EN14511 Inverter 12 HP A+
1. L’apparecchio contiene gas R-410A. L’R-410A è un gas serra fluorurato.
2. Rispettare le leggi vigenti.
3. Prestare attenzione al fatto che il refrigerante R-410A è inodore.
4. L’apparecchio può essere utilizzato da bambini di età non inferiore a 8 anni e da persone con ridotte
capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali, o prive di esperienza o della necessaria conoscenza, purché
sotto sorveglianza oppure dopo che le stesse abbiano ricevuto istruzioni relative all’uso sicuro
dell’apparecchio e alla comprensione dei pericoli ad esso inerenti.
5. I bambini non devono giocare con l’apparecchio.
6. La pulizia e la manutenzione destinata ad essere effettuata dall’utilizzatore non deve essere effettuata
da bambini senza sorveglianza.
7. Se il cavo di alimentazione è danneggiato, esso deve essere sostituito dal costruttore o dal suo
servizio assistenza tecnica o comunque da una persona con qualifica similare, in modo da prevenire
ogni rischio.
8. L’installazione, il primo avviamento e le successive fasi di manutenzione, eccetto la pulizia o il lavaggio
del filtro dell’aria ambiente, devono essere eseguite esclusivamente da personale autorizzato e
9. Per prevenire ogni rischio di folgorazione, è indispensabile scollegare la spina dalla presa di corrente
e/o staccare l’interruttore generale prima di effettuare collegamenti elettrici ed ogni operazione di
manutenzione sugli apparecchi.
10. Durante l’installazione rispettare i riferimenti, degli spazi minimi, riportati nella figura 2.
1. The appliance contains R-410A gas. R-410A is a fluorinated greenhouse gas.
2. Comply with current laws.
3. Take care as R-410A refrigerant is odourless.
4. The appliance may be used by children over 8 years of age and by persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capacities, or without the required experience or knowledge, provided they are
supervised or have been instructed in the safe use of the appliance and understand the hazards
5. Children must not play with the equipment.
6. Children must not be allowed to clean the appliance or perform user maintenance without proper
7. If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or by its technical support
service or by similarly qualified personnel, to prevent any risk to the user.
8. Installation, initial start-up and subsequent maintenance, with the exception of the ambient air filter
cleaning and washing, must be carried out solely by authorized and qualified personnel.
9. To prevent any risk of electric shocks, it is mandatory to disconnect the plug from the power socket
and/or to switch off the main switch before performing any electrical connection and any maintenance
operation on the appliances.
10. During installation, respect the references to the minimum spaces indicated in figure 2.
1 A
min 60mm
min 80mm
min 60mm
min 100mm
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8min 300mm
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ø202 mm
ø162 mm G130 mm
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2122 A
23A B
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1a 1 1a1c
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33 X3
34 J1
min. 80mm
456a min. 5L 6
46 Y247 Y2 Y3
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MAIN INDEX0 – WARNINGS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 0.1 – General information ……………………………………………………………………………………………….3 0.2 – SYmBolS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30.2.1 – editorial pictograms………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 0.3 – General WarninGS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 0.4 – noteS reGarDinG flUorinateD GaSeS……………………………………………………………………8 0.5 – ProPer USe…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8 0.6 – HazarDoUS zoneS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..81 – DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLIANCE …………………………………………………………………………… 9 1.1 – liSt of tHe ComPonentS SUPPlieD …………………………………………………………………………. 9 1.2 – StoraGe………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 1.3 – reCeiPt anD UnPaCKinG …………………………………………………………………………………………….9 1.4 – aPPlianCe ComPonentS DeSCriPtion……………………………………………………………………10INFORMATION RESERVED FOR THE “INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN”2 – INSTALLATION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 2.1 – inStrUCtionS for inStallation……………………………………………………………………………..10 2.2 – Size anD SPeCifiCationS of tHe room in WHiCH to inStall tHe air ConDitioner……….. 11 2.3 – CHooSinG tHe PoSition of tHe Unit……………………………………………………………………… 11 2.4 – Unit aSSemBlY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 2.4.1 – Drilling the wall ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12 2.4.2 – Preparing the condensate discharge…………………………………………………………………………………13 2.4.3 – assembly of the air ducts and external grids………………………………………………………………………14 2.4.4 – Preparing the holes on the machine………………………………………………………………………………….14 2.4.5 – Positioning of the device on the anchor brackets………………………………………………………………..14 2.4.6 – electric hook-up……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15 2.5 – toP/Bottom inStallation ConfiGUration…………………………………………………………….16 2.5.1 – Electronic configuration for lower or upper wall installations…………………………………………………16 2.6 – enerGY BooSt/SYStem enaBle ContaCt inPUt…………………………………………………….17 2.7 – aCCeSSorieS B1014, B1015………………………………………………………………………………………..17SECTION FOR THE TECHNICIAN AND USER3 – USE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18 3.1 – WarninGS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 3.2 – Description of the warning panel ……………………………………………………………………………………..18 3.3 – Control Panel notifiCationS ………………………………………………………………………………..19 3.4 – USe of tHe remote Control………………………………………………………………………………….20 3.4.1 – insertion of batteries……………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 3.4.2 – replacement of batteries ………………………………………………………………………………………………..21 3.4.3 – location of the remote controller………………………………………………………………………………………21 3.5 – DeSCriPtion of remote Control………………………………………………………………………….22 3.5.1 – Description of the remote control keys ………………………………………………………………………………22 3.5.2 – Description of the remote control display …………………………………………………………………………..22 3.6 – DeSCriPtion of tHe air ConDitioner fUnCtionS…………………………………………………23 3.6.1 – main switch-on and running management …………………………………………………………………………23 3.6.2 – eCo key ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 3.6.3 – turning the unit on/off…………………………………………………………………………………………………23 3.6.4 – operation in “Cooling” mode only……………………………………………………………………………………..23 3.6.5 – Operation in “Dehumidification” mode only ………………………………………………………………………..23 3.6.6 – operation in “Ventilation” mode only …………………………………………………………………………………24EN – 1UNICO PRO INVERTER
3.6.7 – operation in “Spa” mode only (automatic) …………………………………………………………………………24 3.6.8 – Operation in “Heating” mode only (only models fitted with heating pump)………………………………24 3.6.9 – Checking airflow direction ……………………………………………………………………………………………….25 3.6.10 – Checking fan speed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..25 3.6.11 – Silent key …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25 3.6.12 – timer setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25 3.6.13 – timer and clock setting …………………………………………………………………………………………………26 3.6.14 – timer setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26 3.6.15 – timer activation and deactivation……………………………………………………………………………………27 3.6.16 – reset of all the remote control functions………………………………………………………………………….27 3.6.17 – managing the unit if the remote control is not available ……………………………………………………..27 3.7 – reCommenDationS for enerGY SaVinGS………………………………………………………………274 – MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ……………………………………………………………………………… 27 4.1 – CleaninG ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………28 4.1.1 – appliance and remote control cleaning ……………………………………………………………………………..28 4.1.2 – Cleaning the air filter ………………………………………………………………………………………………………28 4.2 – maintenance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28 4.2.1 – routine maintenance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..28 4.2.2 – Condensation water drainage in case of emergency …………………………………………………………..294.3 – DiaGnoSiS, alarmS anD inConVenienCeS ………………………………………………………………29 4.3.1 – Diagnosis of the inconveniences………………………………………………………………………………………29 4.3.2 – functional aspects not to be mistaken for anomalies ………………………………………………………….30 4.3.3 – Console alarms ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30 4.3.4 – anomalies and remedies…………………………………………………………………………………………………315 – TECHNICAL DATA……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32DISPOSAL this symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that the appliance cannot be treated as normal domestic trash, but must be handed in at a collection point for recycling electric and electronic appliances. Your contribution to the correct disposal of this product protects the environment and the health of your fellow men. Health and the environment are endangered by incorrect disposal. further information about the recycling of this product can be obtained from your local town hall, your refuse collection service, or in the store at which you bought the product. this regulation is valid only in eU member states.EN – 2
ILLUSTRATIONS the illustrations are grouped on the initial pages of the manual
MAIN INDEXthe main index of this manual is given on page “en-1”
0 – WARNINGS0.1 – GENERAL INFORMATION first of all, we would like to thank you for choosing our appliance. This document is confidential pursuant to the law and may not be reproduced or transferred to third parties without the explicit authorisation of the manufacturer. the appliance may undergo updates and therefore have details different from those represented, without prejudice to the texts contained in this manual.0.2 – SYMBOLS the pictograms in the next chapter provide the necessary information for correct, safe use of the machine in a rapid, unmistakable way.
