VIRZO VT1001 Funtab 7 Inch 2021 16GB Tablet User Guide

VT1001 Funtab 7 Inch 2021 16GB Tablet

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INFORMACION DE SEGURIDADUso en hospitales Po, favo, siga todas las leyes y ,egutac,ones en hosp,tals y chnocas Po, tavo,, apague su table t PC cuando se encuenue mca de ,nst,umentos mM,cos.Uso en aeropuertos Recuerde segu,r todas las normas de segdad del aeropuerto y el vueloPrueba de agua Su dlspos,tivo no es a prueba de agua Mantenga su d1spos1tivo alejado def agua o llqu1dos para evitar daOSLlamadas de omergoncia Asegurese de que su d1spos1t1vo este encend1do y en un Orcon cobertura En la pantalla de mio toque la tec!a de la tableta y marque el numero de emergenc,aUso de la bateria Para mejorar el rend;m;ento y la v;da u1;1 de laterta,se recom;enda que cargue la baterla completamente antes de “”ar la tableta mtvil por prtmera vez El rendrmiento optimounaterla nueva se obtiene genera1men1e despues de dos o tres clclos de carga completos


Encendido / Apagado – Maolooaa p,leado el bol6o do oooooddo pa-a eoooodo, -MleoHas La JableJa es1” eoceodlda. mapulSado pael meou de apagado o p,l,o “°\’”‘pe,o b”” 1, pooJolle. Volumen Ai,olo cl ,ol ,moo dol t\’”·”””,o ‘”‘°”‘ “°’llamado o cl ,ol,moo m,llmoj·lnicio El hocoo o,\’””-” <1el”oe c,,alq11, aoc,M ad1,0 y so-. , o, p,oo,i, do “-“‘Aplicaciones Recientes Ab,o ,,. ‘”” do opi<0ciooo, <Ociontomoot, oblorto, y lo po,mc, oomblo, c6mooto ont,o olo, Coo “” op,160 tombp·d· “‘”” tod,s la, ,,,._,,,,,,. ””‘odol,s haci, ,o t,doRetro ceder “‘””‘, 1, ,an,11, ‘””‘”°’·”‘ “”el tedo,,,.. “‘”””,to. ope””°” ””‘”‘ “”‘”””,.Puerto de USB ‘”‘”””‘,,,, ,,,,, o,1 di,’ “” y”‘”‘”” ,,- “”‘””‘i.,i, d=,to,, mo,° ‘”‘°· ‘ “‘el d.po<iti,o y ,oPCPuerto Auriculares Coo· lo, a,riru “” a “” P””‘pm “”””‘a,difomaoo, lib,e, Tambi;,”‘ “‘””mha, m\’”°”FM Camara frontalUoo um.,, do ,11, “”‘”‘””tomo, foto, y ,ldoo, Eoto opci>o co <col’ ” ‘”‘°”””‘°’ Camara traseraUna d<ma,a d· alta “””””p,,a to=,’ctn< n\’””

Flash‘””\’”‘ ,,.,,o., “””\’”‘”” ‘ ‘”‘paco m\’””‘” “‘””” ‘”” ,. b, b,,…

“” ”” “”””

lnstalacion de la tarjeta SIMAdvcrtcn,;a, Maatcnga la!atjcSIM fuc,a del alcancc de los o;oo,. El ch;p de la taoda Stt.l se dafac;lmeme pm ,oc_. o fte,;oo Tengakfa,o al mao;puta, o ;ostala tarjeta SIMPara insertar la tarjeta SIM: A)Ret”e la cu>erta posteno,. tnserte la ta,jeta SIM eo la ,anu,a B) lnserte la tarjeta de memoSD (Paca cpacinanonal) C)Coloque la cubierta posterio,, asegOrse de que qued6 firme y encienda la tableta nueoamente

Coaedo eaciempo, p,o,e,a “”‘la tablet,.’°”f90,e las fo.,doees basicas de so eoo,

INSERTAR SIM loserte la taoeta SIM paqce la tablata ,ceda reg stcse a la ,ed de so operador.

SELECCIONAR IDIOMA Ee la paatal ‘a de b,ea;d,. po, fa·,o, desl;a,, haga cioa,a el eg< al d,oma de su ,,..,,ci,

‘°”°” SELECCIONAR WI-FlEste paso pe,m,te q,,e e d,oso,,o conectea ,na ,erl w,.F, H

en lacWi-F,

ooo dee, inlrodu,ca b ccnt,ay,; d·posilisocanecta,6 a la ,ed.Po, favoc, tenga

enwenta q,eede conecta,edamente y ,in contcasena ares abieias,

m,ent<as que las “‘”maoas. s,””””° de la ma Sernenoacon””‘

telefono a ” °’ ,edWIFI aotes de comenza; aOP””PCimE,e, paca act”‘l ,za; e

,olt·ace del eq “ipo eo caso d, ,e necesa<o

AGREGAR / CREAR UNA CUENTAlog,e a so coe,,ta de Google ,a,a sineZsos eqos a l os seo,,cios de Goog’e. To cuenta de Gma,I se “””‘pa,a “‘””” apac<>nes ,a Google s, no tene “”” c,eota de Google haga cltek pam cca, ona ,ocva

SERVICIOS DE GOOGLE Hog, dici< ,,,, ,,,,.,, o eimno, too ,e,vcio, de Go oa.\’””‘”-‘”‘” de ,og,,idod, seMcios de “‘”‘”‘”·etc.RESTABLECER APLICACIONES Y DATOS Poodmota,cac sw opli030ooas y datos, ,; hao spladoo a· ” “dasdo ot<oo d,oposltl,oo o tambt,n poede oon”‘” ·”‘”” “‘”” ,n “‘””‘”‘”‘”‘”” Co ogl o, Cooglo Fl oy y ot<00 mocco, “” m0<c,o ,ogiot<0doo de C0-0gle

