Patient guideEnglish
Legal noticesImportant noticeThis manual, as well as the computer programs described herein, are supplied on the condition that they may only be used in accordance with their stated purpose. The information in this manual is furnished for the purpose of instruction and guidance only, is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as an alternative to qualified medical advice. ResMed Limited assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. Other than with the written permission of ResMed Limited, no part of this manual or the computer programs described herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise.This product uses software developed by the ANTLR project ( by ResMed App for iOSTM OTS software library attributionsThe AirMini app may contain third-party components licensed for use and redistribution under an open source license, as provided below.· Apache License, Version 2.0 Encrypted Core Data (v. 2.0):© 2014 iMASLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:· MIT License TrustKit (v. 1.4.0):© 2015 Data Theorem, Inc.Licensed under the MIT License:· Custom and other open source licensed software The following components are licensed using custom (vendor-specific) agreements for open source software:Reachability (v. 5.0):© 2016 Apple Inc.This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. (“Apple”) in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple’s copyrights in this original Apple software (the “Apple Software”), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms provided that, if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated.
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About AirMini app Patient eHelpThis easy-to-use app syncs up with your machine to let you start and stop therapy and change comfort features. It also lets you know how you slept the night before, and helps you stay on track throughout your sleep apnea treatment journey. Note: Read your entire AirMiniTM user guide and this eHelp before using your machine with the AirMini app.CAUTIONIn the US, Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.Indications for useThe AirMini app is a mobile application for patients to remotely operate a prescribed compatible ResMed machine and transfer, analyze and display usage and therapeutic information. The AirMini app also allows healthcare professionals to remotely configure compatible OSA therapy devices.ContraindicationsPositive airway pressure therapy may be contraindicated in some patients with the following preexisting conditions: · severe bullous lung disease · pneumothorax · pathologically low blood pressure · dehydration · cerebrospinal fluid leak, recent cranial surgery, or trauma.Adverse effectsPatients should report unusual chest pain, severe headache, or increased breathlessness to their prescribing physician. An acute upper respiratory tract infection may require temporary discontinuation of treatment. The following side effects may arise during the course of therapy with the device: · drying of the nose, mouth, or throat · nosebleed · bloating · ear or sinus discomfort · eye irritation · skin rashes.Compatible machinesThe AirMini app is compatible with the AirMini machine.4
SecurityBuilt-in AirMini and AirMini app security features, steps you take to protect your smart device against malware, and keeping up with software and firmware updates all help to safeguard your privacy, protect your smart device and ensure optimal performance.Security featuresThe AirMini and the AirMini app use security features to help protect your privacy and prevent unauthorized access to your data. These include: · Use of a quick response (QR) code to establish trust between the AirMini and the AirMini app · Unique keys for each mobile device and AirMini pairing · Application-level encryption for the transmission of data, in addition to Bluetooth® security · Encryption of data stored within the AirMini app · Server-side authentication for AirMini firmware upgradesProtecting your smart device against malware helps keep your personal information and sleep data safe and secure. ResMed recommends the following: · Enable personal identification number (PIN) or fingerprint security on your smart device. Refer toyour smart device user instructions for information on enabling either feature. · Avoid unsafe modification of the smart device’s operating system. · Consider enabling remote data wipe on your smart device. Remote data wipe is a functionavailable on your smart device for remotely erasing personal data in the event that your device is lost or stolen. Refer to your smart device user instructions for information on enabling this feature. · Keep your operating system up to date with security patches.Software and firmware updatesTo ensure optimal performance, ResMed recommends that you always install the latest software and firmware versions. Once a firmware update becomes available for your AirMini, a message will appear on your smart device when you access the AirMini app to view sleep data or change comfort settings. To install the firmware update: 1. Click Update to begin the installation process. To install the update, you must have an activeinternet connection. Otherwise, you will be prompted to establish one and begin the process again. 2. You can opt to install the update later by tapping Later, or to install the update immediately by tapping Update. If you choose to install the update later, you will not be able to view your sleep data or change comfort settings until the update is complete. 3. Once the update begins, keep the AirMini app open and your smart device nearby. When the firmware update is complete, a message indicates that your firmware is up to date. 4. Tap Continue. If an AirMini app software update is required, a message will indicate that you need to update the software. Note: You must install required software updates to continue using the AirMini app.