0.2.1 – Editorial pictogramsService refers to situations in which you should inform the SerViCe department in the company: CUSTOMER TECHNICAL SERVICE.Index Paragraphs marked with this symbol contain very important information and recommendations, particularly as regards safety. failure to comply with them may result in: – danger of injury to the operators – loss of the warranty – refusal of liability by the manufacturer.Raised hand refers to actions that absolutely must not be performed.
DANGER OF HIGH VOLTAGE Signals to the personnel that the operation described could cause electrocution if not performed according to the safety rules.GENERIC DANGER it informs the personnel concerned that if the operation is not carried out in compliance with the safety regulations, it presents the risk of suffering physical damage.DANGER DUE TO HEAT it informs the personnel concerned that if the operation is not carried out in compliance with the safety regulations, it presents the risk of burns due to contact with components at very high temperatures. DO NOT COVER indicates to the personnel concerned, that it is prohibited to cover the appliance, to prevent over-heating.ATTENTION · Indicates that this document must be read carefully before installing and/orusing the appliance. · Indicates that the assistance personnel must handle the appliance followingthe installation manual.ATTENTION · Indicates that there may be additional information in attached manuals. · Indicates that information is available in the user manual or in the installationmanual.ATTENTION indicates that the assistance personnel must handle the appliance following the installation manual.EN – 4
0.3 – GENERAL WARNINGSWHEN USING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MUST ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED INORDER TO REDUCE RISKS OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCKS AND INJURY, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING:1. This document is restricted in use to the terms of the law and may not be copied or transferred to third parties without the express authorization of the manufacturer, OLIMPIA SPLENDID. Our machines are subject to change and some parts may appear different from the ones shown here, without this affecting the text of the manual in any way.2. Read this manual carefully before performing any operation (installation, maintenance, use) and follow the instructions contained in each chapter.3. Make all personnel involved in transport and installation of the machine aware of these instructions.4. THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY CAUSED BY FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL.5. The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes it deems advisable to its models, although the essential features described in this manual remain the same.6. The installation and maintenance of air-conditioners like this one may be hazardous as they contain a cooling gas under pressure as well as powered parts. Therefore, the installation, first startup and subsequent maintenance should be carried out exclusively by authorized, qualified personnel.7. Failing to comply with the instructions contained in this manual, and using the unit with temperatures exceeding the permissible temperature range will invalidate the warranty.8. Routine maintenance of the filters and general external cleaning can be done by the user as these operations are not difficult or dangerous.9. During installation and maintenance, respect the precautions indicated in the manual, and on the labels applied inside the units, as well as all the precautions suggested by good sense and by the safety regulations in effect in your country.EN – 5UNICO PRO INVERTER
10. Always wear gloves and protective goggles when performing any operations on the refrigerating side of the units.11. Air conditioners must not be installed in places containing inflammable gasses, explosive gasses, or in very humid environments (laundries, greenhouses, etc.), or in places where there are machines that generate very great heat.12. In case of replacement of parts, use only original OLIMPIA SPLENDID parts.13. IMPORTANT! In order to prevent any risk of electrical shocks, it is essential to disconnect the plug from the power socket and/or to switch off the main switch (“OFF”) before performing any electrical connection and any cleaning and/or maintenance operation on the appliances.14. Lightening, cars in the vicinity and mobile phones can cause malfunctioning. Disconnect the unit electrically for a few seconds and then re-start the air conditioner.15. On rainy days, it is recommended to connect the electric power supply in order to prevent damage caused by lightening.16. If the unit is unused for a long period, or no-one uses the climate-controlled room, it is recommended to disconnect the electric power supply in order to prevent accidents.17. Do not use liquid or corrosive detergents to clean the unit, do not spray water or other liquids onto the unit, since they could damage the plastic components or even cause electric shocks.18. Do not wet the indoor unit and the remote control. Short circuits or fires may occur.19. In the event of operating anomalies (e.g. strange noise, bad odour, smoke, abnormal temperature rise, electric dispersions, etc.) disconnect the electric power supply immediately. Contact the local dealer.20. Do not let the air conditioner run for a long time when the humidity is very high and a door or a windows is left open. Moisture may condense and wet or damage furniture.21. Do not plug or unplug the power supply plug during operation. Fire and electric shocks risk.22. Do not touch (operation) the product with wet hands. Fire and electric shocks risk.23. Do not place a heater or other appliance near the power cable. Fire and electric shocks risk.EN – 6
24. Make sure water does not enter the electrical parts. It could cause fires, product failure or electric shocks.25. Do not open the air inlet grid during appliance operation. Risk of injury, electric shock or damage to the product.26. Do not block the air inlet or outlet; the product could be damaged.27. Do not insert hands or other object through air inlet or outlet while the product is operated. The presence of sharp and moving parts could cause injury.28. Do not drink the water drained from the product. It is not sanitary could cause serious health issues.29. When there are gas leaks from other units, ventilate the room well before activating the air conditioner.30. Do not disassemble or modify unit. 31. Ventilate the room well when used together with a stove, etc. 32. Do not use for special purposes. 33. The persons that work or intervene on a cooling circuit, must be inpossession of suitable certification, issued by an accredited assessment body. This must attest skill in safely handling refrigerants in compliance with assessment specification acknowledged by sector associations. 34. Do not emit R-410A gas into the atmosphere; R-410A is a fluorinated greenhouse gas with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) = 2088. 35. The appliance described in this manual is in compliance with the following European Regulations· ECODESIGN 2009/125/EC, 206/2012/EU · ENERGY LABELLING 2012/30/EU, 626/2011/EU and successive amendments.EN – 7 UNICO PRO INVERTER
0.4 – NOTES REGARDING FLUORINATED GASES · This climate control appliance contains fluorinated gas. For specific information regarding the type and quantity of gas, refer to the data plate affixed to the unit. · The installation, assistance, maintenance and repair of the appliance, must be performed by a qualified certified technician. · Product removal and re-cycling operations must be performed by a qualified certified technician. · If the system has a leak-detection device installed, the checks for leaks must be performed at least every 12 months. · When the unit is checked for leaks, keeping a record of all inspections is highly recommended.0.5 – PROPER USE · The air-conditioner should be used for the exclusive purpose of producing hot or cool air (on demand) for the sole purpose of obtaining a comfortable temperature in the room. · An improper use of the devices (external and internal) with possible damages caused to people, things or animals relieves OLIMPIA SPLENDID from any liability.0.6 – HAzARDOUS zONES · The climate controllers must not be installed in environments with the presence of inflammable gases, explosive gases, in very humid environments (laundries, greenhouses, etc.), or in places with other machines that generate a strong heat source, in proximity of a sources of salt water or sulphurous water. · DO NOT use gas, gasoline or other inflammable liquids near to the climate controller. · The climate controller does not have a fan for the introduction of fresh outdoor air into the room; ventilate by opening doors and windows. · Always install circuit breaker and a dedicated power circuit.
