Omron HeartGuide BP8000 User Manual

Omron HeartGuide BP8000

Initial Setup

Download the app & pair devices
  1. Scan the code to the right with your smart phone camera or visit to find the OMRON compatible app for this product.
  2. Follow instructions in the compatible OMRON app to pair your HeartGuide.
Put on the cuff sleeve

Insert the long side of the cuff into the opening of the sleeve as shown in the illustration.

Continue to slide the sleeve around the cuff, then stretch the sleeve opening over the BP8000 short side of the cuff.


1. Place HeartGuide on your wrist

For accuracy, HeartGuide must be aligned on the wrist and positioned properly during measurement.

With the watch face on the top of the wrist, use 2 fingers to position the band 1” from the base of your hand.

2. Fasten snuggly & align

HeartGuide must have a snug fit prior to measuring; not too tight, not too loose. Your index finger should NOT easily slide between the band and your wrist.

Find the ” ● ”mark on the band. Rotate HeartGuide on your wrist to align the mark with your middle finger.

3. Sit, relax, start

Sit in a comfortable chair with your back supported, your feet flat on the ground and your legs uncrossed. Take a few minutes to relax.

Press the blue button to start the measurement.

4. Position at heart level 

With the display facing out, position HeartGuide at heart level with 2 inches space between wrist and chest.Once you are in the proper position, you will feel a vibration and the measurement will begin.To ensure accuracy do not bend your wrist or look at the display during measurement.Remain still until you feel another vibration signaling the end of the measurement.

5. Check your readings

After completing the measurement, view your latest reading on HeartGuide.Open the app to see how it compares with your previous readings.

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