To install the software update: 1. Tap Update app.You will be redirected to the App StoreSM to download the AirMini app software update. 2. Follow any additional on-screen prompts to complete the update process.AirMini app system requirementsRefer to for a list of smart devices compatible with the AirMini app. In addition, iOS operating system version 9.3.5 (minimum) is required.Connecting your machine and smart device1. Ensure that the AirMini machine is set up correctly and plugged into a power source. Refer to the AirMini user guide for additional information on setup.2. On the smart device, enable Bluetooth. Refer to the smart device user guide for instructions on enabling Bluetooth.3. Open the AirMini app. The first time the AirMini app is opened, you will be asked to: · provide consent for the use of analytics · accept ResMed’s terms of use and privacy notice · provide consent for the AirMini app to upload data to the cloud Select the necessary check boxes to provide consent and accept policies. Notes: · The check box for analytics consent is selected by default. · From time to time, the terms of use may be updated and you may be required to provide consent again. · If you agree to allow the AirMini app to upload your data to the cloud, it will be uploaded from the AirMini app to a secure server. · There are two distinct data upload features: Background data upload allows the app to upload all data that has not already been uploaded to the cloud without any user interaction (ie, app automatically uploads data whenever new data is available and active internet connection is present). You must provide consent to enable this feature as it is disabled by default. This feature can be enabled or disabled anytime on the More screen. On-demand data upload clinician or patient-initiated feature that uploads all data that has not already been sent to the cloud. This feature can be used regardless if background upload consent has been provided. To use this feature, the app must have active Bluetooth connection with the AirMini. For additional information, links are also provided on the Welcome page: · Learn More explanation of the way analytics are used · Terms ResMed’s terms of use6
· Privacy ResMed’s privacy notice· my data information about data privacy.Notes:· If you agree to allow the AirMini app to upload your therapy data to the cloud, it will be uploaded from the AirMini app to a secure server.· After you have agreed to have your data uploaded, these data transfers can be turned on or off in the Preferences section of the More menu.· Once you turn on data transfers in the Preferences section of the More menu, all available therapy data on the device will be uploaded to the cloud, not just data generated from that date forward.· Data will continue to be uploaded to the cloud until you turn off the transfers in the Preferences section of the More menu.· If you turn off data transfers in the Preferences section of the More menu, data generated from that point forward will not be uploaded to the cloud. However, data transferred to the cloud previously will remain in the cloud.4. Once selections are complete on the Welcome page, tap Continue.5. On the AirMini machine, press the Bluetooth button when prompted by the AirMini app.
When the light on the AirMini machine starts to flash blue , Bluetooth is enabled on the machine and ready to connect.6. On the smart device, tap Connect.When the AirMini machine is discovered, the machine name appears in the accessory selection list.7. Select the machine name from the list to connect.8. The first time you pair the AirMini machine with the smart device, you will need to perform the authentication procedure.When prompted by the AirMini app, begin the authentication process by entering the four-digit key located on the back of your machine.Alternatively, you can tap Scan code. If permission has not been granted already, you will be prompted by the AirMini app to allow the use of your smart device’s camera and then to position the machine’s QR code within the camera’s viewing frame.Note: The QR code is located on the back of the AirMini machine.9. Tap Done.
When successfully connected, the Bluetooth connection icon corner of the AirMini app.
is displayed in the top right
· As long as your machine is plugged into a power source, it is turned on and in standby mode.
· If your AirMini is plugged into a power source, leaving Bluetooth enabled on your smart device ensures that each time the smart device is within the vicinity of your machine, connection will occur automatically.
· Data sent via Bluetooth is encrypted to protect your privacy.
· You should only pair your smart device with one machine at a time.
Using guided equipment setupThe first time you attempt to use the AirMini app, the Equipment setup screen displays. You can use this interactive setup feature to complete the process of setting up your equipment. Note: Not all masks are available in all regions. To use the guided equipment setup feature: 1. Tap Get started to begin the process.The mask type and model selection screen displays. 2. Select your mask type. 3. Select your mask model. 4. Tap Continue. 5. Connect the air tube to the AirMini. 6. Tap Next. 7. If you are using an N20 series, AirFitTM P10 for AirMini or AirFit N30 for AirMini mask and want touse humidification, insert a HumidXTM or HumidX Plus. If you are using an F20 series mask, and want to use humidification, insert the HumidX F20. 8. Tap Next after inserting the humidifier. 9. Fit your mask. 10.Tap Next. 11.If you are using an N20, F20 or F30 series mask, connect the tube assembly to the mask. 12.Tap Next. The guided setup process is complete. You have the option to continue on with the Test drive feature by tapping Let’s Go! or tap No Thanks to view the AirMini Dashboard.Test DriveTest drive allows you to experience therapy at different levels of air pressure and to check your mask seal. You will need Bluetooth connection to the AirMini device to use Test drive. Ensure your mask is on and breathe normally. 1. Tap Start air. The device will start with a pressure of 4cm H2O. Adjust your mask as needed. 2. Tap Continue. You can exit Test drive at any time by tapping Stop air. 3. Tap Check mask seal. If your mask needs adjusting, tap Need Help? You will be directed to thetroubleshooting screen to help you adjust the mask. Once the AirMini App detects the leak is fixed, you will be returned to Test drive. 4. Tap Increase air pressure to increase air pressure to 7cm H2O. 5. Tap Increase air pressure to move to the final setting of 10cm H2O. 6. Tap Finish or Stop Air to complete Test drive. Note: · Tap X at the top of your screen at any time to quit Test drive. · Once Test drive has started, you have 3 minutes to complete the journey. If Test drive is not complete within 3 minutes the AirMini app will stop the air flow. Tap Restart air at any time to continue with Test drive. · You can also access Test drive feature at any time from the More menu.8
Note: Access additional assistance by clicking the support appears.
