HYDROS 21Water Depth + Temperature + Electrical Conductivity
PreparationConfirm that HYDROS 21 components are intact. Gather the necessary tools and suspension setup for the desired installation type and a mounting post for the data logger.Determine the installation depth prior to installation. The sensor zero point is 1.5 cm from the bottom of the sensor, and the desired depth should be set from the zero point.Sensor protection is recommended to protect the pressure sensor from water flow noise and debris and to dampen the stream current effect on the pressure measurement.Read the full HYDROS 21 User Manual at meter group.com/hydros21-support. All products have a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.ATTENTIONFor best results, use the latest versions of METER software and firmware for the computer or mobile device, products, and sensors.
- Install Sensor (Option 1) Groundwater Well Installation.Use a Kellem grip to set the desired installation depth. Lower the sensor into the well and suspend the sensor in position. Cap the well, ensuring the well can vent to atmospheric pressure. Secure and protect cables with PVC casing or flexible conduit.
- Install Sensor (Option 2)
Water Body Installation. Suspend the sensor and sensor protection in the water body from a secure location bridge, pier, or post). Secure and protect cables with PVC casing or flexible conduit to protect sensor cable from higher currents and floating debris.2. Check Sensor OperationPlug the sensor into the data logger and use the SCAN function in the software to check sensor operation.
3. Configure LoggerUse data logger software to apply appropriate settings to the sensors plugged into each data logger port.
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