Tag: Platinum Pro
Munters ROTEM Platinum Pro Expansion Box Installation Guide
Munters ROTEM Platinum Pro Expansion Box Installation Guide Platinum Pro Expansion Rotem Expansion Layout Figure 1: Rotem Expansion Figure 2: Platinum Pro Expansion NOTE: The Rotem Expansion supports analog input, analog output, and digital input cards. Platinum Pro Expansion does not support these cards. Wiring Diagrams 1. Wire the Platinum Pro PP-485ISO-485/PP232ISO-485 card…
Munters Rotem One Climate Controllers Installation Guide
Installation ManualPlatinumPro/PlatinumTouch/RotemOne/Rotem ProPlatinum Pro/Platinum Touch/Rotem One/Rotem ProClimate Controllers Ag/MIS/ImPT-2495-01/18 Rev 1.7P/N: 116689Portuguese Platinum Pro/Platinum Touch/RotemOne/Rotem ProInstallation Manual Revision: N1.7 of 02.2021Ag/MIS/ImPT-2495-01/18 Rev 1.2 (MIS)Product Software: Version 6.20/7.20 This manual for use and maintenance is an integral part of the apparatus together with the attached technical documentation.WARNING! This document is destined for the user of the…