Wood Stone Gas Plancha Griddle User Guide


High Volume and Multi-Zone Cooking: Do More in Less Space

GFEN 2020Blue Flame Product of the Year

Gas Plancha Griddle


With thermostatically controlled and individually adjustable zones, Wood Stone Gas Planchas can support a range of cooking temperatures simultaneously. Cook delicate food at a low temperature in one zone while searing in another. Optional stainless dividers can fully isolate zones.

High Volume Cooking


With adjustable temperatures from 150°- 650° F, Wood Stone Gas Planchas are the high performance alternative to both a standard flat top griddle and a gas charbroiler. Quick heat up and recovery let you achieve the flavor profile and texture you want every time.

Holds Temperature, Zero RecoveryDepend on consistent temperature no matter the load. Cook more in less space with zero recovery. Land product in the same location back to back and rely on consistent results, regardless of cooking temperature and without extending cook times.

Better Food, More ThroughputQuicker cook times mean less time on the grill and a better sear on your food. Achieve more throughput per hour with consistent results. Wood Stone Gas Planchas perfectly sear your burgers, chicken, and veggies to retain more moisture, cook quicker, and hold longer – resulting in a better finished product.

Do More in Less SpaceShorten your cook line and reduce ventilation costs.Reduce the length of your cook line and save money.Whether you’re cooking a single high volume item in less space or multiple items in different temperature zones, Wood Stone Gas Planchas have proven to be capable of cooking more in less space and have allowed for the consolidation of equipment needed on a line.

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