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FCC CAUTION Labeling requirements. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Information to user Any Changes expressly or modifications not approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Information to the user. Note This eq, pments been tested and foond tc oomplf withe limits fo, e Cte,s B digda·, ice, p,rmnt to part 15 of tne FCC Roles. These limits a,e des igned to p,CN,de reasocable p1otectk>n aoatnst narmlu 1nterlerence ,n a resldenttal 1nstallatlon. This eqpment gecetates use, aod cao tadiate ,ad,o,enci “”’SY and, if net installed and ,sad in acco,dance with the iostructions, may ca,se ha,ml iote,enca to ,adio comm,nications. me,, there is oo gua,antee that interle,ence will not occ,r In a parliculac iasta’lat,cn. ti this eouipmeot does cause ham,fut ,nterterence to tadio o, tote,co ,cocption,wb”‘” be dclcm>iocd tiy turning the cq,i?mcnt off and en, the e, ,s encoo,aoed to try to ro,,ect ,…, ,nte<ence by one o, mo,e of tfollow,ng-Reorieot o, ,elocate the ,ecei,ing entenoa. ·”·O’me the sepa,,fon betweeo t,tpment aod ,e,ve, -Connect the equipment Into an outtei oo a ct,cu,t difernntom that to which the ,ecelve,is coooected -Coo\’”lt the doat,, o, on e,pe,.,oced ,adiolrV techoician fo, Ip

INSERT SIM losert yo”SIM ca,d so the tablet ca, ,egiste, to theo<t<SELECT LANGUAGE \!>’le oo theWelconc sc,con, please sc,ell to so,cct yo”‘laog,agc_SELECT WI-Fl Th;s p,os allows the de,,;ce to conced to the ;nremet c1;c1< oo tdesW,-F; nelwock that!dece thal w llcoonectP1eanote thal any uac,raoW,-F, netwo,ks canconnected to wilho”1 cen1;,and a,,y ,ecu,W.-F; netwo,ks “‘”””e a p,SWOCdccertentialS p,u to conoec:tion It s ,ecommended that you connact to· -Fi networi< to check to, so!h,a,e updates prio, to slart ,pADD YOUR ACCOUNT,. s,g, ;, 10 yo”‘Gole accocnt ;, o,to keep ounts streoml;oed wGoogle ser,,cesYo”‘Grna,I acco,ot wmused fo, sane Google pmg,an If you do nol ha,e a Goog e acco,ot, Clock to c,eate a new acco,otGOOGLE SERVICES C i el<IO ,oc “ramo·,e Gooo· seN.aaSII ,oo,o, Baci<cp, Loo s,ooa,,,RESTORE APPS & DATA Y,e cao ,esto,,’° “”\’””‘”‘,pplations aod data that was”m aoothe, d,-ice. Yo, a:so ha,o the optoo to\’”‘””””””‘b,,,.,.,.;”‘ Googlo, GooaPl,y aod otho, mari<, ,,. t,adomari<, cf Googl· loc.

Installation of the SIM CardWamlng P ease keep the SIM Ca,d out of the ,each of ch ldren. The SIM card and ;15 contact a,e eas;ly darnaged d..,to sc,atch r,g o, ber,d;ng. Please use cautkm wher, ca,,y,ng, ;n,t ,l!;ng, o, tak,ng out the Slt.1 c,..i.To insert SIM card A) Remove lhe ,ea, co,e,. Insert the SIM c 8)lnsen theSD caod (Foo adlonal Slooage capacity) C)Replace lhe ,ea, co,e,, and powe, oo the lal>el

Power On I Off– Long p,os, powu, b,tlon to’°\’”‘on. -While the de,lce· ,aNe,ed Oh. loag o,ess “‘ access the oow,, off mea, “dlcit to loci! the meeaVolume AdJ””the””‘” ,01,m,,, ,01,,,,ad m,iti=di, ,01,Home lh<>ne h”tton “””””\’”‘runeot\’”” aoo ,et”‘”‘to the aome sRecent Apps Op,,,. a Iot “””‘” op,oa\’”‘”‘””, yo, to ,wiloh\’””· “-“”” th,m. rn, ””‘°”°..,\’”‘”‘°””° ‘”‘”‘”‘°’,, ,w,,,, to theeBack Retom, loII e,iocs s,,. Cb”””‘””·\’”‘°”””‘”‘ “”””””USB Port Cha<gos thodaad traa,dach as do-oat,, mic aad ,io\’””‘”””‘dom aad a PCHeadset Port, Coo “8ct ‘””°”” to thl,’°” fo, hood,-! c,p,blltl,.. Vo, moy ,1,o to 1·1,to m,.ec, FM ,od<>.Front Camera A hon-1escMn\’”‘”la lOlake p.,,,es a,ldeo. ThIS ootiOn IS leeal ro, self-pon,a’5.Rear Camera A hga-,mMo “” “””‘”to toke”””””ood\’””Flash P”””” l ght fo< pctoc”· low>lght co,d\’”‘ It also may be ,..a “· fla,hl For FCC ID: Step 1: Click “Setting ” Step 2: Click “About table”


SAFETY INFORMATIONHospital Safety Please follow hospirules and limitations Please turn off your tablet PC when near medical instrumentsAirport Safety Remember to follow all a irport and flight safety regu lationsWater Hazard Your device Is not waterproof . Keep your device away from water or llquld to avoid damageEmergency Calls Make sure your device Is switched on and In a servi ce area On home screen, tap the tablet key and d,al the emergency numberBattery usage For better permance and longer battery hfe, ,tis recommended that you charge the battery fully before usi ng the tablet for the first time and that you initially complete “‘to three charge cycles

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