Tag: Beacon

  • PHOENIX DryTAG Bluetooth Beacon Owner’s Manual

    PHOENIX DryTAG Bluetooth Beacon Owner’s Manual

    DryTAG Bluetooth BeaconON-THE-JOB DEVICE The Phoenix DryTAG is a Bluetooth beacon with a built-in accelerometer that comes included with select Phoenix equipment and can be added to any equipment, including other brands. For more information on the DryLINK® App and DryTAG, visit Usephoenix.com/phoenix-drylink-mobile-app/.Scan QR code for more information on DryLINK ® https://l.ead.me/bbL2L9 BENEFITS Appears in…

  • Radioland Technology NRF51822-Beacon Instruction Manual

    Radioland Technology NRF51822-Beacon Instruction Manual

    Radioland Technology NRF51822-Beacon Product description Overview The 51822-iBeacon wireless module is developed using Nordic’s high performance wireless SOC chip NRF51822.It is a complete low cost, low power design for Bluetooth low energy applications.The NRF51822 integrates a high-performance and low-power CortexM0 microcontroller core, and supports the BLE4.0 protocol stack for Bluetooth applications and a wealth of…