EN – 8
This product must be used exclusively according to the specifications indicated in this manual. Use different to that specified, could cause serious injuries.THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT LIABLE FOR INJURY/DAMAGE TOPERSONS/OBJECTS DERIVING FROM FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THEREGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL.
1 – DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLIANCE1.1 – LIST OF THE COMPONENTS SUPPLIEDthe units making up the climate control system are packaged individually in cardboard boxes. individual unit packages can be transported by hand by two members of personnel, or loaded onto a transport trolley; up to max. three packages stacked for indoor units and individually for outdoor units. Before beginning to assemble the unit, make sure all the parts are within easy reach.The parts listed below and shown in figure 1 are included in the supply, the other particulars necessary for installation must be purchased.
A. appliance UniCo Pro B. remote control B1.Battery for remote controlquantity 2 – aaa type x 1.5V C. Use and maintenance booklets + warranty D. Strip of adhesive isolating tape (x 2) E. air inlet and outlet external grids including chainsand kit for installing the grids (x 2)
F. Internal flanges (x 2) G. Sheet for wall pipes (x 2) H. Kit of screws and anchor bolts L. Wall anchoring bracket (x 2) M. Paper template to make holes N. Condensation drain pipe O. Purifying filter (green coloured) P. Active carbons filter (black coloured)
1.2 – STORAGEStore the cartons in a closed environment protected against atmospheric agents and raised off the floor by planks or a pallet.DO NOT TURN THE PACKAGING UPSIDE DOWN NOR PLACE IT HORIZONTALLY.1.3 – RECEIPT AND UNPACKINGthe packaging is made up from suitable material and performed by expert personnel. the units are delivered complete and in perfect condition. However, for he quality control of the transport services, follow the warnings below:a. on receipt of the packages, check whether the packaging is damaged. if this is the case, withdraw the goods with reserve, producing photographic proof and any apparent damage.b. Unpack, checking the presence of the individual components with the packing lists. c. Control that all components have not undergone damage during transport. if this is the case, inform thecarrier by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 3 days of receiving the goods, presenting photographic documentation. d. Pay attention when unpacking and installing the equipment. Sharp parts can cause injury. Pay particular attention to the edges of the structure and the fins of the condenser and evaporator.No information concerning damage undergone can be taken into consideration after 3 days from delivery.for any controversy the court of jurisdiction will be BreSCia.EN – 9UNICO PRO INVERTER
Keep the packaging for at least the duration of the warranty period, for any shipments to the after-sales centre for repairs. Dispose of packaging in compliance with the regulations in force regarding waste disposal.
1.4 – APPLIANCE COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONThe main components of the air conditioner are shown in figure A. 1. Air outlet deflector (Flap) 2. function and alarms display console 3. air suction grille 4. Air filter 5. Purifying filter and active carbons filter 6. Condensation and emergency drains access door 7. Switch and serial port access door 8. Power cordA 3 261
3 4
7 52 – INSTALLATION2.1 – INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATIONto obtain the best results and optimum performance, follow the instructions for correct installation provided in this manual.A failure to implement the indicated standards, which may cause a malfunction of the appliances, relieves OLIMPIA SPLENDID from any form of warranty and from any liability for possible damages caused to people, animals or things. The electrical system must be compliant with legal standards, must respect the data in the technical data sheet and be must be equipped with an efficient ground system.EN – 10
2.2 – Size and specifications of the room in which to install the air conditioner· Before installing the air conditioner, it is essential to make an accurate calculation of the heat load in summer (and cold load in winter for models with heating pump) at the site of installation.· The more accurate this calculation is made the better the air conditioner will be able to do its job.· When executing the calculations, refer directly to the prevailing standards.· For particularly important applications, we recommend contacting expert heating engineers.· The user should try to limit high heat loads as much as possible as follows: glass doors and windows exposed to many hours of sunlight should be fitted on the inside with curtains or, even better, on the outside with coverings such as Venetian blinds, verandahs, refractive film, etc.). The air-conditioned room must remain closed as long as possible.· Halogen spotlights or other electrical equipment with high power consumption should not be used in the room (toasters, steam irons, hot plates for cooking, etc.).2.3 – CHOOSING THE POSITION OF THE UNITto obtain the best operating performance and prevent faults or hazardous conditions, the position of indoor unit installation must meet the following requirements: a. Do not expose the appliance to heat or steam sources (fig. 3). b. make sure that the space to the right and left is at least 60 mm and space above the unit is at least 80mm. (fig. 2). c. The height of the unit’s lower edge from the floor should be at least 100 mm if fixed to the wall in thelowest position. If fixed to the wall in the highest position, it should be at least 80 mm from the ceiling (fig. 2). d. The wall where the indoor unit is to be fixed, must be stable, strong and suitable to support the weight. e. it must be possible to leave room around the unit for any maintenance operations that may be necessary. f. nothing should be in the way of the air that needs to circulate both on the top air-intake (curtains, plants, furniture) and at the front where the air exits. this could cause air swirls that would inhibit the working efficiency of the unit (fig. 3). g. Do not spray water or other liquids of any kind directly on the unit (fig. 3). h. The appliance must not be positioned so that the air flow is directed directly towards nearby people (fig. 3). i. Never force the opening of the airflow flap (fig. 3). l. Do not place bottles, cans, clothes, flowers or any other object on the air suction grille (fig. 3). m. Do not install the air conditioner directly on another household appliance (tV, radio, fridge, etc.), or on a heat source (fig. 3).The air conditioner must be installed on a wall that communicates with the outsideAfter determining the best place for installation as described above, check for the absence of other structures or systems (beams, piers, pipes, wires, etc.) at the points where the holes are to be drilled, which would prevent drilling the holes required to install the unit. Check again to make sure there are no obstacles to air circulation through the holes to be drilled due to plants and their leaves, slats or panelling, blinds, gratings or grids too dense, etc.).EN – 11UNICO PRO INVERTER
