow traffic – get in the middle of the lane at busy intersections and whenever you are moving at the same speed as traffic. Follow lane markings – don’t turn left from right lane. Don’t go straight in a lane marked Right Turn Only.
Watch for cars pulling out – make eye contact with driver. Assume they don’t see you until you are sure they do. Scan the road behind – learn to look back over your shoulder without losing your balance or swerving left. Some riders use rear view mirrors. Avoid road hazards – watch out for parallel slat sewer grates, slippery manhole cover, oily pavement, gravel and ice. Cross railroad tracks carefully at right angles. To get better control as you move across bumps and other hazards, stand up on your pedals Keep both hands ready to brake – you may not stop in time if you brake onehanded. Allow extra distance for stopping in the rain, since brakes are less efficient when wet. Watch for chasing dogs – ignore them or try a firm No! if the dog doesn’t stop, dismount with your bike between you and the dog. Dogs are attracted to spinning wheels and feet.


TOOLS / TECHNICAL SUPPORTYour new bicycle was assembled and tuned in the factory and then partially disassembled for shipping. You may have purchased the bicycle already full re-assembled and ready to ride OR in the shipping carton in the partially disassembled form. The following instructions will enable you to prepare your bicycle for years of enjoyable cycling. Please check that all parts referred to in the instructions and shown in the diagram have been included, and that all tools needed are at your disposal. For more details on inspections, lubrication, maintenance and adjustment of any area please refer to the relevant sections in this manual. If you need replacement parts or have questions pertaining to assembly of your bicycle, call HYPER direct at:

HYPER BICYCLES SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 1.866.424.0500 Monday ­ Friday (10:00AM ­ 8:00PM ­ EST)

Tools Required:

  • Phillips head screw driver; 4mm, 5mm
  • 6mm & 8mm Allen keys; adjustable
  • Adjustable wrench or a 9mm, 10mm, 14mm & 15mm
  • Open and box end wrenches
  • Pliers with cable cutting ability.
  • Pliers with cable cutting ability.

To avoid injury, this product must be properly assembled before use. If your bicycle was obtained after assembled, we strongly recommended that you review the complete assembly instructions and maintenance checks specified in this manual before riding.


Your bicycle is supplied with one front (white), one rear (red), two wheel (white), and two pedal (orange) reflectors. These are an important safety and legal requirement, and should remain securely fitted and in good, clean conditions at all times. Periodically, inspect all reflectors, brackets and mounting hardware for signs of wear or damage. Replace immediately if damage is found.


NOTICE: It is important to check and adjust the position of the reflectors as you assemble your bike. The reflectors must always be vertical (perpendicular to the ground) and pointed toward the front and rear of the bike. Please make sure that the adjustment is correct as a final step in the assembly of your bike.

Attaching hardware to the handlebars

With the white reflector facing forward wrap the rear end of the reflector bracket around the handlebar (A). Once the bracket is in the correct position, and the fastening nut is in place underneath the bracket, thread the screw down through the top of the bracket. Tighten screw firmly with screwdriver (B).


  1. Put the seat post mounted rear reflector in the correct position by loosening the screws of the rear reflector bracket.
  2. Make sure the rear reflector is vertical and points straight toward the rear of the bicycle.
  3. Make sure there are at least 3 inches of clearance between the top of the seat and the top of the red rear reflector.

Operation and Maintenance

WARNING: For your own safety, do not ride the bicycle if the reflectors are incorrectly installed, damaged, or missing. Make sure the front and rear reflectors are vertical. Do not allow the visibility of the reflectors to be blocked by clothing or other articles. Dirty reflectors do not work well. Clean the reflectors, as necessary, with soap and a damp cloth.


All pedals have L or R stamped on the threaded spindle of each pedal.

  1. Thread the pedal marked R clockwise into the right or chain wheel side of the crank arm.
  2. Thread the pedal marked L counter-clockwise into the left side of the crank arm.

NOTE: Hand thread pedals into position without use of a wrench to ensure threads are not crossed. Damage to crank arm will result from crossed threads. When tightening with a wrench, make sure each spindle is firmly seated against the crank arm. If jaws or wrench are too thick, they may prevent proper tightening of pedal spindle against crank arm.