icon in any screen in which it
Mask Fit and Therapy sectionsFunctions in the Sleep screen are arranged in two sections, Mask Fit and Therapy. Use the Mask Fit section to assess and identify possible air leaks around your mask. Use the Therapy section to access therapy functions and comfort settings.
Checking mask fit1. Fit your mask as described in the mask user guide. 2. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
3. Tap Mask Fit
The Mask Fit screen opens.
4. In the Mask Fit screen, tap START Mask Fit.
The machine starts blowing air.
5. Adjust the mask, mask cushion and headgear until you get a Good mask seal result.
6. To stop mask fit, tap STOP Mask Fit.
If you are unable to get a good mask seal, talk to your provider.
Starting therapy using the app1. Make sure that your machine is set up correctly and powered on. 2. Confirm that your Bluetooth connection is active.Refer to Connecting your machine and smart device for instructions. 3. Fit your mask. 4. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
5. Tap Therapy
The Therapy screen opens.
6. If SmartStartTM is turned on, fit your mask and begin to breathe normally to start therapy.
Otherwise, tap START to start therapy.
Stopping therapy using the appIf SmartStop is turned on, remove your mask and therapy will stop automatically. Otherwise, tap STOP .
Changing comfort featuresYour AirMini machine has been set up for your needs by your provider, but you may find that you want to make small adjustments to make your therapy more comfortable. The comfort features Ramp Time, Pressure Relief, SmartStart and SmartStop can be adjusted on the Sleep options screen.Note: Pressure Relief must first be enabled by your provider.
To access comfort features: 1. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
2. Tap Therapy
3. Tap Options to open the Sleep options screen.
Your current comfort settings display in the Sleep options screen.
Ramp Time Designed to make the beginning of therapy more comfortable, Ramp Time is the period during which pressure gradually increases from a lower start pressure to the prescribed treatment pressure.You can set Ramp Time to Off, 5 to 45 minutes or Auto. When Ramp Time is set to Auto, the device will detect when you have fallen asleep and then automatically rise to the prescribed treatment pressure.To adjust Ramp Time: 1. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
2. Tap Therapy
3. Tap Options to open the Sleep options screen.
Your current comfort settings display in the Sleep options screen.
4. Tap the current ramp setting.
5. Select your preferred setting.
6. Tap OK.
Your preferred setting is displayed.
Note: Once you have started your therapy session, the setting cannot be adjusted. To adjust the setting, you must stop therapy, adjust the setting, and then start therapy again.
Pressure Relief When Pressure Relief is enabled and turned on, you may find it easier to breathe out. This can help you get used to therapy.To switch Pressure Relief on or off: 1. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
2. Tap Therapy
3. Tap Options to open the Sleep options screen.
Your current comfort settings display in the Sleep options screen.
4. If Pressure Relief has been enabled by your provider, switch it on your needs.
or off
to suit
SmartStart When SmartStart is turned on, therapy starts automatically when you breathe into your mask. To switch SmartStart on or off: 1. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
2. Tap Therapy
3. Tap Options to open the Sleep options screen.
Your current comfort settings display in the Sleep options screen.
4. Switch SmartStart on
or off
to suit your needs.
SmartStop When SmartStop is turned on, therapy stops automatically after a few seconds when you remove your mask.To switch SmartStop on or off: 1. Tap Sleep in the Navigation tab.The Sleep screen opens.
2. Tap Therapy
3. Tap Options to open the Sleep options screen.
Your current comfort settings display in the Sleep options screen.
4. Switch SmartStop on
or off
to suit your needs.