2.4 – UNIT ASSEMBLYThe maximum allowed length of the pipes is 1 m, the pipes must be internally smooth, with a diameter equal to 202 mm or 162 mm and bends cannot be performed. It is necessary to use the grilles provided, or grilles which keep the same features.2.4.1 – Drilling the wall install the unit by drilling two holes (diameter of either 162 mm or 202 mm) in the wall as indicated in the drilling template. The 202-mm holes will ensure best performance and utmost noiselessness. · It is possible to install the unit UNICO PRO INVERTER instead of a unit UNICO SKY or UNICO STAR or UniCo Smart or UniCo inVerter without modifying the already existing holes, exception made for the small condensation drain hole. in this case, in order not to penalize performances, remove the insulating material possibly present in the air expulsion hole. the anchoring brackets need new drilling too. · Drill the wall using the proper tools to facilitate your job and prevent excess damage or disturbance to your client. the best tools for drilling large holes in walls are special drills called core borers with very high twisting torque and adjustable rotating speed depending on the diameter of the hole to be drilled. · To prevent the creation of large amounts of dust and rubble due to drilling, the core borer can be fitted with a vacuum system applied by means of suction cups to the drilling zone. · To drill the holes, proceed as follows: – Place the supplied drill jig (m) against the wall observing the minimum distances from the ceiling, the floor and from the side walls indicated on the jig itself which can be kept in the correct position using adhesive tape (Y) (fig. 4). – Use a small drill or punch to mark, with extreme care, the exact centre of each of the holes to be drilled (fig.4). – Using a core boring head measuring at least 202 mm (or 162 mm) to drill the two holes for entry and exit of the air. Drill the foregoing holes tilted slightly downwards to prevent water from being fed back through the ducts (fig. 5).Most of the removed material is expelled outwards, therefore make sure that it does not hit any person or object when it falls out. In order to avoid as much as possible outer plaster breaking, it is necessary to proceed carefully with the last part of hole execution, decreasing pressure on core borers.EN – 12
· Drill the holes, previously marked, for the wall plugs related to the fixing brackets (fig. 6).Carefully check the characteristics and consistency of the wall in order to possibly choose wall plugs specific for particular situations.The manufacturer will not be held liable for any underestimates made in the structural consistency of the anchor prepared by the installer. Therefore, pay utmost attention to the foregoing operation that could cause serious injury/damage to people/property if carried out incorrectly.· When installing models equipped with heating pump, if no condensate discharge was built into the wall (see paragraph 2.4.2), in order to drain the condensate it will be necessary to drill a hole through the wall in the position shown on the template.2.4.2 – Preparing the condensate discharge· As regards machines with heat pump, a condensation drain pipe (fig. 1 – ref. N) (supplied) to be inserted in the specific connection (A) which can be accessed after opening the door (6) under the unit (fig. 7 ) must be connected to the air conditioner. Remove the cap (B) (fig. 7) before inserting the condensation drain pipe . When the max level is reached, a solenoid valve ensures the condensate will flow out from the internal tray.· For cold-only machines, connect the condensate discharge pipe if you intend running the unit at low outdoor temperatures (lower than 23°C).· Since condensate drains by gravity, there must be a minimum slope of at least 3% at every point of the discharge line. Use a rigid or flexible tube having an inside diameter of at least 16 mm.· If the line empties into a sewerage system, install a siphon before the point in which the pipe reaches the main discharge, at least 300 mm below the inlet from the unit (fig. 8).· If the drainpipe drains into a vessel (tank or other container), this container should not be sealed and the drainpipe should not remain immersed in the water (see fig. 9).· The hole through which the condensate pipe passes should always slope towards the outside (see fig. 10). the exact position in which to place the pipe inlet, as compared to the machine, is shown on the drilling template.Make sure, in this case, that the water expelled outward does not damage or disturb persons or property. During the winter this type of drainage may cause sheets of ice to form.When the condensate drainage is fitted, pay much attention not to compress the rubber hose.In the event of operation during the winter with temperatures equal to or lower than 0° C, make sure that the condensate drain pipe is protected from freezing in order to ensure draining. In the event of prolonged operation during the winter with temperatures below 5°C, install the optional basin heater kit.EN – 13UNICO PRO INVERTER
2.4.3 – Assembly of the air ducts and external grids· After drilling the holes (with the core drill), insert the plastic sheet (G) supplied with the air conditioner (fig. 11) inside them. Since the sheet (G) was made for 202 mm holes, you will have to cut off 130 mm from the long side of the sheet for the 162 mm holes (fig. 11).The sheets must be 65 mm shorter than the length of the wall.· Roll the sheet (G) and insert it into the hole, paying attention to the splicing line, which must always face upwards. (fig.12). Use an ordinary cutter for the foregoing operation (fig. 12).to position the external grids, proceed as follows: a. Apply the seal (F) to the wall flange (D), ensuring it lines up with the outer edge of the flange as indicatedin the figure 13. b. Fix the two flanges using 2 pegs having a diameter of 6 mm and check that the two fixing holes arehorizontal (fig. 14 – 15 – 16). c. Fit the small eyelet of the spring, with the long stem, on the cap pin (on both components) (fig. 17). d. insert the two caps (with spring), on the front part of the external grid, on its two housings, pulling untilit clicks (fig. 18) and couple the two chains to the large eyelet of the spring. e. Using one hand, grip the two chains connected to the grid; f. Bend the external grids back, gripping them with your free hand where they bend, and insert your fingersinside the single fins (fig. 19).). g. insert your arm into the pipe until the grid protrudes completely outwards. h. Reopen the grid, being careful to keep your fingers inside the fins. i. Turn the grid until the fins are fully horizontal and tilted downwards. l. Pull the chain, tensioning the spring, and couple the chain ring to the pin of the inner flange throughwhich the pipes pass (fig. 20). m. Use hand shears to cut off any excess chain links.Use exclusively the supplied grids (E), or grids with like characteristics.2.4.4 – Preparing the holes on the machineif Ø 200 mm holes are being used, work as follows: a. if 162 mm pipes are being used, the removal operation of part of the rear cover must not be performed.The fan extension cable (W) (fig. 21) must be removed. b. Use pliers to break the preblanking of the rear cover (fig. 22-A). c. then, rotate the cover part to be removed back and forth with your hand until you break the remainingpreblanked part (fig. 22-B). d. Trim excessive insulating material remained inside the hole using an utility knife (fig. 22-B).the rear cover is also suitable for a rectangular suction channel. If you prefer this type of installation, break the rectangular preblanking shown in fig. 23 and use a suction grille of a size suitable for the suction channel.2.4.5 – Positioning of the device on the anchor bracketsWorking on the two previously drilled holes (see fig. 6), fix the support brackets (L) to the wall using the supplied wall plugs screws (H) (fig. 24).after checking …….EN – 14