  1. Insert the seat post into bicycle frame tube with small swaged end up. NOTE: Seat post must be inserted at least to the minimum insertion mark stamped on the lower part of the post. If no minimum insertion mark can be found, make sure at least 3 of the post is inside the bicycle frame tube.
  2. Tighten the seat post clamp nut securely. Recommended torque is 120in/lb.
  3. Loosen saddle clamp nut(s) so saddle clamp will fit down fully onto top swaged end of seat post.
  4. Tighten seat post bolt. Recommended torque is 150in/lbs.


  1. Turn crank to place it in its lowest position.
  2. Place heel of foot on pedal with foot parallel to the ground.
  3. Position saddle so that toe of other foot can touch the ground.Saddle should also be parallel to the ground and aligned straight with the bicycle frame.
  4. Tighten seat post bolt. Recommended torque is 150in/lbs.NOTE: Seat post must be inserted at least to the minimum insertion mark stamped on the seat post.


  1. Position crank arm parallel to the ground.
  2. Place ball of foot on pedal with foot parallel to the ground.
  3. Position the saddle so that an imaginary line drawn from the center of your knee to the pedal spindle is vertical. Some riders move the saddle slightly forward of this position.NOTE: Saddle should be horizontal and perfectly aligned with the bicycle.
  4. Tighten saddle clamp nut securely.

Please read and follow all directions in this manual. Always wear a helmet when you ride.


  1. Attach the upper cable to the brake lever by opening the brake lever and placing the barrel end of the cable into the lever.
  2. Feed brake cable through cable adjuster and through anchor bolt. Secure anchor bolt firmly.
  3. Fasten brake caliper to fork by sliding brake mount bolt through center hole in fork. Secure brake mount bolt firmly.
  4. Pull the link wire on the rear brake assembly until the brake shoes are touching the rim wall and tighten the brake bolt.
  5. Ensure that the brake shoes are positioned evenly with the side surface of the rim.Refer to the next section for Brake System Adjustments.


NOTE: The handlebar stem and headset are an integrated system. Both must be adjusted at the same time.

  1. To adjust the headset or stem, first loosen the two stem binder bolts, then the adjuster bolt in the top cap.
  2. Align the handlebar stem with the front wheel.
  3. To remove play from the headset, begin by tightening theadjuster bolt in the top cap. This will tighten the headset and remove side to side movement of the fork. If the fork fails to rotate freely, the adjuster bolt is too tight and needs to be loosened.WARNING: Do not over tighten the adjuster bolt. Its function is to adjust he headset. The stem binder bolts’ function is to hold the fork and stem in place.
  4. Once the headset is adjusted, tighten the two stem binder bolts to the recommended torque of 140 pounds per inch. Do not over tighten these bolts.WARNING: Do not over tighten the stem binder bolts and handlebar binder bolts. Failure to properly tighten these bolts may damage the handlebar and/or stem to fork assembly. This may compromise the steering action, causing you to possibly lose control,and possibly injure yourself.


  1. Assemble the stem to the fork:If necessary, assemble the stem to bolt (4), washer (5), and wedge nut (2) to the stem (1). Turn the stem bolt only four revolutions into the wedge nut. Turn the stem bolt only four revolutions into the wedge nut (2). Point the stem toward the front of the bicycle and put it into the locknut (7). Put the stem at a comfortable height for the rider.WARNING: To prevent steering system damage and possible loss of control, the MIN-IN (minimum insertion) mark on the stem must be inside the locknut. Make sure you cannot see the MIN-IN (minimum insertion) mark (3) on the stem above the locknut. Tighten the stem bolt just enough that the stem will not fall into the locknut.
  2. Assemble the handlebar to the stem:Put the handlebar (8) into the stem, but do not tighten the handlebar clamp (6) at this time. Align the stem with the front wheel and tighten the stem bolt.
  3. Assemble the brake lever to the handlebar:Loosen the clamp screw of each brake lever. If necessary, move the handlebar to each side to install the brake levers put the brake levers on the handlebar with the brake lever for the rear brake on the right side of handlebar. Do not tighten the clamp screw of the brake levers at this time.
  4. Tighten stem bolt and the handlebar clamp: Do not overtighten the stem bolt. Over tightening the stem bolt can damage the steering and cause loss of control make sure the stem is aligned with the front wheel and tighten stem bolt.Put the handlebar in a comfortable position for the rider.WARNING: If the handlebar clamp is not tight enough, the handlebar can slip in the stem. This can cause loss of control. Tighten the bolts of the handlebar clamp. If the handlebar clamp has more than one bolt, than tighten the bolts equally.
  5. Test the tightness of the stem: straddle the front wheel and hold it between your legs. Try to turn the front wheel by turning the handlebar. If the handlebar and stem turn without turning the front wheel, realign the stem with the front wheel. Tighten the bolt tighter than you did before (about half a revolution only at a time). Do this test again, until the handlebar and stem do not turn without turning the wheel.
  6. Test the tightness of the handlebar: Hold the bicycle stationary and try to move the ends of the handlebar forward or backward. If the handlebar moves, loosen bolts of handlebar clamps. Put the handlebar in the correct position. Tighten the bolts of the handlebar clamp tighten than before. If the handlebar clamp has more than one bolt, tighten the bolts equally. Do this test again, until the handlebar does not move in the handlebar clamp.


