Tag: 2400VFX
Kasco Lake Management Aerating Fountains Owner’s Manual
Owners ManualVFX Series Aerators2400VFX, 3400VFX, 4400VFX, 3400HVFX, 4400HVFX Intertek3020379ANSI/UL 778: 2016Ed.6+R:22Feb2017CSA C22.2 #108: 2014 Ed.5 Kasco Marine, Inc.800 Deere Rd.Prescott, WI 54021PH (715) 262-4488www.kascomarine.com Manual Number884170Rev. 7-2020 THANKSWe at Kasco Marine, Inc. would like to both thank and congratulate you on your purchase of the VFX model aerator. We appreciate you choosing Kasco and for…