…. that the fixing brackets are well anchored to the wall, …. that the installation site has been prepared for electrical connection and condensation discharge (ifnecessary), it is possible to hook the air conditioner. Work as follows: a. Apply adhesive tape (A) to have references to the hooking points of the unit (fig. 25).the tape can be removed once the unit has been hooked to the wall. b. Raise the air conditioner holding it by the sides of the lower base and hook it to the brackets (L) (fig. 26).Slightly tilt the lower part of the appliance towards yourself to ease the operation.· To make the electrical connection and fasten the drainpipe, place a wedge between the air conditioner and the wall (see fig. 27).· When you have finished, inspect carefully to make sure there are no fissures at the back of the air conditioner (the insulating gasket must fit firmly against the wall) particularly in the zone where air enters and leaves the machine.2.4.6 – Electric hook-up The appliance is fitted with a power cord with plug (Y-type connection).if the socket is in proximity to the appliance, simply plug it in.Before connecting the conditioner, ensure that: · The power supply voltage and frequency values comply with those indicatedon the data plate of the appliance. · The power supply line is fitted with an efficient earth connection that is ap-propriately sized for the maximum absorption of the conditioner (minimum cross-section of the cable must be 1.5 mm2). · The appliance is powered exclusively through a socket that is compatible with the plug supplied.Any replacement of the power cable must be carried out solely by authorized technical support or by similarly qualified personnel.On the power supply line of the appliance there must be an adequate omnipolar disconnection device that complies with the national installation regulations. It is, however, necessary to check that the electrical power supply is equipped with efficient earthing and with adequate protections against overloading and/ or short circuits (a type 10 AT delayed fuse or other devices with equivalent functions are recommended).EN – 15 UNICO PRO INVERTER
it is possible to proceed with the electrical connection using a cable embedded into the wall in a position as indicated in the installation template (recommended connection for installing the appliance is to the upper part of the wall).· This operation must be performed only by the installer or any similarly qualified personnel and in compliance to the current national regulations.· To prevent the risk of an electric shock it is mandatory to switch off the main switch before performing the electrical connections or any maintenance operation to the appliances.to replace the power cord, proceed as follows: a. Raise the air suction grille (3) and remove the two screws (3a) (fig. 28). b. Extract the right (release using a screwdriver) and left (1a) doors of the front cover, then rotate the flap(1) and remove the three screws (1b) and the two screws (1c) (fig. 29). c. Remove the front cover (fig.30). d. Unscrew the two fixing screws (X2) to remove the front cover of the switchgear (X1) (fig. 31). e. Unscrew the two fixing screws (X4) to remove the top cover of the switchgear (X3) (fig. 32). f. extract the switch towards the exterior of the switchgear (fig. 34-A). g. Unscrew cable clipping clamp (J1) (fig. 33). h. Unscrew the cables locking screws of the terminal board (J2) (fig. 33) i. extract the old cable and insert the new one by following the same path. l. lock the three poles of the cable in the terminal board (J2) and tighten the screws (fig. 34). m. Lock the cable with the clamp (J1) (fig. 34). n. Close the switchgear. o. reassemble the front cover of the machine.This operation must be performed by specialized personnel possessing the requirements indicated by law.2.5 – TOP/BOTTOM INSTALLATION CONFIGURATIONThe unit can be installed both in the lower part (adjacent to the floor) and in the upper part (adjacent to the ceiling) of the wall. Depending on installation (ceiling or floor) it is sufficient to change the electronic configuration so as to optimize the aperture angles of the air outlet flap.
2.5.1 – Electronic configuration for lower or upper wall installations
Work as follows (see fig. B): a. insert the plug in the power socket to power the air conditioner, thenmake sure it is switched to stand-by mode.b. Press the key MODE for more than 10 seconds on the control panel, until an acoustic signal is emitted.
c. the display shows parameter . d. release the key MODE and press it again.
e. The display shows configuration (ceiling installation)
(floor installation).
f. Press keys + or – to select the desired configuration. g. Press MODE to confirm.
h. Press the key to exit from the configuration.
EN – 16
UPPER WALL CONFIGURATION DETERMINES AN AUTOMATIC CORRECTION OF THE ROOM TEMPERATURE EQUAL TO 3°C IN HEATING MODE.2.6 – ENERGY BOOST/SYSTEM ENABLE CONTACT INPUTthe input located on the terminal (Y2) of the main board (Y1) can be used to activate the functions ENERGY BOOST or SYSTEM ENABLE of the air conditioner (fig. 46).Configuration and use of the input ENERGY BOOST or SYSTEM ENABLE: a. insert the plug in the power socket to power the air conditioner, then make sure the latter is switched tostand-by mode. b. on the control panel, press the key MODE for more than 10 seconds until an acoustic signal is emitted. c. the display shows the parameter P0. d. release the key MODE and press it again until you select the parameter PI. e. release the key MODE and press it again for 2 seconds. f. Press keys + or – to select the desired configuration. g. With value PI = 0, the input works from SYSTEM ENABLE.When the contact opens, the air conditioner is forced in stand-by mode. When the contact closes, the air conditioner restores its previous operation condition. h. With value PI 0, the input works from ENERGY BOOST. When the contact opens, the display shows the code E, desired temperature is reduced by PI °C if the air conditioner is in cooling mode or increased by PI °C if the air conditioner is in heating mode. When the contact closes, the air conditioner restores its previous operation condition the input ENERGY BOOST has no effect when the air conditioner is in fan, dehumidifier or automatic modes.· This operation must be performed only by the installer or any similarly qualified personnel and in compliance to the current national regulations.· To prevent the risk of an electric shock it is mandatory to switch off the main switch before performing the electrical connections or any maintenance operation to the appliances.to set the appliance to activate one of the two functions, proceed as follows: a. Raise the air suction grille (3) and remove the two screws (3a) (fig. 28). b. Extract the right (release using a screwdriver) and left (1a) doors of the front cover, then rotate the flap(1) and remove the three screws (1b) (fig. 29). c. Remove the front cover (fig.30). d. Unscrew the two fixing screws (X2) to remove the front cover of the switchgear (X1) (fig. 31). e. Remove the supplied jumper (Y3) from the screw terminal (Y2) (fig. 47). f. Close the switchgear. g. reassemble the front cover of the machine.the input must be piloted by a potential-free dry contact.Do not use a cable longer than 10 meters.2.7 – ACCESSORIES B1014, B1015in case of installation of the accessories B1014 serial interface and/or B1012 wireless wall control, it is necessary to disable display visualization from the remote control (key B11) during configuration phase. When using the accessories B1014 and/or B1012, it is not possible to control the air conditioner neither from the remote control nor from the keys on the air conditioner console.EN – 17UNICO PRO INVERTER
3 – USE3.1 – WARNINGSThe installation and electrical connection of the air conditioner should be carried out by specialized personnel who possess the requisites set forth by law. The installation instructions are contained in the appropriate paragraph of this manual.No structural object (furniture, curtains, plants, leaves, blinds, etc.) should ever obstruct the normal flow of air from either the internal or external gratings.· Never lean or, worse yet, sit on the casing of the air conditioner as this could cause serious damage to the external parts.· Do not move the air outlet flap by hand. Always use the remote control to adjust baffle position. · If the unit leaks water, switch it off immediately and disconnect it from the power mains. Callthe nearest service centre. · When the air conditioner is heating, it has to periodically eliminate any ice that could form onthe external battery. While it is doing this, the machine keeps running but does not heat the room. This lasts for a brief period of time, from 3 to a maximum of 10 minutes. · Clean the air filter periodically, as described in the specific paragraph (4.1.2).The air conditioner must not be installed in rooms where explosive gasses develop or where there are conditions of heat and humidity beyond the maximum limits indicated in the installation manual.3.2 – DESCRIptION Of thE WARNING pANELIn the upper right part of the appliance are located a few keys and LEDs whose functions are described below.