Insert wheel into position making sure the axle (1) is aligned with the fork dropout (2).

  • Make sure the tab of each security washer (4) is in the hole of the fork. NOTE: Some models have a front fork with a built in wheel retention feature. The security washers are not required and will not fit on a fork with this feature.
  • Using the two axle nuts (3) with serrations, tighten the axle nuts and secure the front wheel.WARNING: Do not use the nuts without serrations to attach the front wheel.NOTE: The recommended torque of 21 ft-lbs.



WARNING: You must adjust the front brakes as written before you ride the bicycle.

  1. Put the brake shoes in the correct position:Loosen the nut (1) of each brake shoe. Adjust each brake shoe so it is flat against the rim and aligned with the curve of the rim. Make sure each brake shoe does not rub the tire. If the surface of the brake shoes has arrows, make sure the arrows point toward the rear of the bicycle. Hold each brake shoe in position and tighten the nut.
  2. Test the tightness of each brake shoe:Try to move each brake shoe out of position. If a brake shoe moves, do Step 1 again, but tighten the nut tighter than before. Do this test again, until each brake shoe does not move.
  3. Stretch the cable:Hold both brake shoes against the rim. Loosen the cable clamp. Pull the cable tight and tighten the cable clampWARNING: Do not overtighten the cable clamp. Overtightening the cable clamp may cut the cable and cause injury to the rider or to others.Squeeze each brake lever firmly 20 times. Hold both brake shoes against the rim and loosen the cable clamp.Pull the cable tight and tighten the cable clam.

    The following sections describe final brake system adjustments required before riding. Determine which style you have and follow the instructions.

  1. Check tightness of caliper brake mounting nut or cantilever mounting bolts (1):Make sure each caliper brake mounting nut or cantilever mounting bolt is tightened securely.
  2. Center brake shoes on rim:If you have a cantilever brake, turn the cable anchor bolt (6) on the cantilever arm (4) to move the arm in or out so each brake shoe is the same distance from the rim (3). If you have a caliper brake, hit downward lightly on the return spring of the brake shoe (2) that is farther away from the rim. Make sure both ends of the return spring stay hooked around the inside edge or between the studs on the back of the caliper arms. Squeeze the brake lever two times. Do this step again, until both brake shoes are the same distance from the rim.
  3. Put the brake shoes the correct distance from the rim (5):Position each brake shoe 1/16 inch away from the rim. Turn the brake lever adjusting barrel or caliper brake adjusting barrel in or out to make the adjustment. If the brake shoes cannot be positioned the correct distance from the rim, hold both brake shoes against the rim and loosen the cable anchor bolt (6). Position each brake shoe 1/16 inch away from the rim. Pull brake cable tight getting rid of any excess slack. Be careful not to pull brake arm out of center. Tighten anchor bolt securely. Squeeze the brake lever to check brakeaction.

    WARNING: Do not overtighten the cable clamp. Overtightening the cable clamp may cut the cable and cause injury to the rider or to others. Do step 3 until the brake shoes are the correct distance from the rim. Turn the locknut(s) against the brake lever and the caliper brake.WARNING: Do not move the brake shoes away from a wheel rim that is not true (straight). This can cause the caliper brake to be less effective and unsafe. To allow safe adjustment of the caliper brake, have a bicycle service ship true the wheel.