More menuThe More menu is where you can access: · AirMini App User guide · AirMini Machine User guide · AirMini support website · Equipment set up · Test Drive feature. You can also upload you sleep data to the cloud. Tap Upload data now and the data will be sent to the cloud. Note: · The AirMini device must be Bluetooth connected and the smart device must have an activeInternet connection. · Only data that has not previously been sent to the cloud will be uploaded. · To re-load all AirMini data, you must uninstall/re-install the AirMini App, Bluetooth connect toAirMini and tap Upload data now.
English 11
DashboardThe Dashboard provides you with a snapshot of your therapy data. Note: You must synchronize the AirMini to the AirMini app to view your most recent therapy data.myAir score (total of 100 points) Provides you with a total score for the previous night of sleep by analyzing four key categories: usage hours, mask seal, events per hour and mask on/off events. The higher your overall score, the better. To access previous days of myAir score information: 1. Select the date above your myAir score in the Dashboard.The myAir score summary displays 30 days of previous scores. 2. Tap on any date to view a score breakdown for that date. Usage hours (70 points) Displays the number of hours of therapy you received during the previous night. The more hours of therapy you received, the more points you score. If you use your therapy for 1 hour you get 10 points, or for 6 hours you get 60 points. You can score up to 70 points. Mask seal (20 points) Helps you assess how well your mask seals and identify possible air leaks around your mask. You can get up to 20 points for minimal mask leak, 10 to 15 points for moderate leak, and 0 to 10 points for higher leak. If your score is low, try to refit your mask. If you are unable to get a good mask seal, talk to your provider. Events per hour (5 points) This score is derived from the average of the events (apneas and hypopneas) per hour experienced during your therapy period. Mask on/off events (5 points) Displays the number of times you removed your mask during the previous night of sleep. The fewer times you remove your mask during the night, the more points you get. Pressure Displays the pressure equal to or less than the highest pressure delivered by the AirMini during the majority of your therapy the previous night. This measurement has no effect on the number of points you get, but it is an indication of how much air pressure was required to effectively treat your sleep disordered breathing.About AirMiniThe About AirMini screen provides the following information about your AirMini: · Total usage hours the total number of hours you have operated your AirMini · Firmware version the current firmware version installed on your AirMini · Last synced the length of time since your smart device was last synchronized with your AirMini To access the About AirMini screen, tap About AirMini machine in the More menu.12
TravelingYou can take your AirMini machine with you wherever you go. Ensure that you have the appropriate power adapter for the region of travel. For information on purchasing an adapter, contact your provider.Traveling by airplaneSome airlines do not classify medical equipment as carry-on luggage and therefore, the AirMini might not count toward carry-on luggage limits. Check with your airline to determine their policies. You can use your AirMini machine on an airplane because it meets the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. Air travel compliance letters can be downloaded and printed from When using the AirMini on an airplane: · While connected to power, disable Bluetooth by pressing and holding the Bluetooth button forat least ten seconds until the indicator light is white. · Do not use the AirMini app. · Use the Start/Stop button on your machine to start therapy. · To reconnect Bluetooth (or exit airplane mode), press the Bluetooth button.English 13
TroubleshootingIf you experience any problems, try the following suggestions. Also check your AirMini machine user guide. If you are not able to fix the problem, contact your local ResMed dealer or ResMed office. If you experience problems with the AirMini machine, do not open it.
Problem/possible cause I cannot establish a Bluetooth connection. Bluetooth may be disabled.Your Bluetooth connection may be poor. Your machine may be in airplane mode.
SolutionCheck your smart device to determine whether Bluetooth is enabled .Check your AirMini machine to determine whether Bluetooth is enabled. When the Bluetooth indicator light on yourmachine flashes blue , the machine is ready for pairing.Reconnect and pair your AirMini machine and smart device. Refer to Connecting your machine and smart device for more information.If these solutions do not resolve the issue, try restarting your smart device.If you cannot establish a Bluetooth connection between your AirMini machine and the AirMini app, you can still start therapy by pressing the Start button on your machine.Ensure that your AirMini machine is placed away from potential sources of interference such as microwaves, wireless local area network (WLAN) routers or cordless phones.If you cannot establish a Bluetooth connection between your AirMini machine and the AirMini app, you can still start therapy by pressing the Start button on your machine.If a white light shows on your AirMini machine, your machine is in airplane mode.To disable airplane mode, press the Bluetooth button on your machine for at least 3 seconds.Once airplane mode has been disabled and the Bluetooth indicator light on your AirMini machine begins to flash blue, Bluetooth is enabled on your machine and the machine is ready for pairing.If you cannot disable airplane mode, you can still start therapy by pressing the Start button on your AirMini machine.