LED5 MODEDisplay
CEN – 18
KeysBefore performing the following operations, press one of the keys to enable the console.+ increase in the desired temperature (maximum valuesettable is 30°C/86f).– Decrease in the desired temperature.(minimum value settable in heating mode is 16°C/61f, in cooling mode is 18°C/64f).
activation/deactivation (Stand-by) of the air conditioner and ventilation speed selection. – Brief tap to select minimum, medium, maximum or automatic speed. – Prolonged press for activation/deactivation (Stand-by).MODE operation mode selection and parameters setting – Brief tap (for more than 2 seconds) to select ventilation, cooling or heating operation modes – Prolonged press to enable parameters setting if in Stand-by mode+ and – to be pressed simultaneously for at least 5 seconds to enable/disable the keypad lock function
and MODE to be pressed simultaneously and for an extended period of time (at least 5 seconds) to set to zero the filter dirty reportOthers IR infrared receiver B Buzzer
3.3 – CONTROL PANEL NOTIFICATIONSThe console includes the notifications listed below.
Cooling mode
Heating mode
Dehumidification mode
Ventilation mode
automatic mode maximum ventilation speed medium ventilation speed
LED5 off on BlUe on reD on BlUe offXXX
LED1 offX X X X X X X>>>
OPERATING CONDITIONS minimum ventilation speed automatic ventilation speedtimer enabledfilter dirty report* energy Boost contact opening (par. PI>0) System enable contact opening (par. PI=0)Keypad locked Top/Bottom wall configuration parameterCeiling installation floor installation* reset as described in paragraph 3.2
LED5 X X X X Xoff Xoff off off
LED1 X X on X Xoff Xoff off off
3.4 – USE OF THE REMOTE CONTROLthe remote control supplied with the air-conditioner is the instrument that enables you to use the appliance in the most convenient way.it should be handled with care and in particular: · Keep it dry (do not clean it with water or leave it outdoors inbad weather). · avoid dropping or bumping it. · Keep it out of direct sunlight.· The remote control operates by means of an infrared beam. · During use, there must not be any obstacle between the remote control and the air-conditioner. · If other appliances in the room have remote controls (TV, stereo, etc…), there may be interferencewith consequent loss of the sent signal. · Electronic and fluorescent lights may also interfere with transmissions between remote controland air-conditioner. · Remove the batteries in case of prolonged disuse of the remote control. · The remote control display goes off after a few seconds of non-use, to reactivate it press anykey.
EN – 20
3.4.1 – Insertion of batteries the batteries are supplied with the machine. To insert the batteries correctly (figure 35): a. remove the batteries compartment cover. b. insert the batteries into the relevant compartment.Check the polarity indicated on the bottom of the compartment . c. Close the compartment correctly (fig. 36).3.4.2 – Replacement of batteries the batteries should be replaced when the display on the remote control does not appear sharply or when the remote control does not change the settings.Always use new batteries and replace both at the same time. The use of old or different batteries could generate malfunctioning of the remote control.the remote control uses two dry alkaline 1.5V batteries (aaa.lr03). When the batteries have been replaced, adjust the remote control clock.When replacing batteries, replace both and dispose of the dead batteries in the appropriate collection centres and as required by law.· if the remote control is not used for several weeks or longer, remove the batteries. Any leaks from the batteries could damage the remote control.· the average life-span of the batteries, with normal use, is approx. six months. replace the batteries when the indoor unit command receipt “beep” can no longer be heard, or if the transmission indicator on the remote control does not switch on.Do not re-charge or disassemble the batteries. Do not throw the batteries into the fire. They can burn and explode.If the battery liquid falls onto the skin or clothes, wash well with clean water. Do not use the remote control with batteries that have leaked. The chemical products contained in the batteries can cause burns or other risks to health.3.4.3 – Location of the remote controller · Keep the remote control in a position from which the signal can reach the appliance receiver (maximum distance is about 8 meters – with charged batteries) (fig. 37). the presence of obstacles (furniture, curtains, walls, etc.) between the remote control and the appliance reduces the remote control range.EN – 21 UNICO PRO INVERTER
the remote control is the interface between the air-conditioner and the customer, so it is very important to learn all its functions, the use of the various controls and the meaning of the symbols marked on it.
3.5.1 – Description of the remote control keys
B1 activation/deactivation (Stand-by) of the unit B2 minimum, medium, maximum or automatic ventilation speedselection B3 activation/deactivation of the function SILENT B4 activation/deactivation of the oscillation function of the airoutlet flap B5 operating mode selection– cooling > heating > ventilation > > dehumidification > automatic B6 Desired/clock/programming temperature increase B7 Desired/clock/programming temperature decrease B8 activation/deactivation of function ECO B9 Clock/programming setting B10 activation/deactivation of the functions programming 1 / programming 2 B11 activation/deactivation of the display on board of the machine switching on B12 Desired temperature unit selection °C/f B13 activation/deactivation of the report console display
B1 B2 B3 B4 B9B10
B13B5 B6 B7 B8 B12B11 D
3.5.2 – Description of the remote control display
D1 Heating mode D2 Cooling mode D3 Dehumidification mode D4 transmission of the command in progress D5 automatic mode D6 Program 1 D7 Program switching off time setting D8 Clock/program setting D9 Program 2 D10 Program switching on time setting D11 temperature/time unit of measurement D12 Low battery notification D13 minutes timer D14 eCo function enabled D15 automatic ventilation speed D16 maximum ventilation speed D17 medium ventilation speed D18 minimum ventilation speed D19 function Silent enabled D20 Desired temperature/clock/programming
D1 D20D19
D3 D5 D7
D2 D4 D6
D9 D10 D11D12 D13
D16 D14
D17 D15
EN – 22
3.6 – DESCRIPTION OF THE AIR CONDITIONER FUNCTIONS3.6.1 – Main switch-on and running management · The machine is equipped with a power switch (10) positioned in the upper right corner under the door (7); the switch (10) must be positioned to “I” (fig. 38) in order to work. Press the switch in position “I” to start the appliance. · Once these operations have been carried out, the machine may be regulated using the remote control. in order to transmit commands to the indoor appliance, point the front of the remote control toward the appliance’s control panel. the device emits a beep when it receives a command. · The maximum distance from which the appliance can be controlled is about 8 meters (with charged batteries).3.6.2 – ECO key · Press B8 on the remote control to activate the energy conservation function, automatically optimizing the machine features (on the display symbol D19 appears).3.6.3 – Turning the unit ON/OFF · Press key B1 on the remote control to activate or deactivate (stand-by) the air conditioner. the control system of the unit is equipped with memory, for this reason all the settings won’t be lost when shutting off the appliance itself.In case of prolonged stop of the machine, it must be deactivated turning the main switch off or unplugging the machine from the mains.3.6.4 – Operation in “Cooling” mode only · When used in this mode, the air conditioner dehumidifies and cools the room. · To activate this mode, press several times the key B5 on the remote control until when the symbol D2 appears on its display. · In this run mode, the required temperature and fan speed can be set. after three minutes (as a maximum) from activation in this operating mode the compressor will start and the appliance starts emitting cold air.3.6.5 – Operation in “Dehumidification” mode only · When used in this mode, the air conditioner eliminates the humidity in the room. this function can be extremely useful between seasons, particularly on rainy days when the temperature is not uncomfortable but the excess humidity feels unpleasant. · In this mode, both room temperature and fan speed settings are ignored, which correspond to minimum.EN – 23 UNICO PRO INVERTER