  4. Check sheath position:Make sure both ends of the sheath are fully recessed in the brake lever, sheath stops (if equipped) and brakes. If not, install sheath in correct position and do Step 3 again. Do this test again, until the sheath is in the correct position.
  5. Test the tightness of the cable clamp:Squeeze each brake lever with firm pressure. Make sure the cable does not move in the cable clamp. If the cable moves in the cable clamp, do Steps 3 and 4 again but tighten the cable clamp tighter than before. Do this test again, until the cable does not move in the cable clamp.
  6. Adjust the brake lever reach so the distance from the grip is comfortable to the rider.Turn the adjustment screw (if equipped) to change the distance of the brake lever from the grip. Make sure the back of each grip is no more than 3 inches from the front of each brake lever.
  7. Test the travel of each brake lever:

Squeeze each brake lever with strong pressure. If the brake lever touches the grip, do Steps 1 through 7 again.WARNING: After you do Steps 1 through 7 again, if either brake lever touches the grip or does not work well, have a bicycle service shop repair or adjust the caliper or cantilever brakes.

Reducing Caliper Brake Noise (Caliper Brake Only)

It is common for caliper brakes to make noise or “squeak” when in use. This noise does not normally indicate a brake problem. Following the instructions below may reduce the noise:Make sure the caliper brakes are adjusted correctly. Using a small adjustable wrench, bend each caliper arm so the front edge of each brake shoe is the first part to touch the rim.WARNING: Bend each caliper only a small amount. If you bend the caliper arm too far, the caliper brake can be damaged and performance of the caliper brake reduced.


Operate the brakes as follows:Squeeze the brake lever on the handlebar. The brake lever pulls on a cable that is attached to the brake. The brake squeezes the rim between two brake shoes.Operate the brakes by slowly and continuously squeezing both brake levers until you feel the braking action. Make a habit of always using both brakes to stop the bicycle. You will stop in the shortest distance by using both brakes.WARNING: If you do not obey the following instructions, injury to the rider or to others can occur:Before you ride the bicycle for the first time, check and adjust the brakes as written in the “Adjustments” section. Then test the brakes and practice using them at low speed in a large and level area that is free of obstruction.When correctly used, the brake system is very effective. But, if you apply the front brake too strongly, you can be thrown off the bicycle. Make a habit of always using both brakes to stop the bicycle.Always try to brake while going in a straight line. Apply brakes earlier in the following conditions: wet pavement, sand, gravel, leaves, or if you need to brake while turning. To reduce the chance of skidding apply brakes intermittently.If the rims are wet, start to brake earlier than normal because a longer distance to stop the bicycle will be necessary. Be careful when riding downhill or at a high speed because as your speed increases, a longer distance to stop the bicycle will be necessary. Slow for curves because too much speed can force you to make a turn too wide. Keep wax, oil, grease, etc. off the rims and the brake shoes. These lubricants will reduce brake performance and a longer distance to stop the bicycle will be necessary. Check and adjust the brakes the first time they do not stop the bicycle quickly and smoothly, do not stop the bicycle as well as they have in the past, or if either brake lever can touch the grip.


The Low limit screw determines how far the rear derailleur will travel toward the wheel of the bicycle, while the High limit screw determines how far the cage will travel toward the frame.

  1. Shift the rear shifter to the largest number indicated, disconnect the rearderailleur cable from the cable anchor bolt and place the chain on the smallest sprocket.
  2. Adjust the High limit screw so the chain and the smallest sprocket are lined up vertically. Remove any slack in the cable by pulling it taut, then re-connect the cable and tighten the cable anchor bolt securely.
  3. Shift up through the gears making sure that each gear is achieved quietly and without hesitation. If noise occurs, use the barrel adjuster clockwise will decrease cable tension and allow the derailleur cage to move farther away from the bicycle in small increments. Turning counter-clockwise will increase cable tension and bring the cage closer to the bicycle. This will microadjust the positioning of the derailleur cage in relation to the freewheel. Simply put; turn the barrel adjuster the direction you want the chain to go.
  4. Shift the chain onto the largest sprocket; adjust the low limit screw so the chain and the largest cog are lined up vertically. If you are unable to get the chain to the largest cog, turning the Low limit screw counterclockwise will enable the chain to move towards the wheel.
  5. Shift through the gears ensuring each gear is achieved quietly and without hesitation.NOTE: It may take several adjustments to achieve the desired positioning.



The tire valve allows air to enter the tire’s inner tube under pressure, but doesn’t let it back out unless you want it to. There are primarily two kinds of bicycle tube valves (actually, there are other designs, but they are seldom seen in the US anymore): The Schraeder Valve and the Presta Valve. The bicycle pump you use must have the fitting appropriate to the valve stems on your bicycle.