Problem/possible cause
The Bluetooth indicator light on my AirMini machine is constantly white. I cannot pair to my machine.
Bluetooth is disabled.
Press the Bluetooth button on your AirMini machine for at least 3 seconds. When the Bluetooth indicator light flashes
blue , the machine is ready for pairing.
The AirMini machine appears in the device list, but I cannot Tap the device name in the device list to confirm that you
establish a connection.
want to connect to that machine.
My therapy data has not been transmitted. Bluetooth may be disabled.Your smart device may be in airplane mode.
Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your smart device .Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your AirMini machine by pressing the Bluetooth button on the machine. TheBluetooth light on the machine should then flash blue .Reconnect and pair your AirMini machine and smart device. Refer to Connecting your machine and smart device for more information.If these solutions do not resolve the issue, try restarting your smart device.Turn off airplane mode on your smart device.
Air is leaking from around my mask or my mask is too noisy.
Your mask may be fitted incorrectly.
Ensure that your mask is fitted correctly. Refer to your mask user guide for fitting instructions or perform the mask fit function using the AirMini app to check your mask fit and seal.
The AirMini system may be assembled incorrectly.
Make sure your AirMini system is assembled correctly. Refer to your AirMini user guide for information on setting up your AirMini machine.
Air pressure in my mask seems too low or it feels like I am not getting enough air.
Ramp may be in progress.
Use the AirMini app to confirm that the Ramp Time comfort feature has been enabled. If so, wait for air pressure to build up or turn off the Ramp Time feature using the AirMini app.
The HumidX or vent might be blocked.
Inspect the HumidX and vent for blockages or damage. Refer to your AirMini user guide for information on cleaning and maintenance.
The HumidX may be wet.
The HumidX should be dry when starting therapy. Determine whether the HumidX is wet and replace it if necessary.
I cannot start therapy. Power may not be connected.
Connect the power supply unit and ensure that the plug is fully inserted. The green indicator light on the power supply unit should be illuminated.
English 15
Problem/possible causeMy therapy has stopped. The air tubing may be disconnected.You may be experiencing high mask leak while the SmartStop feature is enabled.
Solution Ensure that the green indicator light above the Start/Stop button on the AirMini machine is also illuminated.Ensure that the air tubing is properly connected. Press the Start/Stop button on the AirMini machine to continue therapy.Ensure that your mask is fitted correctly. Refer to your mask user guide for fitting instructions or perform the mask fit function using the AirMini app to check your mask fit and seal.Alternatively, disable the SmartStop feature.
I cannot scan the QR code to pair my AirMini machine.
The camera is not focused or broken, or the QR code label is Pair your AirMini machine manually by entering into your
smart device the four-digit key found on the back of your
The QR code label is unreadable.
Contact your provider.
The light above the Start/Stop button is flashing green.
An error has occurred on the AirMini machine.
Unplug your AirMini machine. Wait a few seconds and then plug it back in.
If the problem persists, contact your provider. Do not open the AirMini machine.
I am experiencing dryness or have a dry or blocked nose.
Your mask may be fitted incorrectly.
Adjust and refit your mask to improve the seal. Ensure that no air is leaking from it. Refer to your mask user guide for fitting instructions or perform the mask fit function using the AirMini app to check your mask fit and seal. If your mask fit is good, try the HumidX Plus.
Humidification may be required.
Try therapy using the HumidX.
I am using a waterless humidifier and I am getting uncomfortable droplets of water on my nose, mask or air tubing.
The humidity level is too high.
If you are using the HumidX or HumidX F20: Remove the humdifier and try therapy without humidification.
If you are using the HumidX Plus, try the HumidX instead. This will help to reduce the water droplets.
If you still experience problems, contact your provider.
Note: you may need to use a waterless humidifier when ambient humidity conditions change.
Displayed values
Value Pressure sensor at air outlet: Mask pressure
Range 420 cm H20 (420 hPa)
Display resolution 0.1 cm H2O (0.1 hPa)
Further information
For information on cleaning your machine, maintenance, troubleshooting and other technical specifications, refer to your AirMini machine user guide.
English 17
ResMed Pty Ltd 1 Elizabeth Macarthur DriveBella Vista NSW 2153 AustraliaSee for other ResMed locations worldwide. AirMini, HumidX and SmartStart are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the ResMed family of companies. For patent and other intellectual property information, see “Made for iPhone” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPhone may affect wireless performance. Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. IOS is a trademark of Cisco, licensed to Apple Inc. The Bluetooth® wordmark and logos are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. This product uses software developed by the ANTLR project ( © 2020 ResMed. 2281192/3
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