· Any fan temperature and speed indication then disappears from the display (LED6) of the control panel (fig.C).· To activate this mode, press several times key B5 on the remote control until when symbol D3 and the automatic ventilation symbol D18 (fan + first notch) appear on its display.· In this operating mode it is normal for the air conditioner to function intermittently.3.6.6 – Operation in “Ventilation” mode only · When used in this mode the air conditioner does not perform any action with regard to temperature and air humidity in the room. · To activate this mode, press several times key B5 on the remote control until when the automatic ventilation symbol D18 (fan + first notch) appears on its display.3.6.7 – Operation in “Spa” mode only (Automatic) · In this mode, the machine’s temperature is automatically regulated according to the room’s temperature. The fan speed is also automatically regulated according to the set temperature (except in dehumidification mode). · To activate this mode, press several times key B5 on the remote control until when symbol D5 appears on the display.3.6.8 – Operation in “Heating” mode only (only models fitted with heating pump) · Using this mode, the appliance heats the room. this function is only available for the versions with heat pump (HP). · To activate this mode, press several times key B5 on the remote control until when symbol D1 appears on its display. · In this run mode, the required temperature and fan speed can be set. After three minutes (maximum time) the compressor should start and the air conditioner starts heating the room.The air conditioner has to defrost its battery periodically. During this operation the air conditioner does not heat the room, though its internal parts remain on except for the room air fan. when the outdoor temperature is very low, there may be a slight delay for passage from the minimum to the medium or maximum speed from when the command is sent to the machine with the remote control. Like delays might occur on activating the swinging function of the mobile baffle. After having turned off the unit, the internal fan runs seconds more. Then it stops and both air flaps close.EN – 24
3.6.9 – Checking airflow direction · Press key B4 on the remote control to activate/deactivate the continuous oscillation of the moving air outlet deflector (fig.A – ref. 1). · When continuous oscillation is active, an additional press of the key B5 allows to lock the deflector so as to obtain the desired vertical direction for the air flow.The moving deflector position must never be forced manually.3.6.10 – Checking fan speed · The fan speed check occurs through key B2 (on the remote control). · Pressing several times this key will cause speed to change according to the following sequence: low > medium > High > automatic.· The higher the speed setting, the greater the output of the air conditioner but also the louder its operation. · By setting the Automatic mode, the onboard microprocessor adjusts the automatic speed. The higher thedifference between the room temperature detected and the temperature set, the higher the speed.· As the room temperature nears the setting, fan speed is reduced automatically. · In dehumidification mode, it is not possible to control the speed as the appliance can only operate exclu-sively at low speed.3.6.11 – SILENT key · To activate this mode, press key B3 on the remote control (symbol D14 appears on the display). · The activation of the function SILENT allows to obtain multiple results: – gradual increase in the set temperature during cooling mode – gradual decrease in the set temperature for heating (HP versions only) – reduction of the sound level of the appliance – reduction of ventilation speed· To activate the function SILENT, it is necessary to select the operating mode and the desired temperature first, then press key B3 to activate it.· Noise reduction involves the machine noise and cooling/thermal power optimization. If, in certain moments, cooling/thermal power is insufficient, disable the function SILENT.3.6.12 – Timer setting · The appliance logic allows the User to make use of two different timer programs (see paragraph 3.6.14), thanks to which the appliance can be deactivated and activated (or vice versa) whenever desired (for example, it can be activated shortly before returning home so as to find an already pleasant temperature in the room). · Firstly, if it is desired to make use of these functions, set the correct time (see paragraph 3.6.13) and then set the timer as you prefer.EN – 25UNICO PRO INVERTER
3.6.13 – Timer and clock setting
to set time, work with the remote control as follows:
a. Press key B9 (Set timer) until when the hour indication h (D11) appears on the display D11b. Set the hour with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) .
c. Press the key B9 until when the minutes indication m (D11) appears on the display.
d. Set the minutes with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-).
e. Press key B9 to save the time and proceed with the timer
3.6.14 – Timer setting (PROGR. 1 and PROGR. 2)
it is possible to set one or both the timer programs. to set the appliance activation and deactivation times in the two programs, use the remote control and work as follows:
D5 D7
a. Press once or more key B9 (Set timer) until when symbol 1 (D6) (activation time of the 1° program) and symbol ON (D10) appear on the display.
D9 D10
b. Use keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) to increase or decrease the hour in which you wish the air conditioner activates. the hour variation settable with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) is of 30 minutes.
c. Press key B9 (Set timer) a second time; symbol 1
(D6) (Deactivation time of the 1° program) and symbol
OFF (D7) appear on the display.
d. Use keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) to increase or decrease the hour in which you wish the air conditioner switches off. the hour variation settable with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) is of 30 minutes.
e. Press key B9 (Set timer) again; symbol 2 (D9) (activation time of the 2° program) and symbol ON (D10) appear on the display.
f. Use keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) to increase or decrease the hour in which you wish the air conditioner activates. the hour variation settable with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) is of 30 minutes.
g. Press key B9 (Set timer) again; symbol 2 (D6) (Deactivation time of the 2° program) and symbol OFF (D7) appear on the display.
h. Use keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) to increase or decrease the hour in which you wish the air conditioner switches off. the hour variation settable with keys B6 (+) and B7 (-) is of 30 minutes.
i. to return to the normal operation mode, press once or more key B9 (Set timer) until when all the symbols related to this setting on the display turn off.