The Schraeder (Shown) is like the valve on a car tire. To inflate a Schroeder valve tube, just remove the valve cap and push the air hose or pump fitting onto the end of the valve stem. To let air out of a Schraeder valve, depress the pin in the end of the valve stem with the end of a key or other appropriate object.

The Presta (Shown) has a narrower diameter and is only found on bicycle tires. To inflate a Presta valve tube using a Presta headed bicycle pump, remove the valve cap; unscrew (counterclockwise) the valve stem lock nut; and push down on the valve stem to free it up. Then push the pump head on to the valve head, and inflate. To inflate a Presta valve with a gas station air hose, you’ll need a Presta adapter (available at your bike shop) which screws on to the valve stem once you’ve freed up the valve. The adapter fits the end of the air hose fitting. To let air out of a Presta valve, open up the valve stem lock nut and depress the valve stem. Always close the valve stem lock after inflation.


  1. Let the air out of the tire by depressing the valve core (the little pin in the centre of the valve stem opening).
  2. Separate the tire bead from the sides of the rim by pressing with your thumbs. Work your way around the tire on both sides to be sure that the beads of the tire are not sticking to the rim. (Figure A)
  3. Stand the wheel up on a firm surface with the valve stem on the bottom and grasp the upper part of the tire with both hands. Try to roll the tire off the far side of the rim.
  4. With the wheel standing as in Figure 3, use bicycle tire tools or spoon handles with rounded ends (at least two ­ preferably three) to lift the bead on one side of the tire off the rim. Be careful not to pinch the inner tube between the tire tools and the tire bead or rim. Once you have got the bead off for about one fourth of the circumference of the tire using the tools, the rest can usually be pulled off by hand.
  5. With the bead on one side of the tire completely off the rim, you can now pull the inner tube out from between the tire and rim everywhere except in the area of the valve stem.
  6. It should now be easy to pull the tire the rest of the way off the rim. Start at the side of the wheel opposite the valve stem and simplylift the bead of the tire up over the side of the rim and pull it off.Figure A: Press with thumbs to separate tire bead. Continue around entire rim until the bead is completely separated.

    Figure B: Lift bead with spoons or tire tools.

    Figure C: Replace tire onto rim.

    Figure D: Rim strip protects inner tube from spoke ends.Figure F: Use thumb to press valve stem through hole in rim. Make certain valve stem is straight.


WARNING: Inspect the bicycle frequently. Failure to inspect the bicycle and to make repairs or adjustments, as necessary can result in injury to the rider or to others. Make sure all parts are correctly assembled and adjusted as written in this manual and any “Special Instructions”.

Immediately replace any damaged, missing, or badly worn parts.

Make sure all fasteners are correctly tightened as written in this manual and any “Special Instructions”. Parts that are not tight enough can be lost or operate poorly. Overtightened parts can be damaged. Make sure any replacement fasteners are the correct size and type.If your frame is aluminum, inspect the bicycle frame carefully and frequently. Aluminum frames can develop very small cracks due to stress, severe shocks, etc. If you see any small cracks, stop riding the bicycle. Have the frame inspected by a qualified professional at a bicycle service shop before riding the bicycle again.NOTE: Have a bicycle service shop make any repairs or adjustments for which you do not have the correct tools or if the instructions in this manual or any “Special Instructions” are not sufficient for you.


Maintenance:The chain must be at the correct tightness. If too tight, the bicycle will be difficult to pedal. If too loose, the chain can come off the sprockets.WARNING: The chain must remain on the sprockets. If the chain comes off the sprockets, the bike will not operate.When the chain (1) is at the correct tightness, you can pull it one-half inch (2) away from a straightedge (3) as shown.


Maintenance:Frequently check the tire inflation pressure because all tires lose air slowly over time. For extended storage, keep the weight of the bicycle off the tires.WARNING: Do not ride or sit on the bicycle if either inner tube is under inflated. This can damage the tire and inner tube. Do not use unregulated air hoses to innate the inner tubes. An unregulated hose can suddenly over innate bicycle tires and cause them to burst.Use a hand or a foot pump to inflate the inner tubes. Service station meter-regulated air hoses are also acceptable. The correct inflation pressure is shown on the tire sidewall.Before adding air to any tire, make sure the edge of the tire (the bead) is the same distance from the rim, all around the rim, on both sides of the tire. If the tire does not appear to be seated correctly, release air from the inner tube until you can push the bead of the tire into the rim where necessary. Add air slowly and stop frequently to check the tire sealing and the pressure, until you reach the correct inflation pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall. Replace worn or defective tires and inner tubes.


