Canon PD-704 Non Contact Displacement Sensor User Guide

High Accuracy & Simple Operation

Non-Contact MeasurementPerform precious measurement of moving target without staining/damaging objectsTracking High AccelerationTracking fast acceleration (up to 100G) by CanonOriginal Profile machining technologyMeasure Zero VelocityCapable of measuring in both moving directions from zero velocity (stopped position)Compact & Stand AloneSpace Saving (180mm×135mm×67mm) and Easy to install with the stand-alone feature.Wide Tolerance of vertical ShakingAuto adjust to observe vertical wobbling ±15mmSafe Operation with White LEDNo need for safety precautions to protect against Laser radiation

Measurement Algorism: Profile Matching

The profile matching method works by capturing consecutive images of an object and using these images (profiles) to search for correlations (matches). Based on the differences in position, the system calculates the distance and speed

Optical System

Profile Matching Method

Product Package

Utility Software(Standard)

Measurement/Analyzing Software: ( Non-Contact Displacement Sensor Software)

Calibration Certificate Service

Calibration Certificate is available upon request. Annual Calibration is recommended for this product.



Measurement Method Profile Matching Method
Light source LED
Measurement distance (WD: Working Distance) 70mm
Measurement range ± 15mm
Measurement speed range -4,000mm/s to 4,000mm/s the stop state)
Maximum acceleration of the target measurement object 100G
Measurement resolution 1 μ m
Measurement accuracy ※1 WD:70m m ± 5mm ±0.2%                                         or 100pm
WD:70m m ± 15mm ±0.5%                                         or 100pm
Measurement repeatability ※2 0.02%                                         or 20p m
Light source LED
Sampling rate 4kHz
Pulse output 1 μ m to 1,000 μ m (Set on application software)Phase A/B (RS422-compliant line driver)
Otherinput/output Trigger input Photocoupler insulation:5 to 24V
Error output Open collector output(Photocoupler insulation):5 to 24V
USB interface USB 2.0 Full Speed(Compatible with USB 1.1) compliant
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C
Storage temperature -30°C to 50°C
Humidity 90%RH or lower
Vibration Bare vibration Evaluated in vibrating environmentFrequency:10 to 500Hz 5G sin wave 2 hours for XYZ directions
Protection class )※3 IP65
Power voltage DC12V to 24V
Power consumption 8W
Weight 1.2kg
Dimensions 180 ×135 x 67
Materials Aluminum, Window(Stainproof coating)
Cable length Power cable 5m
I/O cable 5m
USB cable 5m

※1 When measured in our environment.※2 When measured in our conditions.※3 When used the optional kit.※4 A glossy surface similar to a mirror may not be measured.



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