. EN – 26
3.6.15 – Timer activation and deactivation once set, the timer programs can either be activated or deactivated depending on occasional needs. activation may relate to one of the two programs or both. in particular, each time you press key B9 (Set timer) (Programs activation), situation changes as follows: · Use of Program no. 1 only. · Use of Program no. 2 only. · Use of Programs 1 and 2. · Disuse of both programs.3.6.16 – Reset of all the remote control functions replacing the batteries or removing them even for a few instants will cause all the settings of the remote control to be reset. in so doing, all the time settings of the timer saved in the remote control are cancelled and the remote control restores all the factory settings.3.6.17 – Managing the unit if the remote control is not available in case of loss or malfunction of the remote control and/or exhaustion of the batteries, the appliance can be controlled from the keys on board of the machine.3.7 – RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENERGY SAVINGSBelow find simple recommendations for reducing consumption: · Always and constantly keep the filters clean (see maintenance and cleaning chapter). · Keep the doors and windows of the rooms to be climate controlled closed. · avoid the sun’s rays penetrating freely into the room (we recommend using curtains or lowering blinds orclosing the shutters). · Do not obstruct the unit air flow (inlet and outlet), i.e. in addition to bad performance of the system, it alsoaffects correct operation and the possibility of irreparable faults to the units.4 – MAINTENANCE AND CLEANINGBefore proceeding with any maintenance and cleaning, always make sure the system has been switched off, using the remote control, and the power supply plug has been disconnected from the system socket (or the upstream master isolating switch is positioned at “0” OFF).Do not touch the metal parts of the unit when removing the air filters. They are very sharp. Cuts or injury risk.EN – 27 UNICO PRO INVERTER
4.1 – CLEANING4.1.1 – Appliance and remote control cleaningUse a dry cloth to clean the appliance and the remote control (fig. 44). it is possible to use a cloth moistened with cold water to clean the appliance if it is very dirty. Suck between the air inlet and outlet grilles (fig. 44).Do not use a chemically treated or antistatic cloth to clean the appliance. Do not use gasoline, solvent, polish or similar solvents. These products could cause the breakage or deformation of the plastic surface.4.1.2 – Cleaning the air filterTo ensure effective internal air filtration and satisfactory operation of your air conditioner, the air filter has to be cleaned periodically.The air filter is at the top of the unit.Filter extraction: a. electrically disconnect the appliance. b. Switch off the unit and wait for the closure of the suction flap. c. Manually raise the air suction grille (3) (fig. 28). d. Raise the front part of the filter (F) and slightly pull it towards yourself (fig. 39). e. Extract the two additional filters (fig. 40) from the filter group (F):(green purifying filter ref. F1 – black active carbons filter ref. F2). f. Perfectly wash and dry all the filters.Filter reassembly: g. Insert the active carbons filter (black) (ref. F2) on the pins located on the front part of the filter (F) (fig.41). h. Insert the purifying filter (green) (ref. f1) on the pins located on the front part of the filter (F) (fig. 41). i. Reassemble the filter (F) by inserting the rear edge inside the grille (fig. 42). l. Manually close the air suction grille (3) (fig. 43).in order to remove the dirty filter signal, after connecting the air conditioner to the mains voltage, contemporary press, for at least 5 seconds, keys Stand-by and MODE located on the control panel (see figure B). This way the dirty filter signal is removed and the related count is set to zero.4.2 – MAINTENANCEif you plan to idle the unit for a long time, perform the following: a. Stop the air conditioner and disconnect the power supply. b. remove the batteries from the remote control.Do not perform them alone.4.2.1 – Routine maintenancethe air conditioner that you have purchased has been designed to reduce routine maintenance operations to a minimum. these operations involve solely the cleaning operations outlined below: · Cleaning or washing of the ambient air filter every 2 weeks or every time the relative red LED lights up(this can be done by the user, see user manual). · Cleaning of the condensing battery and cleaning of the condensate management system. EN – 28
these operations must be carried out by skilled technicians on a regular basis that will depend on the place of installation and intensity of use. Depending on the quantity of dirt, the unit can be cleaned dry (by using a battery compressor and bowl and cleaning the fins with a soft brush taking care not to deform them) or more thoroughly using dedicated detergents.Before you leave the site of installation you should gather up all packing material and use a damp cloth to remove any traces of dust that may have deposited on the machine during assembly (fig. 24).These operations, though certainly not essential, have a beneficial effect as they enhance the professional image of the installer in the eyes of the client.to prevent unnecessary calls by the user, before you leave the site of installation · it is also a good idea to: · Explain the contents of the Instruction Manual to the user. · Show the user how to clean the filter.4.2.2 – Condensation water drainage in case of emergencyShould anomalies of the condensation water disposal system occur, the air conditioner stops and reports the alarm code 20 on the front panel display of the machine.to enable the air conditioner to work temporarily until the service personnel arrive, you can drain the water out by following these simple instructions (fig. 45):Before proceeding with any maintenance and cleaning, always make sure the system has been switched off, using the remote control, and the power supply plug has been disconnected from the system socket (or the upstream master isolating switch is positioned at “0” OFF).a. open the door (6) underneath the unit. b. remove the cap (6a) after having placed a good-sized container underneath it (at least 5-liter capacity)to collect the water. c. after having cleared the fault, the service personnel will close the evacuation pipe.4.3 – DIAGNOSIS, ALARMS AND INCONVENIENCES4.3.1 – Diagnosis of the inconveniencesit is important for the User to distinguish between functional problems and anomalies in relation to the behaviour of the appliance as foreseen for its normal operation. furthermore, the most common problems may easily be solved through simple operations on behalf of the User (See paragraph: anomalies and solutions).For all the other reports (see paragraph: 4.3.3 – Console alarms), it is necessary to always contact the technical assistance service”Any attempt to repair the appliance by unauthorised personnel will immediately invalidate any form of guarantee.EN – 29UNICO PRO INVERTER
4.3.2 – Functional aspects not to be mistaken for anomaliesthe following events may occur during normal operation:a. The compressor does not start up again immediately after a stop (it takes about three minutes to start again). – in the operating logic of the appliance a delay between a compressor stop and its successive restart has been included, so that the compressor itself is protected against activations that are too frequent.b. During the heating operation of the heat pump appliances, the flow of hot air may occur some minutes after activation of the compressor. – Should the fan start at the same time as the compressor, for the first few minutes it would emit cold air into the room (and this could bother the occupants) since the unit has not yet reached steady running conditions.4.3.3 – Console alarmsif one of the following alarms on the display persists for more than three minutes, please contact an olimpia’s assistance centre.
ALARM DESCRIPTIONexternal air temperature probe faulty Condenser temperature probe faulty inlet temperature probe faulty Compressor current protection Communication error Power line overcurrent Compressor current protection not suitable Power board DC voltage problem Current anomaly Condenser temperature too high UiPm protection eeProm error inlet temperature too high room temperature probe faulty evaporator temperature probe faulty evaporator temperature too low evaporator temperature too high mains voltage problem evaporating fan motor failure Water level alarm eeProm error
DISPLAY ALARM CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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4.3.4 – Anomalies and remedies
Malfunctioning The unit will not start.
Cause Current failure
What must be done? Wait for the current to be restored.
The appliance doesn’t cool/heat sufficiently anymore.
the unit is disconnected from the Check that the plug is inserted in the
wall socket.
Power switch is switched to “0”
Press the power switch when it is positioned on “I” (figure 37).
the fuse is interrupted or the ther- replace the fuse or restore the thermal-magnetic circuit breaker has mal-magnetic circuit breaker. tripped.the remote control batteries may be replace the batteries. discharged.
the time set with the timer may not Wait or annul the timer setting. be correct.
incorrect temperature setting.
Set the temperature correctly. Consul the “Using the remote control” chapter for the procedure.
The air filter is dirty.
Clean the air filter.
the doors or windows are open. Close the doors or windows.the air inlet or outlet vents of the first, remove the obstructions and indoor or outdoor units are blocked. then re-start the unit.
The appliance works but the report console is always switched off.
the compressor 3 minute protection Wait. has activated.the display has been set to off. reactivate the display from the remote control.
The appliance works but the
the keypad lock is active.
report console keys don’t work.
Disable the keypad lock from the report console.
if the problem has not been solved, please contact the nearest technical assistance service. Please give detailed information about the malfunction and on the equipment version.
5 – TECHNICAL DATAFor the technical data listed below, consult the characteristic data plate affixed to the product.· Power supply voltage · maximum power absorbed · maximum current absorbed · Cooling capacity · refrigerant gas · Protection rating of the casings · max. operating pressure· Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) …………………….. mm 903 x 520 x 215 · Weight (without packaging) …………………………………… kg 38,5
OPERATING LIMIT CONDITIONSmaximum operating temperatures in cooling modeminimum operating temperatures in cooling modemaximum operating temperatures in heating modeminimum operating temperatures in heating mode
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