Wheel InspectionIt is most important that wheels are kept in top condition. Properly maintaining your bicycle’s wheels will help braking performance and stability when riding. Be aware of the following potential problems:

Dirty or greasy rims:Caution: These can render your brakes ineffective. Do not clean them with oily or greasy materials. When cleaning, use a clean rage or wash with soapy water, rinse and air dry. Don’t ride while they’re wet. When lubricating your bicycle, don’t get oil on the rim braking surfaces.

Wheels not straight:Lift each wheel off the ground and spin them to see if they are crooked or out of round. If wheels are not straight, they will need to be adjusted. This is quite difficult and is best left to a bicycle specialist.

Broken or loose spokes:Check that all spokes are tight and that none are missing or damaged.Caution: Such damage can result in severe instability and possibly an accident if not corrected. Again, bicycle specialist best handles spoke repairs.

Loose hub bearings:Lift each wheel off the ground and try to move the wheel from side to side.Caution: If there is movement between the axle and the hub, do not ride the bicycle. Adjustment is required.

Axle nuts: Check that these are tight before each ride.


Maintenance:Frequently check the bearings of the bicycle. Have a bicycle service shop lubricate the bearings once a year or any time they do not pass the following tests.Head Tube Bearings:The fork should turn freely and smoothly at all times. With the front wheel off the ground, you should not be able to move the fork up, down, or side-to-side in the head tube.Crank Bearings:The crank should turn freely and smoothly at all times and the front sprockets should not be loose on the crank. You should not be able to move the pedal end of the crank from side-toside.Wheel Bearings:Lift each end of the bicycle off the ground and slowly spin the raised wheel by hand. The bearings are correctly adjusted if:The wheel spins freely and easily. The weight of the spoke reflector, when you put it toward the front or rear of the bicycle, causes the wheel to spin back and forth several times. There is no side-to-side movement at the wheel rim when you push it to the side with light force.


WARNING: Do not over lubricate. If oil gets on the wheel rims or the brake shoes, it will reduce brake performance and a longer distance to stop the bicycle will be necessary. Injury to the rider or to others can occur.

The chain can throw excess oil onto the wheel rim. Wipe excess oil off the chain.

Keep all oil off the surfaces of the pedals where your feet rest.

Using soap and hot water, wash all oil off the wheel rims, the brake shoes, the pedals, and the tires. Rinse with clean water and dry completely before you ride the bicycle.

Using a light machine oil (20W) and the following guidelines, lubricate the bicycle:

Brake levers every six months Put one drop of oil on the pivot point of each brake lever
Caliper Brakes every six months Put one drop of oil on the pivot point of each brake lever
Brake Cables every six months Put four drops of oil into both ends of each cable. Allow the oil to soak back along the cable wire.
Pedals every six months Put four drops of oil where each pedal axle goes into the pedal.
Chain every six months Put one drop of oil on each roller of the chain. Wipe all excess oil off the chain.


To adjust the free play in a one-piece type bottom bracket, loosen the locknut on the left side by turning it clockwise and tighten the adjusting cone counter-clockwise using a screwdriver in the slot. When correctly adjusted, re-tighten the locknut counter-clockwise.

  1. Remove the chain from the chain wheel.
  2. Remove the left pedal by turning the spindle clockwise.
  3. Remove the left side locknut by turning it clockwise andremove the keyed lock washer.
  4. Remove the adjusting cone by turning it clockwise with ascrewdriver.
  5. Remove the left ball retainer, slide the crank assembly outof the frame to the right and remove the right ball retainer. Clean and inspect all bearing surfaces and ball retainers, and replace any damaged parts. Pack the ball bearings retainers with grease, then re-assemble in the reverse of the above procedure.




General Conditions of Warranty and Definition of TermsAll Warranty Conditions stated here under determine Warranty Coverage and Warranty Claim Procedure. Conditions of Warranty and Warranty Claims are governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil Code, and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., Consumer Protection, as amended, also in cases that are not specified by these Warranty rules. The seller is SEVEN SPORT s.r.o. with its registered office in Strakonická street 1151/2c, Prague 150 00, Company Registration Number: 26847264, registered in the Trade Register at Regional Court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 116888. According to valid legal regulations it depends whether the Buyer is the End Customer or not. “The Buyer who is the End Customer” or simply the “End Customer” is the legal entity that does not conclude and execute the Contract in order to run or promote his own trade or business activities.

“The Buyer who is not the End Customer” is a Businessman that buys Goods or uses services for the purpose of using the Goods or services for his own business activities. The Buyer conforms to the General Purchase Agreement and business conditions.These Conditions of Warranty and Warranty Claims are an integral part of every Purchase Agreement made between the Seller and the Buyer. All Warranty Conditions are valid and binding, unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Agreement, in the Amendment to this Contract or in another written agreement.

Warranty ConditionsWarranty PeriodThe Seller provides the Buyer a 24 months Warranty for Goods Quality, unless otherwise specified in the Certificate of Warranty, Invoice, Bill of Delivery or other documents related to the Goods. The legal warranty period provided to the Consumer is not affected.By the Warranty for Goods Quality, the Seller guarantees that the delivered Goods shall be, for a certain period of time, suitable for regular or contracted use, and that the Goods shall maintain its regular or contracted features.

The Warranty does not cover defects resulting from (if applicable):

  • User’s fault, i.e. product damage caused by unqualified repair work, improper assembly, insufficient insertion of seat post into frame, insufficient tightening of pedals and cranks
  • Improper maintenance
  • Mechanical damages
  • Regular use (e.g. wearing out of rubber and plastic parts, moving mechanisms, joints, wear of brake pads/blocks, chain, tires, cassette/multi wheel etc.)
  • Unavoidable event, natural disaster
  • Adjustments made by unqualified person
  • Improper maintenance, improper placement, damages caused by low or high temperature, water, inappropriate pressure, shocks, intentional changes in design or construction etc.

Warranty Claim ProcedureThe Buyer is obliged to check the Goods delivered by the Seller immediately after taking the responsibility for the Goods and its damages, i.e. immediately after its delivery. The Buyer must check the Goods so that he discovers all the defects that can be discovered by such check.When making a Warranty Claim the Buyer is obliged, on request of the Seller, to prove the purchase and validity of the claim by the Invoice or Bill of Delivery that includes the product’s serial number, or eventually by the documents without the serial number. If the Buyer does not prove the validity of the Warranty Claim by these documents, the Seller has the right to reject the Warranty Claim.If the Buyer gives notice of a defect that is not covered by the Warranty (e.g. in the case that the Warranty Conditions were not fulfilled or in the case of reporting the defect by mistake etc.), the Seller is eligible to require a compensation for all the costs arising from the repair.The cost shall be calculated according to the valid price list of services and transport costs. If the Seller finds out (by testing) that the product is not damaged, the Warranty Claim is not accepted. The Seller reserves the right to claim a compensation for costs arising from the false Warranty Claim.In case the Buyer makes a claim about the Goods that is legally covered by the Warranty provided by the Seller, the Seller shall fix the reported defects by means of repair or by the exchange of the damaged part or product for a new one. Based on the agreement of the Buyer, the Seller has the right to exchange the defected Goods for a fully compatible Goods of the same or better technical characteristics. The Seller is entitled to choose the form of the Warranty Claim Procedures described in this paragraph.The Seller shall settle the Warranty Claim within 30 days after the delivery of the defective Goods, unless a longer period has been agreed upon. The day when the repaired or exchanged Goods is handed over to the Buyer is considered to be the day of the Warranty Claim settlement. When the Seller is not able to settle the Warranty Claim within the agreed period due to the specific nature of the Goods defect, he and the Buyer shall make an agreement about an alternative solution. In case such agreement is not made, the Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with a financial compensation in the form of a refund.


Registered Office: Strakonická 1151/2c, Praha 5, 150 00,CR Headquaters: Dlnická 957, Vítkov, 749 01

Warranty & Service: Cermenská 486, Vítkov 749 01CRN: VAT ID: 26847264 CZ26847264

Phone:+420 556 300 970E-mail:


SK in SPORT line s.r.o.

Headquaters, warranty & service center: Elektricná 6471, Trencín 911 01, SK

CRN: VAT ID: 36311723 SK2020177082

Phone:+421(0)326 526 701E-mail:






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